A really, really strange person.

RSS Reviews

Brutal Half-Life

Mod review

> start this
> click play on DOOM 4 OST


Infamous Fusion

Mod review

Probably the best a mod could do to make the game more realistic! Still missing prone and cover fire options though.


Call of Duty 2 Battlefield weapons sounds

Mod review

Just... doesn't sound good. Not even because it doesn't match, but because of the mixing.


Call of Duty 2

Game review

The only Call of Duty from my childhood. I know it is expected for me to give it a high rating, but, really, this amazing game deserves it, this beatifully crafted and organized WWII shooter that this game is!

The only reason of why I don't give it the great 10 is because of the lack of engaging sound effects, which can easily be fixed here, or with other communities' mods.


White Night

Mod review

I was expecting much more from the mod, with such a high rating... Really wasn't up to my expectations.


1. Interesting story overall. Reminds me a lot of Cry of Fear in a way.

2. As Pixel Perfect said, very, very successful in creating a suspenseful atmosphere. That was really well done!


1. The mod's visuals don't look appealing, at all. I don't normally mind that, but the problem is that the screenshots were misleading.

2. Voice acting needs to be worked on, especially for the girl that did Dr. Sofia, which was one of the main characters.

3. Awful music, even for developers that didn't really care about this aspect. Don't make a track that has the exact same notes playing throughout it's entirety of around three minutes, just do not.

Note: Some of the game's "inovative" features could have been more worked on too. The lightbulb changing, for example. Throughout my entire playthrough, I believe I only changed two or three lightbulbs max. It's a good concept, just wasn't well applied.


Dark Room

Mod review may contain spoilers

Starts out really slow and eary, but after the "trolling" sequence, it gets really fun!
Also, really old memes ahead, even for the time that it was realeased.