I'm just here to upload my creations. I mod for the 1993 classic DOOM as well as its little brother, DOOM II. I also work with Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic I & II.

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New Things on the Horizon

VoidEater Blog

Mod preview

A marking of new things to come

I'm very happy and excited about this. I haven't found this kind of enjoyment out of modding in a very long time (specifically when working as an individual). This is mostly to announce that I am, in fact, still actively working on mods and have been for a while. I'm simply concluding my inactivity on ModDB and actually talking about things. I have two main projects within the DOOM 2 engine right now. One being a major Total Conversion mod that has been in the works for a while but still has a long way to go and the other is a smaller mod that I intend to contain around 3 maps. The above image is from one of these projects.

I don't intend to rush to release either any time soon as I want to put a lot of effort and passion into both of them; something I've sorely failed to do with my mods in the past. Instead opting to go for maps I think fit DOOM on a whim and slapping things together and constantly getting stuck and being at a loss.

This is a major turning point for me and a new chapter in my modding "career" for lack of a better term. The things I'm doing now would surely shock the younger me. I hope that the things I produce can provide lots of enjoyment and potentially inspiration in some people.

Until next time.
