[WARNING: Mod was released and is no longer supported by the developer.] 'SIGEN' is short for 'Speedy and Inoxtim GENerals', it's a co-op mod by me and a friend. (though I did.. ALL the coding, he's the idea guy) It adds a new faction to Zero Hour, with superior troops and basically works like an upgraded Boss general. (General Leang got NOTHING on us.) There's still work planned for a full campaign and slightly modified units, but that'll take a longer time. It's Skirmish only now.

RSS Articles
How to 'install'.

How to 'install'.


Long story short: You don't. But here's a step by step plan on how to play this mod.

Bug Fixing

Bug Fixing


There are IN FACT still some bugs.. are there not?

Thank you for the support :)

Thank you for the support :)

News 2 comments

On the final version, people seemed to flock to the mod and download it. THANKS.

Sigen v6.. Last one.

Sigen v6.. Last one.

News 3 comments

I'm working on it. Truly, I am. It's not going to be the great and huge mod expansion which I had planned. Things have gone.. awry.

SIGEN mod 5b!

SIGEN mod 5b!


It's released! Version 5b! Everyone without First Decade rejoice!

Release on ModDB

Release on ModDB


How SIGEN began from version 1 to the current release on ModDB.