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yazlow - - 46 comments @ GTA: Vanilla Vice (GTA: Vice City)

you can open the FramerateVigilante.ini file in the 'plugins' folder and change the FPSlimit value from 30 to 60. actually, any classic GTA is more stable at 30 FPS, but no one seems to care about that at all

Good karma+1 vote
yazlow - - 46 comments @ GTA: Vanilla Vice (GTA: Vice City)

you mean the collectible map? the one that's built into Vanilla Vice? how exactly does that happen - just takes a long time to close the game? no errors? that's weird actually, it seems like i haven't had this happen yet

Good karma+1 vote
yazlow - - 46 comments @ GTA: Vanilla Vice (GTA: Vice City)

всегда пожалуйста!)

Good karma+1 vote
yazlow - - 46 comments @ GTA: Vanilla Vice [RU]

GTA: Vanilla Vice обновлён до версии 1.3.1 (Apr 2023)!

В этом обновлении исправлены как недостатки предыдущего релиза, так и несколько застарелых мелочей, до которых всё никак не доходили руки. Из нового - появилась карта собирательств: зажмите клавишу Tab и выбирайте нужную вам карту клавишами от 1 до 6, чтобы увидеть все несобранные пакетики, невыполненные вспышки ярости, уникальные прыжки и ограбления.

Как и всегда, полный список изменений доступен в файле ReadMe.txt в папке с игрой. Если у вас возникают какие-либо вопросы по игре и её работоспособности - ответы на большинство из них (как и другие материалы) всегда доступны в папке ReadMe.

На сегодня всё, всем солнца!

Good karma+2 votes
yazlow - - 46 comments @ GTA: Vanilla Vice [EN/FR/GE/IT/ES]

GTA: Vanilla Vice has been updated to version 1.3.1 (Apr 2023)!

An update fixes the shortcomings of the previous release, as well as a few long-standing little things that never got around to it. What's new is a collectable map: hold the Tab key and select the map you want with keys 1 to 6 to see all the hidden packages, unfulfilled rampages, stunt jumps and robberies.

As always, a full list of changes is available in the ReadMe.txt file in the game folder. If you have any questions about the game and its performance - answers to most questions (as well as other materials) are always available in the ReadMe folder.

That's it for today, sunshine to all!

Good karma+4 votes
yazlow - - 46 comments @ GTA: Vanilla Vice (GTA: Vice City)

GTA: Vanilla Vice has been updated to version 1.3.1 (Apr 2023)!

An update fixes the shortcomings of the previous release, as well as a few long-standing little things that never got around to it. What's new is a collectable map: hold the Tab key and select the map you want with keys 1 to 6 to see all the hidden packages, unfulfilled rampages, stunt jumps and robberies.

As always, a full list of changes is available in the ReadMe.txt file in the game folder. If you have any questions about the game and its performance - answers to most questions (as well as other materials) are always available in the ReadMe folder.

That's it for today, sunshine to all!

Good karma+1 vote
yazlow - - 46 comments @ GTA: Vanilla Vice (GTA: Vice City)

как минимум предыдущие версии весьма по-разному работали на разных устройствах, так что я всегда рад слышать, что стабильно Vanilla Vice работает не только у меня, это прям бальзам на душу. по поводу карты - сегодня-завтра постараюсь выложить новую версию, в которой подобная карта уже будет идти в комплекте, это решение действительно уже напрашивалось. благодарю за отзыв!

Good karma+1 vote
yazlow - - 46 comments @ GTA: Vanilla Vice (GTA: Vice City)


Good karma+1 vote
yazlow - - 46 comments @ GTA: Vanilla Vice (GTA: Vice City)

opportunities to show detailed instructions right in the game are extremely limited, that's why i described this problem in faq.txt, didn't i? that "warning" thing appears when the game can't find some necessary files, and absence of blips and pickups means that very important files are lost. i made it so you won't play and save the game if something happened to the files. most likely your antivirus ate some plugins, so create a new folder, add it to your antivirus exceptions, disable it and unpack the game again to the folder you added to your antivirus exceptions. if that doesn't help then you lost the plugins in some other way and you need to figure out how exactly that happened.
p.s. a bit clarified that in-game notification in the new version

Good karma+1 vote
yazlow - - 46 comments @ GTA: Vanilla Vice (GTA: Vice City)

the new version looks good on video, but it hasn't been released yet, has it? as far as i remember the old versions are incomplete, and also don't have any kind of brush mobility, whereas in the original they do. besides, Vanilla Vice has modified models (like Vic Vance) that will need some work too. maybe i will consider it when that "PC HANDS" called new version comes out, unless it happens too late.

