Creator and Co-developer of the released mods 'End of Days,' 'End of Days II-Lycan Rising, Sicilia and '300' Warlords of Sparta.

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The 'Chronicle of the Night Breeds' is the accompanying story for End of Days II Lycan Rising. The story was necessary to create a lore for the mod and immerse players in the world the mod presents.

Book one; Eribus the boy, Lucian the man.

For a thousand years the Lycans were enslaved by the Vampyre nation, kept as servants and at the time of the full moon, hunted for sport by the nobles of the great houses of Rahala and Severin. A thousand years in chains, a thousands years of fear and hatred.

A great noble named 'Valefore', land owner and warrior of the Severin caste often spent the hot summers in the north on the coast of the Cerasen sea, the sun rarely passed though the dense forest there, and walking beneath the trees in the day was a great joy to him, as was sound of the waves crashing in the distance soothing his troubled mind and clouding out the voices all Vampyres heard in the night. He would take with him a man servant to carry his cases and a female Lycan to cook for him and for company, Lycan women were often beautiful and though it was strictly forbidden by the high council, Valefore had no qualms about taking one along as a lover.

The girl had been won in a game of chance from a noble of the Rahala, a priest with a taste for games of risk but also a weak heart, Valefore had sensed it flutter and knew the priest was bluffing, the priest was not happy but paid the debt rather than lose face. The female was brought out dressed in an all white gown her long hair falling down over her face, and though he could not see them, Valefore knew her eyes were on him, deep black eyes like pools of water in the darkness.

Months passed like days and in that time he took the girl to his bed, unlike most Vampyres Valefore did not look on Lycans as animals and slaves, he saw passed the old teachings and had become more used to their company than that of the other nobles, a fact which had not gone unnoticed.

Summer was almost at an end and it was time to return home to Metatron, the warm winds were coming and with them the days seemed to last longer, not an ideal season for Vampyres. Valfore awoke with a start, he felt a presence, another heartbeat had entered the room, weak perhaps deliberately hidden? and assassin!, his hand slid to his sword his movements fluid and silent, he was on his feet, naked head set to one side listening, sensing with his minds eye, but no attack came, nothing stirred, not even the female sleeping until a moment ago by his side was aroused by his flight. He calmed himself allowing his body to relax a little allowing the blood flowing though his veins to slow itself.

He looked across at the girl, the moon light from the window shining across her body, had it been so long since he'd heard that same soft heartbeat, so long since his last child had made it's presence known, he lay back down on the bed his mind whirling, dazed, the high council, the priests of the Rahala, his own family, could he run, where???...he lay troubled until sleep once again embraced him.....

Kalen had been a servant of the lord Valefore for many years, Vampyres were often cruel masters but Valfore had treated him well, the fact he had lived so long was in service was proof of that, but this morning something had changed. They had been preparing for the journey home, clothing was packed the wagon loaded and the horses prepared, but his master had risen early and set off toward the hills, not a word of explanation, he supposed that soon the reason would reveal itself but he'd learned not to question his masters behavior.

The girl almost fell into the room her arms tightly wrapped around her waist, she bumped the table and was spun around almost head first into the cooking fire, Kalen reached out grabbing her with strong hands, he'd seen many women left almost for dead by his master, sometimes when the passion reached a high he would feed on them, though he had never killed, He sat the girl on a chair and looked over her body for bite marks or blood but found nothing, the girl sat with her hands folded over her stomach and Kalen knew what had happened and what he must do..

He stood up and crossed to a table where he had been preparing food, picking up a large carving knife he turned and walked towards the girl, Kalen stopped and looked down at her his hands trembling.

Turning quickly he strode out the door and over to the wagon, there he stopped, slowly and deliberately he killed the horses. Moving quickly he gathered food and blankets and pulled the girl outside, putting her on his masters horse and jumping up behind her he gave one quick look around and kicked his heels, they headed west chasing the sun, he could put almost two days between them and his master if they rode though the night, and that might just be enough.

Chapter two
Kalen looked across at his son, they had named the boy Eribus after Kalen's father, a good name which the boy wore it well, he was strong yet thoughtful and popular amongst the other children of the village. Almost eighteen years had passed since he and Alcea had run from Valfore and after passing though many settlements they had stopped at Dai-marshn and decided to stop running, Alcea was close to giving birth and Kalen believed they had run far enough...

Eribus was sharpening a long handled hunting dagger when his closest friend Tokan came running over, it was almost time for the hunt that would see them pass from boys into men, hunters respected by all and Tokan was excited,

'Slow down brother, or you'll fall and end up washing my cloths in the river for the rest of your life while i go and hunt'

Token grinned at his friend, 'then I'll spend my days with the women while you lie in the mud waiting for a pig to come close'

They both laughed as Eribus carried on sharpening his blade.

