The plot picks up right after the events of the unravelling story and cliffhanger of Big Rebelion 3. The main character Jack Danger has just been informed that his uncle was murdered by the Zed Corporation. In a fit of blind rage, Jack Danger reveals the location of his secret hideout, putting in danger his group of fellow rebels, AKA 'The Outsiders'. Watch as Jack Danger must destroy the corporation once for all, using his sharp wits and explosive combat in: Big Rebelion 4: Quest for Blood. SPOILER ALERT! In this installment of Big Rebelion, Dr. Brain didn't actually die when Jack Danger exploded his helicopter with C4 in the first epistle. He actually survived the crash and teamed up with the Zed Corporation to manufacture the 'Death Virus' once again.

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NEW TEASER + New Member | Post #4

NEW TEASER + New Member | Post #4


The new teaser for Big Rebelion 4: Quest for Blood. New Member: Norm.

New Screenshots! | Post #3

New Screenshots! | Post #3


Screenshots from the Blood Fusion Planet level in development.

My Response to the Leaked Footage | Post #2

My Response to the Leaked Footage | Post #2


Gameplay footage of the upcoming Big Rebelion experience has been leaked. To counter the trolls, I have decided to post the footage myself. If you want...

Trailer out! | Post #1

Trailer out! | Post #1


Trailer for Big Rebellion 4: Quest for Blood out now. *Game is not released.