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Comment History
Waraddict - - 12 comments @ Tiberian Dawn

Listen carefully in our latest video, I think you'd be pleased! :D

Good karma+2 votes
Waraddict - - 12 comments @ Nod Buggy

Heheh, actually two of those 'petrol canisters' aren't petrol canisters at all, they're just the same colour.

Good karma+2 votes
Waraddict - - 12 comments @ Tiberian Dawn

We'll ensure it will be, I've had a play around with a windows installer myself for the mod.

Good karma+1 vote
Waraddict - - 12 comments @ No Mercy

Sounds very movie standard worthy, could imagine it in a James Bond movie... heheh

Good karma+2 votes
Waraddict - - 12 comments @ Alternative sidebar design

I have to say, I'm on the edge of a rant here, this is a clear rip from The First Tiberian War, I shouldn't even have to prove it, the damn buttons are in the same exact co-ordinates! I demand an explanation for this!

Good karma+1 vote
Waraddict - - 12 comments @ The First Tiberian War

I guess you could call the mod dead but really all's not lost. The work we did in the past while has really paid off when helping with the Tiberian Dawn C&C3 mod.

Now previously, I was intending finishing off TFTW no matter what for one main reason, not every owner of Zero Hour may be able to run the C&C3 engine, plus, it is asking them to buy another game.

Frankly though, the C&C3 engine is a lot more efficient and low req friendly than the ZH engine, and considering the price of C&C3 now and how much better it supports old style C&C games than the ZH engine there really isn't a good reason for continueing TFTW on top of the fact that it was difficult to retain staff for such a project, in particular modelers and skinners.

Mind you though, lessons were not only learned with the work done on TFTW over the past few years but a lot of the work, (such as the coding and some assets) were useful as well in the Tiberian Dawn project. If you liked TFTW you're seriously going to love TD, believe me.

Good karma+2 votes
Waraddict - - 12 comments @ The First Tiberian War

Hi guys, bit of good-news/bad-news here, first off, the bad, I'm sure a lot of you have noticed things have been slowing down with TFTW, things have improved a lot since the last release but i don't think we're going to make another, there is a level of quality I wanted the mod to reach before the next release that is now unreachable due to the lack of staff for Generals/Zero-Hour mods and the realisation of certain engine limits.

The good news is, not a single bit of what has been done for TFTW has gone to waste, I'm not sure whether anyone noticed but the C&C3 mod, Tiberian Dawn, is now located on the same network as us, I've been providing advice, balance coding and various other help for the last 3/4 months now, and with remake Mods this sort of experience goes a long way.

I'm not ruling out another release as of yet, I may still release it as is, but my own obsession over the perfection for TFTW is holding me back.

Good karma+1 vote
Waraddict - - 12 comments @ The First Tiberian War

We had that method working over a year ago, we were tempted to use it but considering the performance implications and AI issues that came with it we decided to leave it out, for now. Perhaps All-Stars managed to implement in a much more efficient manner but I think when you're remaking a game it is possible to get a little bit too determined in replicating every last feature even if its implementation is detreminental to game performance.

Let me clarify though, we are tempting to slowly implement something that's much more like the C&C construction, its just that we're not making the achievement of this a requirement to the mod's release.

Good karma+1 vote
Waraddict - - 12 comments @ The First Tiberian War

Well, a perfect Conyard system is infact impossible with the Generals engine, we did get as close as having area limited building, but the structures still built up on the map rather than on the sidebar. The problem with that though was that it conflicted with the AI.

Good karma+1 vote
Waraddict - - 12 comments @ The First Tiberian War

We still use the Dozer method, but in a different way to Generals. Now you can only have one dozer, and its free to replace (does take time though). The dozer is also accessible through a shortcut on the sidebar. We're looking into edging away from this system gradually, bit by bit, to something more similar to the classic C&C way. Originally we had some pretty radical solutions being worked on but they excluded working AI.

Good karma+1 vote
Waraddict - - 12 comments @ The First Tiberian War

The Screenshots I posted depict a GDI Human vs Nod AI game, as you can at least tell from those shots that the AI IS working, as for the quality of the AI, its sneaky, it followed a Mammoth with a stealth tank even though the Mammoth wasn't going near its base. There are still some odd bugs with the AI, but they're mainly map specific, nothing a bit of map testing cant fix.

One things for sure, we're not going to release the mod with any of the serious lagging issues as before, they're not acceptable, they make the game unplayable. The previous lagging issues were related to map specific AI issues and the tiberium code, and we're looking after both.

As for the building models, they're in the process of being replaced.

Good karma+1 vote
Waraddict - - 12 comments @ Welcome to Duty!

It wouldn't make sense if it were a 100% clone of BF2 Alone_In_The_Dark, it's supposed to introduce a different style of play from BF2.

BFC is sort of like how Mech Commander is to Mech Warrior

Good karma+1 vote