Attempted many times in the past by a vast amount of developers, Tourettes-Doom bring's Danny, the tourettes guy, into DOOM 1, 2, Final Doom, Master Levels, Lost Episodes, etc. It features: - all new ridiculous weapons - many quotes for pain, death, taunts, spawns, etc. - a hidden map starring a big boss fight with Danny's Dad. - new difficulties - new menu - recolored hud and more! This mod will be released on September 5th, 2016.

RSS Reviews

FlynnSolo says

Agree Disagree

This Is An Absolute Masterpiece!!! "CERTIFIED DOOM CLASSIC"


grouchbag says

Agree Disagree

I feel this is making fun of people Tourette's Syndrome, a serious speech disease.Not funny.


x10zzz says

Agree Disagree

The weapons are ridiculous in a good way.


OldDavidBr says

Agree Disagree



Frippesque says

Agree Disagree