Amnesia nightmare engine is essentially a file corruptor for Amnesia which swaps gamefiles for a hilariously horrifying result. If you are a fan of Amnesia - The dark descent you must test this.

RSS Reviews

loohhoo says

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This "randomizer" is the funnest thing I've ever done in Amnesia in quite some time. Depending on how intense your settings are, it can become near or outright impossible to progress. In some cases I had to intentionally break out of bounds to get past some janky, randomized collision, which was a fun experience.

On one round, my "use lantern" noise was the "grunt appearing" sound. And that same round, the Wine Cellar ambient music was Daniel saying "That's horrible!" on loop :^)

If you're familiar with Amnesia's engine and you want a wacky challenge, please try this!


Mike213546 says

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zys says