Game C & C Tiberian Sun True Power has long been forgotten and died. But mod abandoned and i should raise from the centuries, so I ischyu people to restore fashion. In this fashion will continue the saga C & C Tiberian Sun: Firestorm. The mod includes three new fractions: Cabal, Forgotten and Scrin. New Unity, new mission and new skirmish.

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Who are the Scrin ?

Who are the Scrin ?


Here is a short story about alien Scrin.But there is no such a scenario, C&C3; Tiberium Wars their appearances.I ask you to read.

The story of the downtrodden fraction of mutants ...

The story of the downtrodden fraction of mutants ...


The Forgotten are humans who possess a rare genetic mutation that renders them able to survive Tiberium Toxemia, ending up a human/Tiberium hybrid. They...

Return of the Cabal

Return of the Cabal


However, the story of the beginning of the Cabal repeats his after death.