Good karma+3 votes
yazlow - - 46 comments @ GTA: Vanilla Vice (GTA: Vice City)

thanks bro)

Good karma+4 votes
yazlow - - 46 comments @ GTA: Vanilla Vice [RU]

1) в вайсе вик чуть ли не камео, его роль ведь даже эпизодической назвать трудно, полноценным персонажем он стал именно в сторисах. но переживать не стоит - никто не закинул тупо модельку из сторисов в вайсу, вик просто чуть больше похож на себя из сторисов, само собой с поправкой на то, что он уже старше года на два. вероятно без прочтения описания большинство и не заметит никаких изменений в его внешности.

2) нет нет, всё остальное останется. мне юбилейный треилс больше всего нравится - с ним игра выглядит насыщеннее, но при этом не желтит, как привычный уже по другим модам треилс из ps2. но у всех вкусы разные, так что.

приятных покатушек)

Good karma+1 vote
yazlow - - 46 comments @ GTA: Vanilla Vice (GTA: Vice City)

GTA: Vanilla Vice has been updated to version 1.3 (Feb 2023)!

A major update that affects every aspect of the game - GTA: Vanilla Vice plays, sounds and looks better than ever before. And as always, only die-hard Vice City fans will notice that.

By tradition, the full list of changes is available in the ReadMe.txt file in the game folder. Frequently Asked Questions and other materials are still available in the ReadMe folder, please keep that in mind.

That's it, enjoy the game!

Good karma+5 votes
yazlow - - 46 comments @ GTA: Vanilla Vice [RU]

GTA: Vanilla Vice обновлён до версии 1.3 (Feb 2023)!

Крупное, всеобъемлющее обновление, которое затрагивает все аспекты игры - GTA: Vanilla Vice играется, звучит и выглядит лучше, чем когда-либо раньше. И как и прежде, заметят это только отбитые фанаты Vice City.

По традиции, полный список изменений доступен в файле ReadMe.txt в папке с игрой. Ответы на часто возникающие вопросы и другие материалы по-прежнему доступны в папке ReadMe, пожалуйста, не забывайте об этом.

На этом всё, всем приятной игры!

Good karma+1 vote
yazlow - - 46 comments @ GTA: Vanilla Vice [EN/FR/GE/IT/ES]

GTA: Vanilla Vice has been updated to version 1.3 (Feb 2023)!

A major, comprehensive update that affects every aspect of the game - GTA: Vanilla Vice plays, sounds and looks better than ever before. And as always, only die-hard Vice City fans will notice that.

By tradition, the full list of changes is available in the ReadMe.txt file in the game folder. Frequently Asked Questions and other materials are still available in the ReadMe folder, please keep that in mind.

That's it, enjoy the game!

Good karma+1 vote
yazlow - - 46 comments @ GTA: Vanilla Vice (GTA: Vice City)

unfortunately, i have only now prepared an update of GTA: Vanilla Vice, which i was going to release about a month ago... i just don't have enough time, sadly.

Good karma+1 vote
yazlow - - 46 comments @ GTA: Vanilla Vice (GTA: Vice City)

i've been trying to upload an update to moddb for two hours, but it always says 'Error Uploading Try Again' and i don't know how to solve this problem.

well, maybe another time.

Good karma+1 vote
yazlow - - 46 comments @ GTA: Vanilla Vice (GTA: Vice City)

thanks for the support mate, i'm glad the mod is appreciated by such an experienced modder like you ^_^

Good karma+2 votes
yazlow - - 46 comments @ GTA: Vanilla Vice (GTA: Vice City)

thanks for the reply. after a little research i ended up preferring LargeAddress, if all goes well it will be included in the next update.

Good karma+1 vote
yazlow - - 46 comments @ GTA: Vanilla Vice (GTA: Vice City)

hi, thanks for the support. the manual reload is related to the automatic one and as far as i remember after getting the fast reload skill (ammu-nation shooting range) the manual reload no longer has a sound, so i decided not to add a sound at all. i'll add it only if i find an acceptable solution. talking about reloading only when you need ammo - i like to press R and get a reaction anyway, i never thought to do it as you say. but the idea is interesting, i must say. anyway, i won't redo it now, the script part of the update is almost complete, now i'm mostly doing its tests.

Good karma+2 votes
yazlow - - 46 comments @ GTA: Vanilla Vice (GTA: Vice City)

oh, okay, i'm glad you found a solution. not quite sure if VRTP will look good in Vanilla Vice, but still. btw, which patcher did you use? Silent's LargeAddress or 4GB patcher by Pistelli (ntcore)? or maybe some other? just curious, if it works stable it may appear in one of the next updates of my mod.

Good karma+1 vote
yazlow - - 46 comments @ GTA: Vanilla Vice (GTA: Vice City)

hi! thanks for the kind words. i'm a bit curious, why are you trying to add a limit adjuster to the game, especially since Vanilla Vice already has one...

Good karma+1 vote
yazlow - - 46 comments @ GTA: Vanilla Vice (GTA: Vice City)

the game should set the resolution of your screen itself, but for some reason this does not happen on some devices. you just need to enter your screen resolution in the 'GTAVC.WidescreenFix.ini' file (in the 'plugins' folder). you can read more about this in the 'faq.txt' file, which you can find in the 'ReadMe' folder. hope you will succeed.

