Immerse yourself into the world of Calradia with other players! Even at the time of the release of the first part of Mount & Blade, many players dreamed of plunging into the atmosphere of joint battles shoulder to shoulder with friends in a large and united world. It's time to make your dream come true!

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 111)

Tsyolin says

Early access review Agree (7) Disagree

I'm gonna give this a solid 7, with the potential to raise it later as the mod progresses. As of right now the mod is little more than a proof of concept. If you go into this expecting a fully playable multiplayer experience of the single-player sandbox, you're setting yourself up in disappointment. There isn't much to be had in terms of content at the time of this review.

However, the framework alone is worth a 7. It's unbelievably impressive that the devs managed to create a multiplayer version of the single player game that functions, and actually functions pretty well. Warband didn't have anything like this. It's worth a download to play for a couple hours with some buddies just for the pure novelty of it.

The potential for this mod is very high, and the devs seem pretty friendly and responsive to player feedback. If they're able to deliver then this could be something special. For the time being though, it's in an extremely early state so don't go into this expecting tons of content that's fully fleshed out, rather consider this an alpha test where feedback on the forums is greatly appreciated. Otherwise it's absolutely something worth keeping an eye on.


waynia says

Early access review Agree (7) Disagree (2)

I havent had this much fun playing mnb since invasion mod. This MOD IS THE FUTURE OF BANNERLORD PAY THESE MODDERS HOMAGE.


Drithyl says

Early access review Agree (2) Disagree

Very promising mod. The infrastructure is there and seems to work very well, even with a high player count on the server. It's only a matter of dev time to keep adding new features to it. I suspect there will be many challenges ahead, though.


Blutstein says

Early access review Agree (2) Disagree

Beautiful Mod, looking forward what they implement soon!


SuisseRaclette says

Early access review Agree (2) Disagree

Nobody thougth it was possible, but here it, M&B MMORPG. There's little to do for now, as the devs are checking stability, but as soon as we'll have more tasks and interactions between players, this is going to be a revolution.

What I would do as a dev is re-implement clans and kingdoms so people can participate in the life of the continent.


Aethelwulfuk says

Early access review Agree (2) Disagree

Good mod, Has a lot of potential to bring people together who want a mmo online type of mod to play with others and band together, Does need more content which im sure is being worked on currently, Im excited to see where this goes :)


Rkar says

Early access review Agree (2) Disagree

I have never seen co op mod as good as this mod in M&B series. Support this great team, I am sure they will add other pure M&B mechanics. For now, it is good but I don't think I will play more than 10h. I hope we will see indispensable M&b mechanics in near future. Great job!


HonestBannerReviewer says

Early access review Agree (1) Disagree

As a veteran of the game I must add this rating because of several things:

-Pay to win for Patreon supporters, they will get the best equipment by giving money to the devs. And they can sell it in the market and become rich in game by doing nothing else than paying real money.

-Just PvP focused. If you like both PvP and Pve, or just PvE you are screwed. This mod is ruled by PvP clans and they get bonuses from those clans. If you want to get bonuses to grow fast you can create a clan and risk being ganked and attacked by ANYONE else on sight, without any repercusions or consequences and they can do that indefenitely. So you either choose to be at disadvantage or to PvP.

-Lack of PvE end game content. There are world bosses but they are ONLY in PvP zones. So, again, you can choose to get ganked or not do any boss and miss the rewards. Everything is focused in PvP. But, hey, you can farm crops or hunt boars now xd

-Devs do not listen to the PvE community, that is why almost all of the PvE and mixed PvE/PvP players left the game.

-On the other side, the mod has great potential, it could become the greatest bannerlord mod to play. But the direction it is heading right now is good for PvP players, but not for the whole bannerlord community.

I want this mod to succeed so when changes are made for the better I will change this review as well.


thunderbug says

Early access review Agree (1) Disagree

If you want to play the Bannerlord campaign multiplayer this isnt it. Its an amazing technical acheivement to be sure but from a gameplay stance i cant recommend it. Its basically just an MMO (snail paced like runescape) with how its been implemented, the farming (low level money maker) is click city and super boring. Ive been wishing for Bannerlord multiplayer campaign for ages and i was so excited to try this, Bannerlord is and will remain it seems a purely single player game.


shmooe says

Early access review may contain spoilers Agree (1) Disagree

This is so disappointing and so terrible idk how it even got this rating? basically if you're new get f****d by this game. the bandit speed on the map is a lie, i got caught like 10 time before quitting because it says i'm going 1.1 and they are going .9 but they are catching me anyways. Mod just seems trash all around. travel time is way to slow for the crap money you make and the extremely high risk from way to many mobs with ridiculous numbers. Not to mention the AI doesn't really miss... even with rocks from 65 yards away. yup just wreck your horse... with rock.. so stupid. There are so many other issues i could spend all night but this game just isn't worth the time. Hopefully the actual devs will pick this up and fix this repugnant mess.