I am a beginning Source developer. I have little to no experience, and am currently learning the ropes for the tools I will use to create new modifications for Source-based games.

RSS Reviews

Dark Interval

Early access mod review may contain spoilers

The level of map detail is absolutely mind-boggling. As someone who has used the SDK before, I laud you for your handle on it. Lighting works really well in most areas. My favorite parts were just wandering around the city, exploring the decrepit buildings and small nooks. That's what was really missing from the released HL2. That feeling of dystopian hopelessness. The version we got was too clean, too bright, too innocent. This realization of the original concepts is beautiful. You saw smoke billowing into the skies and oppression geuninely hung in the air. The dark skies, rain, rusty metal and towering buildings all infused with some Xen wildlife and combine synthetics...awesome work.

Felt like I was inside some kind of 80's dystopian movie and I loved every second of it. It genuinely had me immersed at times. I loved the superficial details like the water-filled potholes littered with trash. You even changed the water-splash effects. They are much more realistic now in my opinion. I feel like this is the world Gordon should have been dropped into. Imagine if something like this hit shelves back in 2004. I feel like it would still do very well today. Valve would be even bigger legends than they already are. Obviously it's not a complete product. I would not expect such. It says early access right at the top of the page.

Because of this, one can excuse the voice acting placeholders, most of the Borealis sequence (minus the icy boat ride, which I found very artistic and interesting) a few pacing issues, clunky weapons like the flare gun, and some awkward scripting sequences, but it's a monumentally enjoyable experience nonetheless. Much more polished than anything I could ever hope to create. The Arcade sequence was utterly unique. Gave me Tron vibes. It gave the city some character as well.

This version of the city is reminiscent of the New New York from Doctor Who. The tech mixed in with a harsh exterior. Inclusion of beta-enemies like the Cremator filled me with dread and worry (in a good way). They felt like a real menace. The army parade down the street was a sight to behold. Kleiner's lab truly felt like a small stronghold tucked into the darkest corners and alleys. Being forced to sneak behind enemy lines in dark tunnels and the underground is somehow better than facing the entire Combine occupation force alone. The power-trip of the orginial was nice, but the realism of this mod is un-matchable at times. The failure of the teleporter was handled well. That teleportation tunnel effect was very impressive. Barney and Kleiner's voice actors did a good job. I found myself hoping for more, wondering when Alyx would appear and waiting for the story we all know and love to take off. I wanted to be thrown back onto the streets and wage a dirty, bloody struggle against the Combine. I wanted to do it in a patchwork Hazard Suit with a glitchy FVOX voice that "will never be the same again." That's really cool stuff.

There's tons of potential here. Well done, and I hope the work continues. You have a fan now. If I can ever help with anything, just ask. I would be honored to contribute to such an interesting project. I'm not much of a voice actor or mapper or coder, but I apply myself where my interests lie, in whatever form that takes. I've created my own solo projects (mostly unfinished and few Source ones, but I have some Doom 1993 projects that I am proud of). As I said, I really apply myself to what I am interested in, and I've taken an interest in the originally dark world of Half-Life. I like to "live" in the environments I make. I have a vision but often lack the resources to accomplish it. That being said, I really appreciate and have an understanding for the aesthetic you are striving for and am more than willing to offer constructive criticism or any help you need or think I can provide. No hard feelings if you want to go it your own way. I certainly wouldn't want to hold you back. I think your team (and with such a small one what has been done here is even more impressive) is more than on the right track. Fine tuning is what this project really needs as the formula is there and working extremely well. Best of luck!