Lead developer of the Half-Life mod Deflections.

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Half-Life: Deflections

Thanoshld Blog

Full Summary 1

Current status: Still working on it

InDeFi status: InDeFi has been dissolved

Founding members status:

Neclipse: Released HL: The Infected. The first release that InDeFi has seen. Worked on and released by himself.

Thanoshld: No mods released. HL: Deflections is still TBA

23-down: Released Military Duty. Firestorm is still TBA

New Half Life Mod named as 'HL-Deflections'

Thanoshld Blog 2 comments

Hey every Half Life series fan!

I've played HL1 and all of it's modifications thousands of times and i thought 'why not creating my own?'.So i've made a modification named as 'HL-Deflections'.The story simple.You are Mr.Jones, a simple employee in black mesa.You arrive at sector C before Freeman and your job is to open the ventilation system, to start the main Sector D generator and such stuff.You also take an HEV suit from sector D.Ater a while, when you activate the main D Sector generator the incident happens and the game begins.Save your ass and get the hell out of there!So i hope you like it..HL4Ev3R!