Eribus and Token stood naked in the village center as two old warriors covered them in a mixture of animal fat and blood, they did this so the two boys would have no element of surprise as they set off on their hunt, a hunt which would end with their return as men. As the Sun finally passed under the horizon and darkness engulfed the forest in the distance the two boys set off, their only weapons their long handled knives their only protection a blanket, they headed towards the forest and beyond it the forbidden mountains, unknown to them they would never make it beyond the darkness of the trees and only one would return.

After three days they had still to pass through the dense forest, progress was slow and tiring as they cut though the undergrowth, but their spirits were high, it had been a hot day and the water skin they had made from a rabbit's gut was almost dry, deciding to settle for the night Token headed down a steep slope to towards the sound of running water which sounded close, while Eribus began to make beds for them both in the low branches of a tree.

Not a minuet had passed when a low whistling sound came from somewhere beyond the slope, Eribus swiftly jumped from the tree and slid down the bank and into the trees moving as quietly as he could. Fifty feet into the trees he almost stumbled over Token who was flat on his stomach hidden under some bushes.

The two boys didn't speak but Token pointed across the small stream to the trees on the other side, there was movement, slight at first, then more as something big skirted along the far bank, Token slid off to the right following the creatures movements while Eribus slid into the water and crossed. Token's mind began to wander, 'a wild pig maybe', the food they had left the village with had only lasted the first day and the rabbit they had caught had been skinny, since then they had eaten only berries from the forest and hunger had begun to call, 'perhaps this is it' he envisioned himself crossing the clearing back to the village with the skin of a great bear or a huge wolf draped over his back, a smile broke across on his face at the thought. He passed the creature and slipped into the water, the current was stronger here and Token was dragged a little way down stream, but he wasn't worried, he would lay in wait of his prey as it slowly made it's way toward him.

Minuets passed as the unseen creature moved slowly toward Token, he waited patiently in the undergrowth ready to stab forward when the moment came, he expected Eribus was close behind and would leap onto the cretures back stabbing down into the flesh of their prey's neck. It was close, close enough that Token could hear it breathing, just two more steps....the creature came closer...

Token sprang forward his blade cutting an arc where he thought the throat must be but the beast had sensed him and reared back onto it's hind legs, Token stared up into the animals face horror entering his eyes, it was not a pig a bear or a wolf, but something he had seen only in nightmares, a creature he thought only lived in the stories the elders told to scare little children....

Eribus made his way slowly along the bank following the creature ahead of him, the wind was almost still, what little breeze there was drifted inland and would not give warning of himself or Token hiding somewhere ahead, he was close now almost close enough to spring an attack, but he waited for Token, if all went well Token would make the first cut, surprised and confused the creature would freeze for a split second before running and that was when Eribus would strike the death blow. The forest had become dense here as the roots of a great tree twisted though the undergrowth to the stream, Eribus had to slither under and over the thick roots as he tried to stay close to the still hidden prey....

A sudden movement ahead as Token struck, Eribus sprung forward but his foot slipped on the damp earth his leg caught between two entwined roots, Eribus looked up and saw silhouetted against the night sky the creature he had been following, it was like a man but taller, near eight feet at least it's long arms outstretched powerful hands which formed into long claws, and then it threw back it's head and Eribus could see it was not a man...

The beast threw back it's head a piercing howl came screaming from it's mouth, forcing it's way past huge fangs as it cut into the night sky, Token was on his feet and gripped by fear he ran into the trees, the creature did not follow strait away, Token burst though the trees dropping his blade as he did, he turned for a split second to retrieve the weapon but the sound of the beast crashing after him caused new panic and he turned and ran off without the blade...

Eribus kicked out with his free leg at the roots which held him and pulled the one which had been caught from their grasp, in one fluid movement he was on his feet and scrambling forward, the beast was standing less than ten feet away and just beyond it he saw Token disappear into the trees, Eribus leaped to one side and planted a foot on the trunk of a nearby tree propelling himself from it in to the air, his blade held ready to strike a gasp of hair passing his lips as he did, The beast spun around to face him and with one swipe of a huge claw struck Eribus to one side, Eribus twisted and landed on his feet turning only to see the beast vanish into the trees after his friend...

Token broke into a clearing but in his panic did not think to cut across back into the trees, instead panic coursing though his body he dashed strait across the open ground, the grass was long almost up to his waist and he didn't see the rocks ahead, the rocks which he stumbled over and fell crashing into the dirt...

The beast came crashing into the clearing and stopped, it had Token fall and knew it had him, slowly it began to circle the spot where Token lay closing the distance as it moved...

Eribus flung himself forward crashing though the bushes making no attempt to hide his approach, ahead the moon light glistened on something in front of him, Token's blade, he scoped it up as he passed his speed never changing, ahead though the trees he saw the clearing and he slowed to a stop just at the edge, he could see the beast on the far side slowly moving to his left, facing him, moving closer, and he knew Token was between them hiding somewhere in the grass..

