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Comment History
ToreadorVV - - 27 comments @ BLOODLINES EXTREME (for vtmb+up11.2rc7.4)

nice mod you created here. I already played the extreme mod from november last year and enjoyed it really much. That 11.2rc5 mod i played to the middle of santa monica until now and i would say it's a really great work again. One little thing i saw was the computer of kilpatrick. I couldn't read the email on that terminal. Possibly it is an error of my VTMB installation? Anyway who cares, everybody knows what is written there. I'm looking forward the rest of the game :)

Good karma+2 votes
ToreadorVV - - 27 comments @ Unofficial Patch 11.0

Hm, i think my expression was a little unclear perhaps i give an example. Last week i looked to a stream playing with the 11.0 basic patch. The player bought the first skillbooks from the santa monica vendor. The books to raise the firearms and hackingskill. These books only can be bought here in basic and they can be bought twice to raise firearms and hacking a second time. The plus patch player has to find these books in the clinic and the appartement and can use them only one time because the books aren't wieldable. So the plus patch player is disadvantaged in this situation. The possibility to raise an ability from skillpoint 1 to point 4 or 5 with the same skillbook is cheating of course and makes absolutely no sense espacially for the firearmsskill because there is a book to raise Skillpoint 1 or 2 and another book to raise point 3 or 4. So the set stats shall prevent of overpowering. Vanishing the skillbook from the inventory after reading is needed for the methode that players with enough cash can "buy that bonusskillpoint". That's my thoughts about it. about the original intention i can just speculate.

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ToreadorVV - - 27 comments @ Unofficial Patch 11.0

I always was wondering about the skillbooks shouldn't be saleable at the vendors. When i looked the vanilla game or the basic patch some of the books only can be bought one or two times if the player collected the money. Hard to say it is intended that the gamer changes his money to skillpoints at that way. In my VTMB installations i often made the skillbooks saleable but i raised the costs for it to give the money more importance. But i really don't know what's the best solution about that.

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ToreadorVV - - 27 comments @ Unofficial Patch 10.5

oh dear, another version of UP 10.5! I'm still try to play with release candidate 6.1 to the end... and the updated mods i also haven't played... so much content and so little time. To the release of Bloodlines 2 i think VTMB will make the waiting time sweetly.

Thanks for the work :)

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ToreadorVV - - 27 comments @ Unofficial Patch 10.5 released!

hi, i think you confound two quests here. "Poster sessions" does not require to send a CD-Rom. Perhaps you talk about the CD what Bertram had ask for (he had send you E-Mail). The CD you have to give Bertram by hand in santa monica not per post sending.

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ToreadorVV - - 27 comments @ Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines Unofficial Patch

hm, i think about change the stealth file from UP 10.5 to the file from UP 10.0 but before i do that i made a comparison between both files. The corrctions are only in the StealthVisionScalartable on the stealthlevels 9 and 10. i remember in UP 10.0 there was a prob at this stealthlevels what made the player completely invisible (when the guards are searching the player) so these are the corrections to fix that (since UP 10.3 i believe). But in the 10.0 version the chance to get the stealth kill position behind the enemy undetected at stealthlevel 9 or 10 had a fair difficulty. So i'm not sure what the better option is, or it is intended that the player compellingly has to fight against the hunterguards in the sociaty of leopold?

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ToreadorVV - - 27 comments @ Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines Unofficial Patch

i would like ask something about the stealth scalartable. There are two sections called "StealthVisionScalartable" and "StealthVisionConeScalartable" and thair effect to the players detectionposibility considering the lighting state around the player and his stealthlevel. But what are the generally differences between the both Scalartables and when do they effect to the exactly? (When play is in sneaking mode of course :) ). The reason i ask about it is get a chance to make stealth kills espacially in the warehouse and sociaty of leopold quests are sometimes i don't might to say impossible but extremly difficult even with stealth level 10 some bots have a overpowered sensitivity and that makes raising the stealth level to get the chance of making stealth kills a little senseless.

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ToreadorVV - - 27 comments @ Unofficial Patch 10.5

if there are probs by the automatically download of the installerfile UP 10.5rc6.1 it could help changing the mirror. To change use the link in right corner after click the download button. In my case i choose "DBolical EU #2 (NL, EU)" . From here i got the full download and had no probs installing the patch.

