The goal of BF2:CU, is to provide a fun and semi realistic FPS experience, on the streets of the United States. It is June of 2010, food riots are taking place in nearly all major US cities . Martial law has been implemented. The American Resistance Organization[A.R.O.(pronouced "arrow")] has been stockpiling weapons and ammunition for the last 2 months, preparing for the day of liberation. July 29, 2010. San Diego, California: At 7, USMC controlled, food rationing centers across San Diego County, 7 truck bombs explode simultaneously, killing dozens of US Marines and citizens, and injuring hundreds more. At nearly the same time across the nation, similar bombings are taking place at dozens of food supply centers. Minutes after the bombings, A.R.O. forces swam the streets of the nation, taking over government run supply centers, and over running US troops. With reinforcements arriving the US military begins the counter offensive. Which side shall you choose?

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Important Announcement

Important Announcement


I know that many of you are wondering why there has not been any announcements lately. This is because laytons and myself have been extremely preoccupied...

Suggestions for improvements or tweaks to Civilian unrest

Suggestions for improvements or tweaks to Civilian unrest


if anyone has any tips about the weapon selection or modifications to it based on the theme and setting of the mod. as in if some weapons would just be...

modelers for civilian unrest

modelers for civilian unrest


BF2 Civilian unrest help. i would like to know if anyone is interested in working on the bf2 mod civilian unrest. you don't have to be a professional...