Token had hit his head and was dazed for a moment, then he froze, still, listening for the beast, but he heard nothing more than his own heart beating fast in his chest, unsure if he had been unconscious, he lay still as the minuets passed...

Not a sound in the darkness, 'Where was the beast, had it run passed him, not seeing him fall, and where was Eribus, dead?, Token began to raise his head above the grass, looking back to the trees he had come though, nothing, slowly turning, until he saw the beast, not thirty feet away crouched, but still visible over the grass, in the blink of an eye the monster leaped forward, covering the ground in a blur until it was close enough to strike, then with a huge leap it was in the air legs drawn quickly up beneath it's body, powerful arms stretched out ready to grasp Token in a murderous embrace...

Minuets had passed in silence as Eribus waited at the edge of the clearing hidden by the bushes around him, his eye focused on the beast, then a slight movement between them broke his concentration for a split second as the head of Token raised up fro m the grass, The creature suddenly sprang forward and Eribus was on his feet and moving towards it his legs felt suddenly more powerful than ever as the beast flew into the air, Eribus breathed in sharply as he to took off an impossible distance from the creature, his arms held taught at his sides a blade in each hand...

Token tried to scramble to his feet but fear had him gripped and the speed of the beast was to fast, he began to duck back into the earth when a blur of motion caught his eye, he twisted his body waiting for to beast to land and saw in Eribus smash into the creature above him, there was a cry of pain as the two figures bones crushed together and they fell back...

Eribus lay still his body pinning the beast to the ground the two knives embedded deeply into it's throat, the beast groaned softly and then with a last breath howled as death swept into it's body. Eribus stood and turned towards where his friend had lay but Token was on his feet and moving away from him....

"who are you, what are you"??.. said Token, fear in his eyes...

Eribus looked down at his hands his flesh had blackened, the muscles throbbed as a new blood coursed though his veins, he felt strong, stronger than ever before, his eyes could see clearly as if it was day, and though Token was ten feet away, Eribus could hear his heart beating and smell his blood..for a moment he did not know how to answer his friend, then as his eyes narrowed and images of things he had never seen flashed though his mind he knew the answer, "I am Lucian, i am vengeance"...

Token turned and ran back into the trees, back towards home...

Lucian stood for awhile alone listening to the silence with new ears looking into darkness with new eyes, he didn't notice the figures moving slowly closer to him from all directions until it was almost to late...

The circle closed slowly as the beast had when stalking Token not an hour ago, but this time it was Lucian in the center, he pulled the two blades up behind his arms so the light didn't catch them, he hoped they hadn't seen them. The beasts stopped circling and one of them moved forward it's head bowed but it's eyes fixed on Lucians own, it moved toward the dead creature and reaching out grabbed it by the head, it pulled it back and slashed at it's throat with razor sharp claws, severing the head, then all but one of the beasts turned and crashed into the forest and were gone, the one that stayed came towards Lucian bared it's teeth growling and pointed after it's companions then it to sprang forward and was gone, Lucian looked back to where Token had run, for a moment what he had lost crossed his mind and sorrow passed though his heart, then he to disappeared into the trees following the beasts to his destiny.

So ends book one.....

Book two; Child of darkness, Child of light.

Amshur stared across the city and beyond to the mountains at the edge of his empire, for as far as he could see the land was his, all the riches a man could imagine and almost a million subjects were his to command, his every whim was a simple request from being granted and yet his heart was heavy with sadness, for though he was a powerful king his one true wish could not be brought to him, a son. Loved by his people for the wealth he had given them, not a single citizen in his empire was poor, not one went without good food or shelter, and yet Amshur was an almost broken man, his Queen Aliaa was young and beautiful and Amshur loved her with all his being, yet without a son to bear his crown he felt nothing....

Physicians and Mystics came from all the corners of the empire to consult but still no child came, then one night as the city gates were being closed a man walked though the darkness and asked for an audience with the King...

The stranger was tall his body covered by a long black robe a long wooden staff held in one hand, his face hidden beneath a hood and yet the King could feel his gaze from across the room, "I am Etrigan of the Eshen, a people beyond your empire, i come to bring you a child if my price is met"...Amshur had heard many such claims and though weary from the many false promises, this man seemed to posses an unseen power. "And this price would be??"..asked the King...

"You shall agree to my price without it's revelation, this is a non negotiable part of our contract, should you agree".. reluctantly the King agreed, hope was far from his mind, and what could this stranger ask for that he could not grant...

"Three days shall pass and i shall return to this place at this hour, you and your Queen alone shall give me an audience, and then you shall have your child", with those words still hanging in the air Etrigan left...