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ToreadorVV - - 27 comments @ Unofficial Patch 10.5

About the dlg. line of Nines in the intro: Hard to tell out of place or not. For the player they know the intro by heart it could look a little strange. For the first run player it could make sense. So i think if the line exists it is studied to use, so why not?

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ToreadorVV - - 27 comments @ Unofficial Patch 10.5

During the first visit (mainquest) i had to fight bruno and the guards by a little accident after i spoke to nadia. At this time she was standing in the room where pisha's book was hidden. I went back to the lobby / corridors and unlocked a door but i was detected by a guard so all guards became to hostile (guests were leaving) and bruno broke through his officedoors. After clearing the area from all enemies i went to the chang brothers battle, take coffin and saw the ending sequence.
On second visit the building was out of guards or other NPC. After returning from the chang battle area where i collected the item that i forgot i rushed through the corridors and because i did not expect there someone could be i ran to a respawned guard what him made instantly hostile. If the guest were resowned to i think the left the party at this moment. Back in lobby i saw all guards were respowned and bruno broke out of his office the second time.
To check the guests and the interacttively NPC are resowning i will loading the save file i have and try...

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ToreadorVV - - 27 comments @ Unofficial Patch 10.5

I went to the Giovanni a second time because i forgot to take the items the chinese brothers have dropped. After the room where the book for pisha is hidden i went the stairs down to the crypt. During the way down the sound file from the NPC - Nadia, leads the way to crypt, was spamming even though the NPC - Nadia is not present at this time. Back to the bossfightarea i picked up the items and returned to the cab. By surprise the lobby, the guards, the floorway doors are resetted. Even Bruno himself got another (un)-life. I was giving it a third try when that not happened.

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ToreadorVV - - 27 comments @ Unofficial Patch 10.5

Hello again,
is there anything i can do against the respowned NPC at the giovanni stronghold when the player is visiting after the mainquest?

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ToreadorVV - - 27 comments @ Dark Brutal Horror Vesuvius

Now, switch the musicfile what is playing at vesuvius and make it souds like the song -After dark- then it should be perfect:)

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ToreadorVV - - 27 comments @ vampire Toreador the lizard king by Marius217

what great idea creating this skin mod. The idea to make a jim morrison looking skin is awesome itself but the resulting skin you created here, i absolutly must have.

What impressive work :)

Good karma+1 vote
ToreadorVV - - 27 comments @ Selene from Underworld for Brujah

Wow, nice looking skin you have created here. It makes me remembering the reason why i bought the VTMB Game 2005 :)
Everytime i see that char. mod i get the desire to watch that movies again.

thanks for the skin, great work.

Good karma+2 votes
ToreadorVV - - 27 comments @ Unofficial Patch 10.5 RC 6

Hm, this makes that Dialogue sounding a little weird to me but if it is intendet it should be ok. About calling her by name i never thought about because the npc introduces herself by it. I just remebered the hole situation was strange to handle and in some earlierer version of the game it was possible to clear the situation by the way i choosen. So sorry for the comment above. Next time i better think about before posting.

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ToreadorVV - - 27 comments @ Unofficial Patch 10.5 RC 6

Anotherone i think it should be corrected is a linking error in Samantha's dialogue. She talks to me and i give the persuation answer (persuation greater 5) so the dialogue set me to line 111. There i can give the answer in line 113. There i am linking to line 141 where the dialogue is ended (and "failed"). Line 113 should link to line 121 so the dialogue cotinues with sense. The link of line 115 has the same error i believe. There should link to 101 instead to 121.

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ToreadorVV - - 27 comments @ Unofficial Patch 10.5 RC 6

Something about the Odious Chalice item. Somebody posted it already, is not be able to use if to many items are in the itembar. I remember there was a little add on the item description in the latest german patch version. It says: "To drink on it make sure the item is placed on the left side of the itembar." Maybe do the same in the english patch it would clear this question.

A funny bug i get one time when looked into hollywood store windows. I saw there the maps edge and the lights of the city; think is the same bug if you see building at the tunnels altough the map is ending there. By restarting the game the bug was corrected itself therefore i think it is does not really matter. I just get the thought for a short time - how powerful my vamp is, can look through hole buildings without using auspex - :)

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ToreadorVV - - 27 comments @ Unofficial Patch 10.5 RC 6

by the player's first run, thats right of course. And when giving to therese the player just complete 2 quests in 1 step - "delivering item to therese" and "Release the ghosts".

