This mod is now officially cancelled. Current build is to be released sometime.

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This is the final news post for this mod, telling of its conception, cancellation, and future.

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 As of almost nine months ago, I stopped working on this mod, mainly due to how hard it was to work with the engine, problems on my comuter, time, and the negative comments about the mod.

V0.2 had poor graphics and gameplay, the most recent build was better, with better gameplay and such, but still not too good.

This mod helped me learn how to mod, and hopefully my next project will be better (I plan on creating a mod for UT3).  This mod, not to be confused with the (was to be planned) sequal to this mod on CnC Tiberium Wars, Conflict: Aki, if created, will be a first person shooter set in the same universe, but with a revamped storyline and details.  It will feature a skirmish mode, where you and your clan fight for weapons while trying to stay alive, and battle mode, where two to four armies fight for supremacy over a battlefield, trying to complete objectives and such.  Such sides to return are the Nekoketsukei National Army (the was to be added rebel cousin to the NIA), Skorpshjuze Republic (the evolution of the Skorpshjuze Clan), Shoudo Dynasty, and the Kitsuneketsukei Legion.  I hope to work on it sometime, and I have already started creating some assets and concepts for it.

I am going to post the most recent build due to request, with all units and structures unlocked (in the gameplay, you had to unlock them through combat).   It features the more redesigned Nekoketsukei Imperial Army, with better graphics.  Some of the (er.... most of the) unit art is either missing or was going to be redesigned, so don't complain if you see purple textures or blurry textures.  I will also include all test maps and data, so you can see what I had planned (such as navy, the Shoudo Infantry, the second game mode, and other things.

Thank you for those who understand.  Sorry that it was cancelled or that it wasn't high quality work.


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