After three nights had passed Amshur and Aliaa waited in the courtroom as instructed, it was a warm evening and the air was still, no sound rose from the city below as if all their subjects had retired early, the minuets passed slowly into hours and Etrigan did not show, the hour was late and Amshur was ready to give up when he heard footsteps and the rhythmic taps of the staff Etrigan carried coming slowly from the far end of the long hall....

"Will you meet my price??"

"If you give us what you have promised, i shall grant you anything your heart desires"...

Etrigan stepped forward removing his hood as he came close to the King, beside him Amshur heard the Queen gasp as the mystic revealed his face, his skin pallid almost transparent stretched across his bones so his veins were visible, his eyes sunken into his skull were black as the darkest night his lips blood red, Etrigan reached out and took Amshur's face in his hands, leaning even further forward he pressed his mouth to the Kings in a deathly kiss, Amshur's body stiffened briefly as something unseen passed between the two men, and then Amshur slumped as if in a stupor back into his seat, Etrigan barely paused as moved towards the Queen and repeated the process, and then without a word he turned and left....

Days passed and Amshur began to doubt what had happened was anything more than a trick, perhaps the Mystic had tried to fool him in some way, but Amshur could not see what Etrigan could have gained, even so he had sent the royal guards out into the streets to find the Mystic, but they found no trace...

The Queen came running into Amshur's chambers a smile as broad as a mighty river spread across her face, "It has happened husband, a child is coming", the King startled at first swept his wife into his arms, "A son"??, he questioned, "Yes" she replied giggling, "a son", the King let her down gently, staring into her eyes he asked "how can you know?", "the physicians have felt it, listened to it's heart, it is, a son"...The King threw his head back and howled like a wild beast, "a son...a son"...

Chapter two
The days passed quickly into months and soon it would be time for the birth, Amshur had given orders for a great festival to be arranged for all his subjects, a feast was to be held in the palace the night after the birth, with Kings from every known empire were invited. Amshur in his joy had forgotten Etrigan, he had forgotten there would be a price to pay but the reckoning was soon to come...

The moon rose high and shone bright that night bathing the palace with it's ghostly light, Amshur was preparing to retire when he heard raised voices from his wifes chamber, suddenly maids began to rush out and head for the stairs leading to the kitchens soon to return with hot water and stacks of linens, a physician suddenly appeared from down the hall and rushed into the Queens rooms, Amshur stood at the door of his own rooms and was about to rush forward when a voice reached out an touched his heart with an icy finger, "It is almost time to give me my payment King", Amshur spun round his eyes taking a second to find the source of the voice though he knew who had spoken, Etrigan stepped from the shadows and walked towards the King, Fear coursed though Amshur's body as the memories of their last encounter flooded back into his mind, "What is your price?, speak it now"..

Etrigan lowered his eyes and breathed in deeply, then raising his head he spoke, "I want your second born son for my own", Amshur looked stunned by the request, confused he started intensely at the figure before him his mind whirling, "second born"??, Amshur though horrified by the demand agreed, he thought that should there ever be a second born son he had no intension of giving it to this creature, it seemed such an event was a long way off and fate could deal a deathly hand to the Mystic before Amshur needed to worry about it, He turned and walked down the hall to await the birth of his first son...

Though the night maids ran in and out of the chambers as the screams of Aliaa echoed though the palace, and then it came the first cry, the first breath of Amshur's first son, the King almost collapsed at the sound, so perfect to his ears, it was everything he had imagined and more, one of the maids wrapped the child in a soft linen blanket and brought it to the King who now was smiling so much his jaw ached, "My King, your son"..

Amshur held the child close and stared down into it's eyes, "he is beautiful", suddenly he was aware of a presence to his right, Etrigan had come closer, the King slowly turned his head and looked at him, the Mystic was standing head bowed with eyes fixed on the child, a smile playing on his lips, "remember the price King", he said, the words hanging in the air, almost broken by another scream from the chamber, "there is another" Amshur heard one of the maids cry as the others began to rush back to the Queens side, "take the child women " Ashur said as he passed the new prince to the maid who'd brought him out.

"Guards!, seize him", Amshur called out, several guards appeared, two grabbing Etrigan by the arms, "not going to play fair King ?" said the Mystic...Etrigans body twisted and the two guards holding him were thrown with huge force against the walls crumpling to the floor, others stepped forward and soon Etrigan was surrounded and beaten to the floor the guards falling on him in a heap, and then it began, low at first rising to an almost deafening scream as Etrigan began to squirm and twist beneath his captors, the sound human at first began to change into nothing Amshur had ever heard as the guards began to be thrown in all directions, as if with the power of ten men Etrigan burst upwards and forwards casting off the last of the soldiers his cloak falling to the floor, and then Amshur saw, not the man who had stood before him moments ago but a huge beast, powerful arms stretched out, hands formed into massive razor sharp claws, only the eyes remained the same, the beast stepped forward howled into Amshurs face then turned into the chambers slamming the huge doors behind it, more guards came running into the hall and Amshur ordered them to smash it down...for an age they slammed their bodies against the doors the screams from within driving them harder and faster, then suddenly silence...