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ToreadorVV - - 27 comments @ Unofficial Patch 10.5 RC 6

Setting a hint by giving the item to Jeanette is wrong of course, my fault. I forgot, therefore the player is getting the point "Haunted04" if do not doing that. So it makes little sense to give the player a point in both cases. Sorry for that. Maybe setting point 02 and 03 otherwhere can create a similar sitaution and therefore they are not setting anywhere in the dialogue. To set these points in the queset file, the simplest is to add them as XP-Award on Copletionstate 3 and 4 of the Quest "Hotel". As usual i was think about it to complicated. "Facepalm to me"

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ToreadorVV - - 27 comments @ Unofficial Patch 10.5 RC 6

Is there something wrong with the Therese Quest "Haunted Hotel"?

Haunted01 | Retrieved the pendant from the Ocean House | 101
Haunted02 | Delivered the pendant to Therese | 101
Haunted03 | Delivered the pendant to Jeanette | 101
Haunted04 | Refused to give pendant to Jeanette | 101

The Points Hauted02 and 03 are not given by any queststate, so i think they are setted direct in the dialogue file. But i can't find any one of them in the files of jeanette or therese. The point Haunted04 is setted at line 581 of jeanette.dlg, so i think those 2 XP setting are missing in dialogue. i tried it 3 times until to the end of the questline and in no case i got one of that points, or they are just an option perhaps?

i suggest set pc.AwardExperience("Haunted03") to effect of line 191 Jeanette.dlg and pc.AwardExperience("Haunted02") to effect of line 521 Therese.dlg

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ToreadorVV - - 27 comments @ Unofficial Patch 10.5 RC 6

if it is necessary to correct it, i found a little writing mistake.
The word "hotel" on Milligan's Computer is written "hoetl".

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ToreadorVV - - 27 comments @ Unofficial Patch 10.5 released!

Ich habe auch mal angefangen jetzt mit UP 10.5 zu spielen. Die UP's 10.1 bis 10.4 habe ich nicht gespielt daher ziehe ich den UP 10.0 zum Vergleich heran.

Was ich bis jetzt gesehen habe sieht klasse aus. Auffällig sind für mich vor allem die Augen, NPC Charaktere - richtig schön. Und die Dialogzeile von Mercurio über Troika; - es ist einfach nur episch, wie einem das Spiel mit jeder Erweiterung immer wieder zum schmunzeln bringt oder "verängstigt" wenn ich an die Kotzgeräusche aus der Klinik denke. Und natürlich die Tanzdarbietung meines Lieblingscharakters VV, man kennt das ja schon aus den Mods aber dennoch spitze. Obwohl ich mich zu erinnern glaube, dass das vor Jahren schon mal in einem UP enthalten war (glaube in der 6er Patchreihe irgendwo).

Dennoch hat auch dieser Patch einige Fragen offen gelassen, wie beispielsweise "Wer ist der Taxifahrer?", "Was waren die wirklichen Absichten von Jack?","Zu welcher Tür passt Lily's Schlüssel?" oder "Wird die Spielzeugente in Hollywood nochmal umziehen müssen?".

Scherz beiseite; manches sollte ruhig der Phantasie des Spielers überlassen werden.

Zur Frage wie lange dieses Spiel noch mittels Patches und Mods über Wasser gehalten werden soll möchte ich sagen (und ich denke ich spreche da für die meisten Fans), dass es selten ein Spiel mit einem solch hohen Wiederspielwert wie VTMB gab und ich hoffe dass uns dieses Game noch Jahre (auch nach Release des Nachfolgers VTMB 2) begleiten und Spaß bereiten wird. Denn die Messlatte, an der der Erfolg von VTMB 2 gemessen wird, liegt verdammt hoch um nicht zu sagen; von VTMB 2 wird erwartet, besser als eine Legende unter den PC-Spielen zu werden.
Abgesehen davon könnte von mir aus die Spiellänge von VTMB endlos gestreckt werden. Es sind ja schliesslich noch genug ungenutzte Gebäudetexturen und Charakterbeschreibungen ingame vorhanden, womit sich was anfangen ließe und mein Charakterbogen am Spielende hat auch noch jede Menge Platz für weitere Quest XP.

