This mod also works with Company of Heroes and/or Tales of Valor. Opposing Fronts is not required! There are many features that I added, for example: - a much more realistic Weapon damage system - many new skins for infantry and tanks (and wrecks) also including many of my own made tank skins - many new units for all factions - modified and enlarged Commander Trees (now 16 Upgrades!) - new abilities - new sounds - recommended new maps included

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New addition: Sherman "Beutepanzer"
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AwayPeskyFlies - - 578 comments beuteful...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+51 votes
TheSoldier - - 1,241 comments


That, is quiet possibly the one thing I can agree with on this tank.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-10 votes
HetzerHetz - - 435 comments

Ha! Nice one.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Prince_Kassad - - 257 comments


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TheSoldier - - 1,241 comments


So, the PE will be able to one-shot other Shermans? For 500 Manpower?
Where's the balance in that? ( -_-)

Reply Good karma Bad karma-23 votes
Xalibur Author
Xalibur - - 107 comments

Read what I write...perhaps you will get a 75mm Sherman and out of a sudden it will be unfair because it's to expensive? Come on...

Reply Good karma+22 votes
TheVole - - 55 comments

Maybe he just does not like it being random, I for one though will try my luck and hopefully get a firefly. :)

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TheSoldier - - 1,241 comments


Not so much that it's random, just the fact that they can get an instant Sherman for 500 manpower. Who wouldn't? And who wouldn't choose the wagon over this? It's just unbalanced.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-15 votes
TheSoldier - - 1,241 comments


Indeed, when the Firefly can 1-shot a Sherman and the Sherman can't do **** about it? When the 17 pounder outranges it? When the firefly is just as maneuverable?

And when did the Sherman become too expensive? Just about every other German armor bigger than the Panzer III stubby can take it out with ease. IT's armor is paper. Your argument is invalid.

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BunkerW0808 - - 91 comments

its not its armour thats invalid its you for posting such nonesense about this beautiful mod!!!

@the soilder

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mp44mg42 - - 173 comments

The Shermans one shot German tanks for 400 Manpower, Wheres your balance now?

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TheSoldier - - 1,241 comments


Fine. A 400 MP Sherman couldn't 1-shot a Tiger or a Panther, yet those tanks can do just that to the Shermans.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-14 votes
mp44mg42 - - 173 comments


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TheSoldier - - 1,241 comments


And they indeed cost that much. Your fault to tossing something that expensive away. Like the guys below me said, I'll say it again:

Reply Good karma Bad karma-14 votes
mp44mg42 - - 173 comments

How strong is the amour of the m4 76mm sherman?, easy eight i think its called.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
TheSoldier - - 1,241 comments


76mm w/ sloping. I've got no problem that the Tiger can 1-shot it.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-11 votes
AppleOrange - - 24 comments

Thats realism (sorta), my friend.

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eXpoZe-Ghost - - 51 comments

you only want to play the US faction right?? so every thing new for the germans should suck???

Reply Good karma Bad karma+12 votes
TheSoldier - - 1,241 comments


I'm not saying this tanks sucks. A 17 pounder is nothing to be laughed at. The Firefly can 1-Shot any Sherman, other than the Jumbo, from the front.

And the Tiger or the Panther is nothing to be laughing at, either.

So, what's your argument again?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-16 votes
PanzerJuice - - 115 comments

Bro, it's called using tactics.
Use a Chaffee or a Stag to stun your freakin' prey, then follow up with a few shermans with armor piercing (or just flank the Tiger or Panther) and your problem is solved. I sometimes feel invincible when I have Panthers and Tigers, but i've come to be cautious and wary of any enemy tank I encounter. You (and everyone) should be the same.

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TheSoldier - - 1,241 comments


And how often will a Staghound or Chaffee get close enough to fire a phosphorous round before it gets wrecked?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-7 votes
TheSoldier - - 1,241 comments


Furthermore, if the Germans have fewer tanks and infantry, shouldn't they be the ones using more tactics? Please.