Time stood still as the men listened then Amshur again threw himself at the doors, the others joined him crashing into the doors until with a great crack they flung open, only to reveal the massacre inside, all of the maids were dead, bodies torn apart blood covering the walls, Amshur ran to the bed to find his Queen given no mercy and no second child to be seen...

So ends book two.

Book three; Severin, down on your bended knee...

Valfore entered the city of Metatron through the south gate, it had taken three days to trek through the mountains which formed a natural defence on this side of the city, but this meant there would be less guards, less questions, still he didn't fail to notice as one of the sentries stepped back into the shadows and headed off towards the temple district to announce his return. He had many friends in the city but many enemies as well, various conflicts had arose between his caste, the 'sired' Severin, and the pure blood Rahala. For as long as anyone could remember the two rival castes had been at odds, each vying for power in the great council, each harbouring a hatred for for the other.

Valfore made his way though the cities narrow alleyways keeping to the shadows, it was almost dawn and while the covered walkways would protect him from the sun he did not wish to be seen. His mansion was small compared to many of those of the great lords, he did not show his wealth and power by building a great palace, comfort for Valfore was a simple thing.

He passed though the hall and moved left opening a plain door and descended the stairs to his inner sanctum, huge unseen bolts slid open and he entered, locking the door behind him, releasing a hidden lever he stood and watched wearily as his tomb raised up from the floor, climbing in he pulled another level and the tomb closed and lowered itself again into the darkness, Valfore closed his eyes and let a deep sleep wash over him.

Akashan sat in his throne a look of pure joy on his face, the spy he had sent to watch Valfore lay at his feet his tale still echoing in the great hall. 'What could this mean?' Akashan wondered, the servant slaying the horses, stealing his masters mount and then fleeing with the girl, something out of the ordinary had taken place, no Vampyre servant would take such a risk just for a girl, there was something more, Akashan wanted to know what...

Valfore opened his eyes, the banging had seeped into his mind sometime ago, but so deep was his slumber it had become apart of his dreams, now so loud it awoke him, he set in motion the lock that opened his tomb and stepped out of the casket, someone was trying to enter his inner chamber, he could hear voices urging each other on as the battering grew ever more intense, drawing his sword he waited ready to kill whoever came through the door, finally the door crashed open hanging by it's huge top hinge...

Several Rahala guards came through the doorway at once and surrounded him, they were followed by an officer and one of the Rahala temple speakers, the speaker drew open a parchment scroll and began to read.."Lord Valfore of the Severin, you are charged with suspicion of mis-conduct and breaking the commands of the high council"...Valfore stood staring at the speaker "Under what evidence are these charges made?".."evidence my lord? no shall be interrogated, we shall find the evidence, Guards seize him"...

Valfore was taken to the temple of Aliaa high on the forth hill of the city, they passed though the huge arch at the entrance to the temple and climbed the stairs leading to the main hall, somewhere hidden from sight young boys sang laments to the dead queen even though her life had ended almost a hundred years ago, she had given birth to their empire and the Rahala priests worshipped her above all others. Valfore was forced to sit in a chair on one side of the alter while he waited for his accusers to arrive..

From the shadows a guard stepped forward and rapped his staff three times on the concrete floor, as the third tap still echoed around the cavernous temple a small procession appeared from a side door, Valfore recognised one of the group instantly, "Akashan" he said to himself under his breath.

The procession made their way to the alter and all but one, a hooded figure, seated themselves, the speaker who had come to arrest Valfore then spoke, "In accordance with the law any Vampyre lord accused of breaking the sacred codes of the high council must be interrogated"...Valfore lifted his gaze to meet that of Akashan, "Who accuses me" one of the guards stuck him across the face, "silence lord", Akashan lifted his hand, "I accuse you" his eyes gleamed and a smile broke across his face, "proceed with the interrogation" he said to the speaker. The man nodded at the hooded figure who stepped forward towards the accused Valfore...

The figure stepped in front of Valfore and removed his hood, he was an Incubus, His face was handsome but his eyes drawn and bloodshot, known for their ability to see inside the mind of their victims Incubus were mistrusted by Vampyre society and few were allowed to live, but some made themselves servants of the powerful, The Incubus grasped Valfores head in his hands and tilted his head back, at first the Vampyre lord felt nothing, then slowly it was as if the fingers holding him slipped inside his skin, the icy grip getting tighter and tighter as the fingers seemed to pick their way through his mind, though his memories...