In diesem Sinne: "Let's go Fans und Comunity"

Abschließend zum 10.5 Patch: Ist eine ganz tolle Arbeit geworden und begeistert mich ungemein das Spiel damit nun zuende zu spielen und mit anderen Clancharakteren das ganze nochmal zu starten.

Was bleibt mir noch zu sagen außer:

Vielen, vielen Dank die Bereitstellung dieser großartigen Erweiterung für ein Spiel, das es verdient hat, niemals vergessen zu werden.

Wünsche allen, die das lesen ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und einen gesunden und glücklichen Start in das Jahr 2020.

Bye, bye.

Good karma+1 vote
ToreadorVV - - 27 comments @ Unofficial Patch 10.5 RC 6

I had the same prob so i tried to copy the user, config and default files from UP 10.0 in but it did not work. Now it works nicely,

thanks again.

Good karma+1 vote
ToreadorVV - - 27 comments @ Unofficial Patch 10.5 RC 6

Diese Bedingung steht im Questtable:

"AwardXP" This is how many experience points to award to a character when they reach this quest
// completion level. defaults to 0.

Im XP table steht:

Explosive Beginnings
> Total Experience Value: 8
> Explosive06 added by wesp
Explosive01 | Fehde beendet. | 301
Explosive02 | Bertram Tung gefunden. | 101
Explosive03 | Lagerhalle gesprengt. | 401
Explosive04 | Astrolit platziert, ohne jemanden zu töten. | 201
Explosive05 | LaCroix von der Zerstörung der Lagerhalle berichtet. | 101
Explosive06 | Astrolit platziert, ohne entdeckt zu werden. | 201

Die XP für State 05 und 06 habe ich jedoch (wenn ich entsprechend gespielt habe) erst bekommen als ich das wie folgt geändert habe..

Explosive Beginnings
> Total Experience Value: 11
> Explosive06 added by wesp
Explosive01 | Fehde beendet. | 301
Explosive02 | Bertram Tung gefunden. | 101
Explosive03 | Lagerhalle gesprengt. | 401
Explosive04 | Astrolit platziert, ohne jemanden zu töten. | 201
Explosive05 | LaCroix von der Zerstörung der Lagerhalle berichtet. | 101
Explosive06 | Astrolit platziert, ohne entdeckt zu werden. | 201

Aber wenn "Total Experience Value" nur ein funktionsloser Kommentar ist kann das nur Zufall gewesen sein, denke ich. Am besten ich teste das nochmal.

Danke für die Hilfe :)

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ToreadorVV - - 27 comments @ Unofficial Patch 10.5 RC 6

Stimmt, sorry wegen dem Exploit. Worauf ich hinaus wollte war dass im letzten englischen Patch (war bei mir 10.0 glaube ich) es nicht möglich war Bücher bei Händlern überhaupt zu verkaufen und so das oben genannte zu ermöglichen.

Wegen der XP Vergabe: Das sieht am besten beim XP-tab der Explosive Beginnings Quest. Ich weiss nicht ob ich den Auszug davon in dieses Forum posten darf aber da steht drin: 8 XP für diesen Quest verfügbar (+2 für Bonusziel). Es jedoch theoretisch möglich mehr als 8 XP zu ergattern. Aber alles was dieses Limit überschreitet wird automatisch auf 0 reduziert.

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ToreadorVV - - 27 comments @ Unofficial Patch 10.5 RC 6

Hallo, hätte mal ne Frage. In den Patches bis 10.0 in deutsch ist es möglich die meisten Skillbücher 2-fach zu verwenden während in den englischsprachigen Patches das nicht möglich ist. Ist das so gewollt?

Und noch eine. Ich bin gerade dabei bei meiner VTMB Installation gewisse Questabläufe abzuändern, dabei ist mir aufgefallen dass bei gewissen Quests die XP, welche man bekommen sollte durch die Limitierung im Experiencetable verhindert werden
Beispiel: Klinik - Pincode von PC erhalten = 1 XP
Pincode von Phil erhalten = 0 XP. ???

Beim Warenhaus gibt es ein ähnlichen Vorfall. Soll das so sein?

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