Good karma+1 vote
yazlow - - 46 comments @ GTA: Vanilla Vice (GTA: Vice City)

Hi. I'm glad you like Vanilla Vice.
1) move the 'fix-hunter-radio.cs' file from the 'cleo' folder to the 'cleo/extras' folder. didn't think that this could prevent someone from enjoying the game.
2) there were some difficulties with adding manual aiming, but now it seems the difficulties have been solved and perhaps in the next version of Vanilla Vice this feature will be added.

Good karma+1 vote
yazlow - - 46 comments @ Vice City Big Mission Pack (final version)

пожалуйста) плагин точно работает на версиях игры 1.0 и 1.1, вроде как даже должен работать на steam/rgl версиях, так что странно, что на какой-то сборке что-то всё же пошло не так.
рад, что в итоге всё заработало. надеюсь у тебя всё получится, хоть может и не сразу.

Good karma+1 vote
yazlow - - 46 comments @ Vice City Big Mission Pack (final version)

1) гуглишь "font size tool vc", в результатах будет страница со второго сайта DimZet'а (dimzet13 narod ru). скачиваешь оттуда архив (55_-VC-FontSizeToo.rar);
2) открываешь архив 55_-VC-FontSizeToo.rar, в нем открываешь папку "fonts.dat Plugin", берешь оттуда файл "VCFontSize.asi". в той же папке открываешь папку "SanLtd", в ней папку "data", берешь оттуда файл "fonts.dat";
3) VCFontSize.asi достаточно положить в папку с игрой, fonts.dat в папку "data".

Good karma+1 vote
yazlow - - 46 comments @ GTA: Vanilla Vice [RU]

такова задумка - лимит кадров всегда должен быть включен.
если вы не хотите играть в 30 фпс, в файле faq.txt в папке ReadMe есть инструкция как получить 60 фпс.
однако учтите: стабильная работа мода при фпс выше 30 не гарантируется. я по-прежнему рекомендую играть в 30 фпс.

Good karma+2 votes
yazlow - - 46 comments @ GTA: Vanilla Vice [RU]

В общем-то я не планировал публиковать список изменений, но вы продолжаете спрашивать меня о нём, так что вот (возможно временно):

* v1.2 (Mar 2022):
- Мод пересобран на классический лад, что позволило снизить размер игры в среднем на 10% и обеспечить совместимость с большим количеством устройств;
- Приняты меры по противодействию DEP;
- Минимизирован риск непреднамеренного получения звёзд розыска после прохождения вспышек ярости (это же не одного меня раздражало, верно?);
- Лодкам добавлена стрельба вращением камеры;
- Мелкие изменения в технических скриптах;
- Множество отложенных исправлений и улучшений, на реализацию которых ранее не хватило времени;
- Добавлено несколько новых ответов в FAQ, внесены правки в описание и кредитсы;
- Исправления недостатков предыдущего релиза:
-- Зачёркнутый без вашего участия транспорт в списках Саншайн Автос;
-- Конфликт автосохранения с телефонным звонком;
-- Некорректная работа счётчика во вспышках ярости с Катаной;
-- Некорректная работа некоторых скриптов в миссиях "Логово копов" и "ВИП клиент";
-- Неохотное появление пешеходов на экране при движении на транспорте;
-- Отсутствие стрельбы вращением камеры на дальней камере у всех поддерживаемых транспортных средств;
-- Различные мелкие недочёты в отображении неонов.

Good karma+2 votes
yazlow - - 46 comments @ GTA: Vanilla Vice [EN/FR/GE/IT/ES]

Okay, i didn't plan on posting a changelog, but you guys keep asking me about it, so here it is (probably temporarily):

* v1.2 (Mar 2022):
- The mod was rebuilt in a classic way, which reduced the size of the game by an average of 10% and ensured compatibility with more devices;
- Measures have been taken to counter DEP;
- Minimized the risk of accidentally obtaining wanted stars after completing rampage missions (I'm not the only one who was annoyed by this, right?);
- Drive-by shooting by rotating the camera feature has been added for boats too;
- Minor changes in technical scripts;
- Many deferred fixes and improvements that previously ran out of time to implement;
- Added a few new answers to the FAQ, made some edits to the description and credits;
- Corrections for flaws of the previous release:
-- Vehicles crossed out without your participation in the lists of Sunshine Autos;
-- Conflict between autosave and phone call;
-- Incorrect work of the counter in rampages with Katana;
-- Incorrect work of some scripts in "Cop Land" and "V.I.P." missions;
-- Reluctant appearance of pedestrians on the screen when driving a vehicle;
-- Lack of drive-by shooting by rotating the camera feature on a far camera on all supported vehicles;
-- Various minor flaws in the display of neons.

Good karma+3 votes