"There is a woman........... a Lycan woman.......... and a child"

The Incubus fell to the floor as did Valfore the pain searing though his head as the grip was suddenly torn away, "Guilty" said one of the group "Guilty" said another, then all of them, "GUILTY". The speaker stepped forward again "Valfore you have been judged guilty, you shall be executed by means of the Sun dial at the dawn of this very night".

Word spread quickly through the city of Valfore's disgrace and coming execution, though many were eager to see the death of the high Severin lord there were those who were not, and soon a plan was set in place to free him.

Chapter two
One hour to dawn

Valfore was dragged through the streets to the cities main square where a crowd had begun to gather, four centuries of Rahala guards were placed around the sides and more were placed at the main roads leading in, Akashan knew there was a good chance of a rescue attempt so had ordered another century of archers placed around the roof tops of the vast square, In the centre of the square was a stone platform with several columns forming a circle, Valfore was chained to one of these and the guards retreated a safe distance covering themselves with heavy dark cloaks to protect themselves from the coming dawn, then they turned and faced the crowd which had now swelled to a throng, The speaker began to read the charges and the crowd which had been mostly silent began to bay for Valfore's blood.

As the sun rose the Vampyres in the crowd began to step back under the covered walkways which skirted the square, while those who could afford to had huge dark parasols opened by slaves so they could stay as close to the condemned lord as possible, a good burning was the height the entertainment, the fact such a famous lord was chained in the square made this an unmissable event.

As the sun began to rise over the building and slowly spread it's deadly light across the square all fell silent again, and then the arrows began to rain down. The archers around the square were not the Rahala soldiers Akashan had ordered, those troops lay butchered in a side street far from the square replaced by elite Severin troops, panic spread quickly, many high ranking Vampyre lords and their wives were caught in the open, the sun had almost covered the whole square and dashing for cover would mean being exposed to the archers, from one of the roof tops a huge bolt flew across the square dragging a heavy metal line behind it, quickly Severin troops slid along the line and dropped into the square covering the lord Valfore with heavy blankets, his skin had begun to burn and peel but he was safe, a line was quickly wrapped around his shoulders and he was hauled back across the square and on to the roof tops and away, the few Severin still in the square were not so lucky...

The rescuers moved quickly through the streets and back allies to the edge of the city where they bundled Valfore into a waiting wagon, from there they headed for the coastal town of Zanad and then sailed north through the gates of Bastet to safety far from the Rahala empire to forge an empire of their own.

So ends book three.

Book four; The secret that bind's.

Etrigan lay in his bed staring through the window, the sickness that had kept him there for almost six months was spreading even deeper into his bones and he knew the end was near, in fact he had know the end was coming for many years and it was that knowledge that had been the birth of his plans for vengeance.

He called for his son Kerin, it was time to tell him of his destiny, Etrigan's heart was cold and the future he had created for the boy would be a hard one but it had to begin now. Kerin sat beside his farther holding his hand, fighting back tears as the withered man began his tale...

"It was the beginning of winter and the first snows had settled on the ground, the days were short and the nights long, Though i was not yet born i lay heavy in my mothers stomach. It was a hard time for our people, for your people", he said gripping the boy's hand as tightly as his strength allowed, "they lived in a village of 'Nekhen west of the forbidden mountains, for the most part they lived in peace protected from their enemies by the mountains though sometimes they had to fight off raiders, that was until one night at the time of the full moon", Etrigan's voice trialled off as he remembered the tale his own farther had told him so long ago...

At first the sentry was unsure of what he was looking at, about 300 yards from the village's low mud brick walls, a shape, like a wolf but bigger, then like a man walking on it's hind legs, it seemed to pace back and forth in the gloom, slowly watching the village, "look at this" he called to two other men who were standing by a fire below, the two men climbed the small ladder on to the wall and looked out into the darkness, now not one but three of the big creatures were out there, black shapes visible against the snow, "what are they?" one of the men asked. Wild beasts tended to stay away from the village, the burning torches placed on the walls usually keeping them in the trees, Suddenly the creatures broke into a run heading strait for the walls, one of the guards reached for his quill and raised his bow getting off a shot, it's intended target swerved and the arrow missed, he reached for another but there was no time, one of the beasts leaped over the wall and the man swiping with a powerful clawed arm and separated his head from his body, the other two men barely had time to react before the other two creatures were over the wall and in the village, quickly they dashed for the alarm bell one of them making it and thrashing the cord as he rang the bell, the other had just enough time to turn back and see several more of the huge creatures leaping over the wall.

The villagers awoke to the sound of the alarm and many came dashing out of their homes with whatever weapons they could grab, few managed to put up a fight as the beasts ran among them slashing and tearing as they ran. Nekhen was a small village with less than 500 inhabitants and though the men were hardened by the life they lead they were not warriors and soon the snow covered streets were ran red with blood, then as quickly as they had come the beasts were gone, women and children wandered though the streets falling at the bodies of those who had tried to defend their homes, but the killing was not over yet.

