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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III

Not really, AI operates based off of budget if I make everyone poorer then AI will skimp on education. Game mechanics make it so the majority budget expense is the Army and Navy if you have a big fleet and/or modern standing army it can bite into your budget quite harshly.

Then there is a matter of socialism spending which too is drain on economy. Economical technologies are not only to make one earn money. By producing more stuff. The goods produced become less expensive due to supply&demand;, alas one needs to have a lot of iron/coal to supply complex industry chains~

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III

"nd sorry, I haven't tried your mod, I doubt it works out of the box with Alice"
Does not work on Alice last time i've checked~ But my mod is quick on its own up to 1900+

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III

Welp~ If you pop in my forum and talk about all these games i beseech ye to throw in a dime about my mod~

I hate vicky universalis cuz y can change grain/fruit into silk via decision, which AI does not doo~ so unfair advantage (and AI sucks there anyway)

I've not played MEIOU for eu4 but did play it for eu3 and if much stays the same, meaning that the game adds bunch of new systems, one has to ask: Does AI partake in the new mechanics?
In most cases tis not, but maybe i'm just uninformed~

GFM is ez and slow running xd

Manor Lords is pretty AF but the game lacks any quality of life (manually upgrading houses... really? XD) also the game prevents you from losing to anyother method other than raids~

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III 1.7 Patch Notes

You made the game much better, even with the vague issues XD I am chronicly possesed by "tunnel vision" and needs peeps for perspective~

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III

¿Qué comandos? Usa el inglés '.'

para usar la consola en el juego presione "`"

¿Es eso lo que preguntaste? XD

Si te refieres a "cómo conseguir que un evento establezca fueros", debería aparecer después de que los carlistas ganen, ya sea por rebelión o dándoles el trono eligiendo la opción adecuada en el evento inicial.

Entonces necesitas tener a Portugal en tu esfera de influencia para convertirte en Iberia. Cooperar con los franceses no funciona, es una trampa xD

Cuando tu Iberia puedas formar naciones títeres gigantes de países de América del Sur.

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III

Uhm~ Yeah Get Vicky all Dlcs~ just put unpack the zip in victoriaII/mod and then pick it in launcher~ tis all. I've no idea which texture packs you need tbh~ i have all xD

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III

"to make it better and more ...... fun?" - One can find fun in anything, i just dont find'em fun which does not matter your tastes are the same~

"Big Production" stuff as you call it oft introduces mechanics in which AI does not partake. There is also a matter of mechanical bloat and spaghetti codin'. A game rich in lore is surely a good one, alas if it runs like **** and crashes every so often... Well tis all depends~ Like "do you need an event giving you 50 wool?" xD

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III

Currently im in this awfull position where i can either focus my AI on having armies/navies OR on having literacy and thus scaling. It mostly waged upon construction budgeting~

If i force AI to have 100% construction budget - they will not spend as much on education, mainly due to construction goods fluctuations. Fun thing is, its not even the military goods changing prices, but factory upgrade ones ~

If i leave AI to do what it may with construction it fails to refill its forces after taking a big defeat, alas it can scale just fine and not become a "Big army of muskets with ships of sail" nation~

Tryin' to compromise those 2 positions proves to be rather... uhm maddening

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III

Well I would have to know how modding of HOI looks like. Like the innards of it "how moddable" it is~. Like if i were to mod HOI i would throw away the ability to make custom division and give both player and AI premade templates 'cuz AI cannot make good divs for ****. Limiting a player in this manner would empower AI.

Grand strategies often fall into this "Let us add more mechanics with patches". It is not bad by itself but usually they do not teach AI to interact with 'em leading to EU4 AI debt cascading for example~

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III 1.7 Patch Notes

'Bout Navy~ i think i've found a way to leave realistic build times and make AI build navy. Its about how buying goods for military/naval contruction will prioritise land over navy. thusly if AI queues up 100 brigades and 1 ship. They will buy the canned goods for 100 brigades first and only then for the 1 ship. Once i've removed all canned goods from the initial build cost of the navy ships are comin' in nicely!

