The Apocalypse mod adds over 180 new units, structures and super weapons to the original RA2YR and will give you a completely new RA2YR experience while keeping the classic feeling alive. The mod does not require other resources to run except the original RA2YR game v1.001. This is what the mod adds in general: 64 new structures, 40 new infantry units, 17 new naval units, 20 new air units, 41 new vehicles.

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Yuri Vehicles (Games : C&C: Yuri's Revenge : Mods : Apocalypse : Forum : Mod Info : Yuri Vehicles) Locked
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Aug 22 2022 Anchor

Yuri Vehicles:

Y0) Repair Truck

Not everyone in Yuri's army accepted that all damaged units should be recycled in favor of building new ones.
The previously available buildable Repair Truck was retired from service due to unjustified costs.
Yuri's Grinder structure is excellent in all aspects except one thing: it cannot be redesigned to repair vehicles.
Therefore, to fix this issue and not waste unnecessary resources, Yuri decided to make all Grinders come with an included Repair Vehicle.

Y1) Subterranean APC

Yuri decided to abandon the old standard APC model and put its research team to heavy work again. The new APC is fitted with a large drill and can travel underground.
That makes it perfect for surprise attacks. It is also sealed from radiation and psionic interference.

Y2) Marauder Tank

Yuri's army was clearly lacking a Main Battle Tank. Being unable to obtain the plans for the Soviet Apocalypse tanks, Yuri's R&D managed to create something somewhat similar.
After being battle-tested for many years, the new version of the tank is comparable to the ground attack capabilities of the original Apocalypse.

Y3) Rocket Raider

The old recon bikes were retired due to being considered inefficient. They were replaced by another fast and very mobile motorized unit: the Rocket Raider.
It can get to any location very fast, cause havoc and get out of the range of heavy armored units.

Y4) Heavy Gattling Tank

For what ended up as the Marauder Tank project, many good heavy tank hulls were designed. Having also very good Gattling technology, why not combine the two ?
That combination is called the Heavy Gattling Tank.
The Gattling weapon on this tank is mounted in a horizontal position order to be able to provide efficient cooling of the gun at extreme rates of fire.
That unfortunately prevents anti-air fire, but will offer sustained heavy damage on the ground.

Y5) Chemical Tank

Since a lot of bio-chemical research is being done in Yuri's labs, why let it go to waste ?
A vehicle that can spray corrosive chemicals onto the enemy forces is always good to have.

Y6) Disruptor Tank

The Disruptor Tank uses a sonic emitter able to generate a sonic shockwave that will resonate and destroy almost any material.
Field-commanders must be extra careful when using this vehicle near their own forces.

Y7) Overlord

Along the years, Yuri had many attempts to replicate both Flak technology and the Apocalypse tank.
Many variations were tried. After the MBT project was a success and the new Marauder MBT entered service, there were a lot of leftovers around.
Some engineers deiced not to grind everything and created an abomination. A very large unit fitted with cannon that can fire both artillery projectiles and AA flak shells.
The unit being so big, it can host artillery shells, flak shells and still has some space left-over for infantry. The only setback: at that size, it is slow.

Y8) Rail Tank

The Scorpios Eradicator design is now improved. Still a heavy armored unit, outfitted with a very heavy rail gun.
The new version of the rail gun will cause significant more damage alongside the fire trajectory compared to the previous version.
The only remaining disadvantage is its rate of fire, still low because the rail coils recharge time.
Perhaps with some stolen Tesla technology, this tank may become the ultimate ground weapon.

Yuri Veh

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