The sound of horses soon broke though the night as riders came though the village gates, riders with pale skin and eyes that shone in the dark, at first the survivors thought they had come to help, but as the riders came to a stop in the village centre the leader spoke, "I am Setris of the Rahala, we are your masters now", some of the riders dismounted and moved among the people, then began to attack, not with swords or knives but with huge fangs.

Etrigan coughed, blood rising in his throat his stomach convulsing, then fell back on to his pillow, "My mother survived by hiding amongst the pigs but had been mauled by one of the beasts in the first attack, the next morning she and a handful of others left the village and made for the coast, from there they sailed here to Kahun where i was born a few weeks later, she did not live much longer. The rest founding the 'Talamasca' order you know, what i have never told you is where you came from and of the destiny you shall live"...

Etrigan spoke long into the night telling Kerin how he became his son, he told him of the vile creatures that would soon threaten his people and how he must lead them to war, not a war of conquest but of survival. Then as the first light of dawn broke across the sky and the sun cast it's warmth into the room Etrigan died...

Kerin took up his fathers sword and swore an oath, to protect his people and to reap vengeance on the creatures of the east.

So ends book four.

Book five; The boy who would be King.

Amshur awake with a start, cold steel pressed to his throat, "the hour is getting late father, time to pass the crown", suddenly blackness and Amshur was dead.

Akashan strode out on to the balcony and looked down on the city below, his city, it had never looked so beautiful, so calm, behind him his personal guards hurried into the room and began to clean up his fathers blood, the body they wrapped in blankets and carried off through a side door, Akashan had not an ounce of regret, his father had been week, laws were being broken and people were going unpunished, people like the Severin lord Valfore, things were going to change, but first he had to see to the great council.

Setis stood beside his master, the new blood coursing through his veins, "finish them now master my sword is waiting for your word" he whispered, "be still brother", Akshan spat back at him, then calmly "i will tell you when". The two men stood before the great council, Akashan had been called to answer questions on his fathers death and things were becoming uncomfortable.

Emris consul of the Severin took the floor and addressed the council..."Brothers, are we to believe that the King, in good health not a week ago was suddenly struck by sickness and died!, without a single physician to give truth to this claim??" a murmur of dissent flowed though the hall, "Brothers are we to believe that our beloved King's remains were so vile with disease that not one amongst us can see the body??" voices began to raise they disbelief.

"Consul Emris, are you accusing your new King of something so foul perhaps as murder??"

Emris was suddenly aware of the eyes of the whole council on him, of every member holding their breath.


From every side voices began to argue, shouting each other down as tempers were quickly being lost, even those of the Rahala seemed divided, Amshur had been a much loved King...

Akashan raised a hand, "SILENCE!!" slowly calm was restored, "And you men of the council, honourable lords of the council, What say you" Akashan spoke with a steady voice, but there was only silence, "not one of you has anything to say??. A damning vote if ever i didn't hear one". Akashan turned and walked toward the door, Setis following in his steps "master?", Akashan stopped and pulled the huge doors open, he looked longingly beyond the covered area at the bright sun light that filtered into the square, turning back towards Setis he finally spoke, "It is time for a new dawn brother".

Setis waved in the royal guard and closed the doors behind him.

So ends book five.

I found a link to the old dev forum and stumbled across the original transcript for the in game chronicles.. This was unedited so please excuse the terrible grammar..

Origins of the Vampyre's.

A mighty nation once stood far to the east where a people known as the "Setis" lived, their land was rich in minerals and crops and the "Setis" culture based on trading with peoples across the sea, they were a peaceful nation though not weak, past attempted invasions had taught them their lands were prized and their ships a target for those who would bring war, but for many years war had not come calling.

Moloch, by any standards was young for a seat on the 'Grey council' which ruled over the people, at thirty four some believed him to full of ambition for a role which such intense thought and consideration, but a hunting accident had taken the life of his farther and Moloch being high born was next in line for the position.

Of the nine councillors all were equal save one, the 'Esure', he was highest of all the council positions and cast the deciding vote where a tie was reached, he also had command of all the "Setis" armies, it was a position of great power and one all the other coveted.


Artantess had been the Esure for many years and his time was almost passed, the others sat in chambers and discussed who would be next in line and a clear favourite emerged, a man known as Ferminor. Once a rival of Moloch's farther Ferminor had been a general who had for many years kept the boarders of their nation safe from marauding barbarians who inhabited the lands of the north, He was popular with the people and would make a fine 'Esure', but Moloch had desires of his own and began to make plans to seize power.