I am running some tests now, but if it works it solves the issue~

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III

Uhm~ A best game to play does not exist for me it would be basicly my mod for vicky with HOI4 front system and division builder (maybe a refit system and supply system - althought i think imperator rome did supply better than HOI)

Back on earth tho~ HOI singleplayer i despise for AI sucks *** and economic system is pretty lackluster. So for HOI i say "Play MP". My friend would say that HOI black Ice has the best AI which does not mean i consider it "good" but here you go~

Victoria II Vanilla has an indepth economic system and most complicated population mechanics out of all the grand strategy i know. Vicky went for a daring move of limiting a players power in matter of state governance, for in vicky liberals may win and you may not manage economy then. Or commies shall win and one will be forced to manage factories. You may flip to republic and be denied a right of changing a political party on a whim. In comparison in HOI you may influence any part of your government/population and play basicly as a god of a nation.

Inbetween the two AI sucks in military matters in both of the games, alas i consider vanilla vicky AI to be better at politics for it will vulture you when your weak. In my mod AI does way better in military matters too(due to deathstacking and proper naval invasions), so one may look for somethng resembling a challenge in singleplayer when all grand strategy games are challenging only on the 1st/few starting playthroughts (That is before the magic and immersion blows off and one starts looking on the game in terms of numbers and exploits)

For me best single-player grand strategy experience currently would be: Victoria III mod for vicky II and Terra Invicta (but please do modify the clock for faster game speed, else it is way too slow)

When looking at the game industry i grieve for all the game companies seem to have steered off from making AI good. Thusly i took it upon myself to try and fill in that niche to my limited capabilities~

'bout HOI for singleplayer if you like books pretending to be games i enjoyed reading TNO (Not playing it is not a game XD)

Good karma+2 votes
Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III 1.7 Patch Notes

I shall abide by lowering war exhaustion a bit, and thusly 1.7.1 will be created~ I am feeling weird about it cuz one who told me to not enjoy in sadistic pursuit of starvation and post-war thievery is a proud citizen of Kekistan 'O'

~Thank You~

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III 1.7 Patch Notes

"your african nations are incredibly weird and unbalanced" -
That is pretty vague so i'll answer in broad strokes. All countries presented have their historical borders(With minor vassals inherited to the core nation) and +- pops. One african culture aside from game speed reasons have its own maluses in the form of +0.5 mil. and inherent radicalness of african culture. Can you expand on your statement?

"the war exhaustion change makes game practically unplayable" -
Yup, as it should. Early death wars will leave you hurtin'. Losing whole of your army as a minor will leave you hurtin'. Later in the game one can acquire techs that lower war exhaust, but early wars are brutal, partially to showcase why Europe did not wage such wars in the early game period and partly cuz i like the player to abide by the same ruleset AI would, thusly i hope a player will think twice before death-warring in early, lest he wants to pay the price. Naval blockades are supposed to be deadly as they were historically, so is losing your young man to the furnace of war machine.

"the small poland is epic but memey. you could make a special history for it(..)"

Poloniya AI has 2 forced wars with MAD on 1860 and 1870 and if they lose Gdynia they revert to Dominicana. I've done such a great service to the human race by revmoing Haiti from the world.. Please XD. Creating a different scenario only for a meme country is lot of work for lil' to no pay-off. Making AI Poloniya revert to Haiti/Dominicana is AI-unfriendly and Haiti did not matter in the grand scheme of things anyway so thusly one can carry out a historical gameplan without their interference. Mah Friend is askin' Have ye played Poloniya?

"also, give up on giving navy realistic build times."
I am aware of AI mostly queueing up ships in 1 port which is a positive in a specific way, cuz then AI has better budget for literacy. With realistic build times one chooses lesser of two evils, cuz for sure AI won't be able to amass grand Fleet in a short span of time, but the player won't be able to rebuild their fleet during a war. Thusly i've accertained that even with such AI behaviour it is a beneficial change. Cuz lower build times would buff AI by arbitrary 10% and player by 50%(Due to how they build ships).

Mah friend speaks on that lack of need to refit ones ships is bad, but game mechanics forbid such a... mechanic. And thusly as far as we can take Victoria into historical navy is the build times. Oh yeah tankier ships too. Since BB will not die like ever and return to port for repairs. So this too is a way to alleviate long build times in a way.