And I'm not saying German tanks are invincible - that's far from the topic. I need a reason on why the hell the Beutepanzer should be in-game, and how it's possibly going to be balanced.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-9 votes
PanzerJuice - - 115 comments

Judging by the pictures so far, one disadvantage the Beutepanzer has is the lack of an AA-mg (though there are photos of German soldiers with Beutes that have AA-mgs), so it's easily countered by AT spam. Second, they probably wont be able to get sandbag armor, Sherman vs Sherman, allies win. And lastly, you dont know what you're going to get: I sure as heck would feel like a turtle if I got a VC Firefly when I was facing an allied infantry and emplacement spammer. Same thing if I get a 75mm against Armored Company.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
TheSoldier - - 1,241 comments


Basic Sherman Firefly versus basic M4A3 Sherman (even with a 76mm cannon), Firefly wins. 100% of the time.

And how often does the AA MG get any kills? It's absolute crap at it's job, as the dev team has made hull, coaxial, and AA MGs crap, only good for suppression. It's not like the other MGs do just as good, if not better, job. At least in BtB, infantry have reason to fear them - much more effective.

And only one doctrine will give Shermans and sandbags - Armor. So have fun countering them if you don't have that!

And one solution: artillery. If you've chosen the Scorched Earth doctrine, you've obviously got the Wespe and the most powerful artillery in the game: the Hummel. And you've also got those 200mm Nebelwerfers.

Problem there?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-10 votes
PanzerJuice - - 115 comments

Sorry, my eyes must be taunting me. Did you just say that AA-Mgs DONT DO ANYTHING AT ALL? Pfffffft, you, Soldier, have made me laugh greatly. Here's an excellent test to prove your hypothesis of "uesless" (lol) AA-mgs is wrong: Use the Henschel and Porsche King Tigers against infantry, and see which one racks more kills. -__-

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
TheSoldier - - 1,241 comments


Nope. They're ******. Why do you think EVERY tank gets them? At least, in vanilla, you had to pay for a .50 or the MG42 and it actually worked. In here, they're inaccurate and can't do anything to that infantry squad that's rapidly closing in.

Indeed, the MG on top of the KT will get more kills, obviously, because that huge cannon that's mounted in the turret can't do **** to infantry.

And if anything, the AA MG is only good at suppressing infantry. That's about it.

But you digress. Back to the Beutepanzer, a 17 Pounder is just OVERKILL. So is the 76mm. The 75mm is the only reasonable one.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-10 votes
PanzerJuice - - 115 comments

But 76mm/17pdr sherman are still inferior to the Marder I, because the Marder can camo, go rapid-fire, and has the same armor more or less as a 75mm sherman.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
TheSoldier - - 1,241 comments


The Geschützwagen DOESN'T get ANY penetration or damage bonuses from going into camo mode, only a faster fire fate. It can't 1-shot Shermans.

The Firefly, however, CAN 1-shot Shermans. Why should the player choose the Geschützwagen over the Beutepanzer? Your argument?

And besides, the Firefly can also go rapid-fire. And the Marder III, having more armor than the Sherman? *chuckle*

Reply Good karma Bad karma-11 votes
PanzerJuice - - 115 comments

Bro, I said "Marder I", not III.
And I indeed have scored 1 hits on even 76(W) shermans before. And the Firefly cant go camo. You're reallllly not making sense right now.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
TheSoldier - - 1,241 comments


Nope. It's actually impossible. In the code, it is literally impossible to 1-shot a Sherman (Ruhr). How in the world does that happen? And I said the Firefly can go RAPID-FIRE, not CAMO. Please, YOU go look up YOUR facts.

And if you haven't noticed, I saw my error. And edited it. Please.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-12 votes
PanzerJuice - - 115 comments

And I said "The firefly cant go camo" as a notable disadvantage (I was implying that the Marder I is better). And with the veterancy system, a max vet Marder I will slice through a 75mm and maybe even a 76er with 1 shot.

