Battlefield 40k's Mission Is to transform the Tabletop game of Games Workshops Warhammer 40,000 into an FPS for the Battlefield 2 Engine. The purpose of our mod project is to put six races in game. The aim for first release is focusing on Imperial Guard Cadians vs Tau Campaign (details on the campaign will be unveiled near release of the first alpha). The Six Races Space Marines Adeptus Astartes, Chapter: Blood Angels Space Marines are genetically enhanced superhumans that form the elite forces of the imperium of man. They are one of the most loyal forces to the Emperor. The Blood Angels were formed by the Primarch Sanguinius, their genes derive from him. During the Horus Heresy Their founder died at the hands of the traitor Horus. Ever since this incident the chapter has not been quite the same. Their geneseed now contains the Black Rage. At times The Blood Angels will lose control to the curse and annihilate all the enemy tearing them limb from limb without mercy. Imperial Guard...

Report RSS BF40K News - Alpha Testing of BF40K:BF2 v0.72

BF40K - BF2 Alpha v0.72 internally released on 07/04/07 Members of the BF40k dev team along with members of the SrM & IG8 clans conducted another test of the mod on 09/04/2007 9pm GMT on the SrM Clan server. 16 players were on last night for the test. The tests from now on will be a frequent weekend

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BF40K - BF2 Alpha v0.72 internally released on 07/04/07

Members of the BF40k dev team along with members of the SrM & IG8 clans conducted
another test of the mod on 09/04/2007 9pm GMT on the SrM Clan server.
16 players were on last night for the test.
The tests from now on will be a frequent weekend occurance. with the models gradually
being finished off for first an infantry only release followed on by the introduction
of vehicles and then new statics and maps.

Last night two new infantry only maps were tested out on the server.

Vale - Mountain forest map
Badlands - Desert map



  • Tests should last 2 hours with 40 minutes of testing per map. (Test 3 maps in 2 hours, 2 infantry only 1 mixed infanty & vehicle)
  • The reason as we are aiming for infantry only release first, and due to timezone differences some people have to go to bed (test starts at 9pm gmt).

  • Dawn of war and Battlefield 2 are rated 16+ from we may seek a rating on the game due to blood effects present within the mod.

Imperial Guard

  • IG shotgun needs improved damage (in the new rules from the space marine codex its now a strength 4 AP- weapon.)
  • Dimitris Plagiannis's custom Shotgun sound effect is not present on weapon.
  • Autogun 1p Ironsight view the projectile is not aligning with the ironsight and is inaccurate.
  • Lasguns (both scoped and ironsight) are missing the recharge sound effect in first
  • person (not in third however) that is present on the laspistol when the new clip is

  • Las weapons (Laspistol, Lasgun, Hellgun, Multilaser & etc) need new tracer effects
  • that are continous and dissipate quickly. This is to maintain consistancy with the
    lascannon effects as seen in the BF40K : BF1942 edition.

  • Imperial vehicles do not leave wake in the water when driving through.
  • Leman russ tank armour damage system is the wrong way round, please reassign armour values.
  • Suggest that the BF2 50 cal machine gun pintle mount weapon is temporarily added to
  • the leman russ until we have a finished heavy stubber model for it.

  • Chimera tank track textures look misproportioned in comparison with the leman russ
  • tracks, the leman russ tracks look the most accurately proportioned to the actual

  • Chimera Tank tracks move in the wrong direction for the direction driven in.
  • Chimera rotation sound for multilaser is still not present.
  • Heavy Bolter needs minor splash damage added and explosive impact effect.
  • Perhaps add small blast to autocannon shell to signify shrapnel from impact of shell.
  • Where is the Heavy Bolter Turantula?
  • Earthshaker Cannon Platform & IG Radar texture have turned black.


  • Pulse Rifle accuracy is much improved.
  • Pulse Carbine & Burst cannon still need accuracy improvements.
  • Burst cannon reload sound effect is missing the charging sound thats found on the vehicles when the new clip is inserted.
  • The XV15 with fusion blaster looses health if he is closer than 20m to a fire.
  • Fusion Blaster blocks most of the screen in 1p mode (needs 1p view)
  • All XV15 models lack the minimap icon though it is coded.
  • T'au Photon Flash Grenade turns white when thrown, (is this intentional or the texture is missing from the thrown model?).
  • Tau vehicles still lack amphibeous capability (i.e. hover above the water), they also become immobile in shallow water.
  • Tau vehicles Strafing ability does not work unless the vehicle is moving forwards or backwards.
  • Piranha cockpit needs adjusting in size so that pilot and co-gunner are properly inside the vehicle and only the tip of their helmets are exposed.
  • Piranha suspension needs improvement due to damage taken when driving on the road.
  • Both the Hammerhead Tank & Devilfish APC take accumalative damage (builds up over travel distance)
  • from even small bumps or changes in gradiant on the ground.

  • Tau Vehicle blue engine fire for movement should not be constant, it should change intensity and length according to speed.
  • Hammerhead and Devilfish APC Rapidly accelerate without user input when on bridges and go out of control.
  • StringedEvil's Hammerhead Railgun firing Sound effect missing.
  • Hammerhead tank right Burst Cannon spins in a strange fashion and is misaligned.
  • Flight capability on Piranha, Devilfish APC & Hammerhead Tank control could be vastly
  • improved if a verticle tilt was added to the controls.

  • The verticle flying feature should have limited fuel capacity of 12 seconds duration, 1 second of fuel will take 4 seconds
  • to recharge (12*4=48 seconds to fully recharge).

  • Horizontal speed boost feature should have a limit 6 seconds of fuel, 4 seconds to
  • recharge 1 second of fuel (6*4=24 seconds total recharge).
    [*]Where is the finished Plasma Rifle Drone Turret?

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