Here is da song that sprung us to make Poloniya xD

Any my discord name if one wishes to carry on the discussion in a timely manner: xeno.huhearie

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III 1.7 Patch Notes

Why not a fan? I am willing to listen to stuff~ What is that you do not enjoy~

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III

Can anyone tell how they get redirected here from the casino site XD

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III

You go to my profile and at the right-corner you have "send message"

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III

Don Carlo WAS a reactionary and thus a reactionary policy. Its worth to mention that upon forming Iberia you integrate the puppets anyway so its only a temporary solution from euphoria of victory.

zumalacarregui Yeah i meant him... his name is pretty alien to me and impossible to remember xD

Asturia had ethnic basques living'ere. And Cantabria beign autonomous region itself is part of a greater Cantabria-Navvara Province upon which they would become part of Vasconia. Thing is i would cede Santander to Spain but then BSQ would be disjointed with Asturias sticking out. They have 2 states (3 with FRA Pau) so that they can have a navy. Its true that Carlist Spain is weaker in Naval and colonial power cuz of ceding these ports. And Carlos tries to remedy that by rushing conquest of Marocco for ports. Its a pay-off for Carlist Spain looks inward and tries to stabilise itself to make Spain not fall into its historical age of many many many many many revolutions. I've decided that as long as Spain proper retain important port of Coruna then Spain would not implode from spaniards revolt.

Its a lot to write you have like a social media of sorts? xD

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III

Mechanically speaking tho. Small BSQ would not contribute anything gameplay-wise cuz they would have too little army and no cash for ships. So I've made them bigger.

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III

CAT and BSQ get their extendted claims due to their participation in war effort on the side of Don Carlo. CAT provided industrial base and commerce while BSQ provided a bulk of soldiers and top Carlist general was a basque. They do retain/regain all the royal titles (And thus the Names) cuz Don Carlo was madly in love with the idea of Kings, so they are Fueros state under an Absolute Monarchy inside of the Spanish Crown. Basicly Don Carlo is a "King of Kings" cuz more kings the better as God ordained xDDD.

Its not like the lands are only basque or aragonese since they still are puppets closely tied economically to Spain Proper. This spread of cores symbolises under which King the administrative goes to for council. Its a "Joint ethno-monarchic administrative zone under respective kings who all answer to Don Carlo" xD

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III 1.4.6 Henry Meiggs Edition

Prussian education system aimed to create uniform soldiers and not free thinker. Basic Edu. gives + edu. eff. and - assimilation cuz its education tailored to individual needs, not mass edu. Going up makes education more standardized and uniform. Focusing more and more on making obedient citizens thus + assimilation and - conc

"All in all, you're just another brick in the wall"

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III

If you manage budget it does not
And Basques and catalonians fought for Carlos so Carlos gives them autonomy as a reward and Christino Spain tried to centralize so Carlos tries to federalise

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III 1.4.6 Henry Meiggs Edition

Chille now has Corporative-industrialism as starting Academia

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III 1.4.6 Henry Meiggs Edition

I am a Pole and Henry Meiggs was American as far as i am aware and beloved not in Chille but in Peru. While "Panhispanism"... all hispano-latin cultures as Iberian are just so they can migrate inside latino-sphere so that South America/Central can get some migration~

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III 1.4.6 Henry Meiggs Edition

Indeed~ Happy and colorful Crimeamod off-branch

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III 1.4.6 Henry Meiggs Edition

Cuz then you may actually want to transform your armies into tanks/planes xd No need to update army for a mere 36 years and if you account for when those new industries start working its even less effective years~

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III 1.4.6 Henry Meiggs Edition

It does not xD. like in 1870 best strat vs AI used to be Deathstacking still. Crimeamod took AI deathstacking from my mod anyway so it should be the same land-warfare wise there (not sure didn't play new patches). For big countries that can afford front-based-wars like Russia/France/Germany you can still see them using it. But smaller nations will keep to single army campaign based operations.

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III 1.4.6 Henry Meiggs Edition

Well~ Buliding factories seems to be hardcoded limited to "civilized" status and thusly uncivisiled may get factories only via reforms, events, decsions.

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III 1.4.6 Henry Meiggs Edition

I could but i won't xD You can get factories via reforms as unciv

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ Victoria III

I am getting close to releasing 1.4~ thank you for your words of encouragement! ^^

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Xeno_Vic - - 43 comments @ victoriaIII 1.3 Cold-Fix

It will work with map graphic changes tho~ like belle cartographie

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