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TheSoldier - - 1,241 comments


Indeed. And how often will a Geschützwagen go to get vet 5 before it gets hunted down by the other players?

Adding on to that, the Firefly gets that damage automatically. Imagine what veterancy does that, hmm?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-9 votes
PanzerJuice - - 115 comments

But since it lacks any anti-infantry weapons, the Firefly will get hunted down by Panzerschrecks. The Marder at least can fire HE for a few seconds.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
TheSoldier - - 1,241 comments


And does anyone know how absolute crap HE rounds are? Even with the timed one (we all know how **** the single shot ones are), it's still ineffective. Inaccurate and the tank can still be flanked.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-13 votes
PanzerJuice - - 115 comments

Right on, Xalibur!
I can now die a happy man ^^

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
L1K3A8O5S - - 331 comments

I hate the balance police.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+14 votes
TheSoldier - - 1,241 comments


Pff. Not the balance police. More like it's-a-useless-and-uneeded-unit police. What have you seen the dev team do that has significantly leveled the playing field for both the axis and the allies?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-20 votes
Sgt_Shidner - - 236 comments


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starship47 - - 129 comments

is this ingame pic? i dont have a good computer so i cant tell if it is nice looking unit

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JesusOfCalgary - - 843 comments

Taken in World Builder so yes it's the same quality ingame.

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Erwin-Rommel - - 401 comments

Im assuming this will be a unique unit, right? I mean, they did use captired tanks but they were not a common sight.

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PanzerJuice - - 115 comments

Since in the description it says "Replaces the Geschutzwagen call-in ability for SE" I hope it can be called in several times like the 39(H), otherwise it'd be horrible for the players who could've had more than one 39(h) :/

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willychong8921 - - 1,554 comments

These tank can't be too expensive, you know, or else it won't even show up ever, but made it a limit of 2 to 3, cause you know, these things are very rare in the German arsenal.

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Snashky_Nilidus - - 337 comments

meine beute!

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vinnicool - - 105 comments


a sherman taken over by germany?.they have better tanks like tigers

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Reichtangle - - 551 comments

well the germans used Beutepanzers extremly often, they even captured a russian tank factory and continued the production of the T-34, the Hetzer is build on a czech tank (thats why it's called Jagdpanzer 38(t) the t stands for the german name of Czechoslovakia, Tschechoslowakei)... Wehrmacht and Waffe-SS used pretty much everything they could get their hands on cause the theire own tanks were build only in Small numbers

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
Blitzkriegrekrut - - 900 comments

Good,Germans must be more balanced!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
TheSoldier - - 1,241 comments


Good god, someone give me a good reason WHY this should be in the mod and HOW it will be balanced. Give me that, and I'll let slip. If not, then I rest my case.

And please, if you're going to say something, at least see if what you're saying is correct. FYI, a Sherman Firefly can indeed 1-shot a Sherman.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-8 votes
PanzerJuice - - 115 comments

Every once in a while, my mighty Jagdtiger or Kingtiger will hit a sherman (sometimes halftracks) and the allied hunk of scrap still clings to life, needing a second shot to knock it out. So, your hypothesis of Fireflies always 1-shooting a Sherman (or anything else) is invalid.
I'm ending this conversation, Herr BalanceNazi.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
TheSoldier - - 1,241 comments


I never said "always." It can, but not "always."

And I'm not always after the Axis. If you haven't noticed, I was against the Super Pershing.

And, as a side note, how again is the KT or Jadgetiger related to the Firefly, hmm? They're not even in the same doctrine.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-7 votes
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In the next update we will replace the PE SE Geschützwagen call-in with a new random Sherman "Beutepanzer" -> "captured tank" call-in.

A 3rd version 75mm short barrel Sherman is WIP. So you select the call-in and it will be always a surprise what you will get for you bucks ;)