The Apocalypse mod adds over 180 new units, structures and super weapons to the original RA2YR and will give you a completely new RA2YR experience while keeping the classic feeling alive. The mod does not require other resources to run except the original RA2YR game v1.001. This is what the mod adds in general: 64 new structures, 40 new infantry units, 17 new naval units, 20 new air units, 41 new vehicles.

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Yuri Infantry (Games : C&C: Yuri's Revenge : Mods : Apocalypse : Forum : Mod Info : Yuri Infantry) Locked
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Jun 10 2022 Anchor

Yuri Infantry:

Y0) Mad Dog
Yuri found that Dogs that are left over experiments are very good at decimating enemy infantry, therefore introduced them to the battlefield.
This dog, even in the unpleasing form it comes in, proved a welcomed addition to Yuri's forces.

Y1) Javelin
The lack of basic anti-air infantry proved to be a problem in certain combat scenarios for Yuri's forces. Therefore, he started training troops equipped with anti-air launchers.
Now combat outposts can be safely deployed without the risk of being attacked just as they start construction.

Y2) Jet Trooper
Following the example of the Soviets, Yuri designed its own jetpack infantry as a counter to what the enemy has.
Practically, specially trained initiates were fitted with jetpacks.

Y3) Psychic Agent
If enemy forces can be mind-controller or at least influenced, then this is something to be exploited.
The Psi Agent will trick the mind of the enemy troops making him appear a friendly unit, therefore being able to infiltrate enemy installations.

Y4) Gattling Brute
An improvement of the initial Brute program resulted in a relatively well trainable Brute.
Due to its physical strength, the Brute can carry a very large Gattling cannon easy.
The brute will fire at anything moving and will inflict fear into enemy ranks by its looks and actions. The brute is not easy to contain once it is annoyed by gunfire.

Y5) T-Rex
After some extensive DNA research, Yuri's R&D managed to create a very nice breed of T-Rex. The cloning vats took care of everything else.
Although the T-Rex is not very efficient against modern firepower, the psychological effect on enemy forces is huge and can do a lot of damage if not killed fast.

Y6) Siege Trooper
This infantry unit was trained exclusively for long range combat.
It can support advancing units, it can defend areas or assault the enemy from outside defense range.

Y8) Apprentice
The best Initiates became Apprentices in Yuri's army. They have been fitted with very advanced experimental weapons that can accelerate the fired projectiles with psionic energy.
The projectiles can be accelerated so fast that they can go through nearly any known material.
The residual psionic energy will contribute with significant additional damage along the path.

Y9) Commando Clone
Yuri used bio-chem intensive research and was able to clone some of the best commandos that the Allied forces had in their history, after obtaining their DNA.
The best result of years of research was chosen and introduced into a mass cloning process. The commando clone is now available in large numbers across the battlefield.

Yuri Infantry Tech Tree:

Units Inf Y 1

Y+) Chrono Yuri Prime (Yuri Special)

After Allied technology was disassembled, Yuri's best Psi clones were equipped with Translocators, turning them into unstoppable tools of mass control.
Chrono Yuri Primes cannot be re-cloned if killed on the battlefield.

Edited by: Borg.Overmind

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