Being high born Moloch had lived a privileged life but had not wasted it being pandered and spoilt, his farther had been a great warrior himself and had his son trained in many arts of a warrior, he had also sent his son travelling to far off lands and had tutors instruct the boy in all the sciences and cultures of many nations. Moloch was no ones fool and though quick to anger he had a keen mind for planning.


Moloch called for his two greatest teachers, a grizzled old warrior from a tribe know as 'Ghostmen' who called himself 'Talos' and a young druid known as 'Etrigan', they spoke for many hours and devised a plot to assassinate Ferminor.

Ferminor was sure of his ascension to the highest seat on the council and knew that his life was about to become more complex then anything he had ever known, with this in mind he set out to the estate he kept near the coastal town of "To~She" for a period on rest, it was there that the future of the Setis nation was set on a course of violent destruction.


The lights around the house were being doused one by one as Moloch lay in wait just beyond the walls, though he did not doubt the talents of Talos as a killer he wanted to kill Farminor himself, to see death in his rivals eyes, darkness engulfed the house and Moloch climbed the low wall and melted into the shadows.

He made his way through the gardens to the wall which faced the sea, the sound of the wave lapping the beach would help him as he began to scale the wall to the balconies of the first floor, he had watched the house for a number of days and was confident he knew where Farminor's bed chamber was, he slid over the balcony rail and through an open door.

The room was empty but a small candle light further down the hall revealed a shadow of a figure Moloch thought must be Farminor, though skilled in the art of stealth, Moloch could feel his blood rushing though his body and was eager to make his kill, he made his way down the hall towards the light, as silent as a cat hunting a mouse, his dagger held across his chest ready to cut his victims throat.


Moloch stopped leaning as close to the wall as he could and peered into the gloom, there sitting in a high backed chair was Farminor, Moloch could not see his face but recognised the robe he wore, emblazoned with the crest of the high council, it was almost ten feet away but Moloch was sure he could cross the room and make his kill before his victim knew what was happening.

He took the first step and in that instant his life and the destiny of his people changed forever.

The room suddenly lit up and guards came rushing in though side doors and the far balcony, a sword at his throat before he had time to turn and flee, and then the voice of Farminor filled his head. "Stupid boy!, did you think a general of the north could be killed while sitting in a chair!", "did you not realise I've had you watched from the day you joined the council", "Take him to the dungeons".


Moloch was lead down beneath the house and thrown into a cell, it was dark and void of any light save the candles where three guards sat at the end of a long corridor, Moloch sat and thought on what Farminor would do with him. "Probably nothing" a voice spoke from another cell, Moloch sat staring wide eyed at the darkness not understanding how his thoughts had been spoken out loud, "It's an old trick" the voice spoke again, "Etrigan?" said Moloch, "They came for me the night you left for here, Talos betrayed us", "he would not" Moloch replied, "he did", said Etrigan, "Now sleep", Molochs head had just begun to spin but at Etrigan's command his eyes became suddenly heavy and soon sleep washed over him.


Moloch's eyes flew open, he was unsure how long he had been asleep but it was still dark in the dungeon, he looked over to the small window in the door and was surprised to see Etrigan's face peering in at him, "come now, wake up, there is much to do and the day guards will soon be here".

The door opened and Etrigan came in dragging the lifeless body of one of the guards with him, blood flowing from the throat of the body, "Ask yourself now, what price will you pay to be free of these walls", said Etrigan, a leering smile across his lips, "any that you would ask" Moloch replied", Etrigan laughed, "it will not be me doing the asking".


Etrigan drained blood from the throat of the dead guard into a cup that he had taken from the guards station and then poured it on the ground in a circle around the two men, he then produced a small pouch from inside his shirt and began to sprinkle it's contents, which looked to Moloch as salt, over the top of the blood circle, as he did this Etrigan gave orders "stand still and keep your eyes closed, whatever is asked answer as simply as you can, do not open your eyes!", he then struck Moloch hards across the face, Moloch was shocked and almost struck back, "do not open your eyes" Etrigan said flatly.


Etrigan began to speak, a slow murmur at first getting quicker as time passed, "Anál nathrach, orth’ bháis’s bethad, do chél dénmha" over and over the chant went until Moloch felt as though his mind was melting, and then suddenly it stopped, and silence washed though the tiny cell, "I am Láthspéll the Souleater, What is your will and what will you give?" a voice, not Etrigan's asked, no more than a whisper but clear as the birds in the morning, "Freedom form these walls and this land, our offering, the soul of this dead one before you and anything you ask of us".

There was silence for what felt like an age and then the voice spoke again, "Moloch, of you I will ask for servitude, One day you will rule over a great nation, a nation born of darkness and death, I shall give you this nation, I shall give you the means to rule this nation, but the people must worship me".

"Etrigan, I shall ask of you the life of a child, when I do you shall give me this child without question".

Moloch's mind spun with questions but a burning feeling on his cheek kept his mouth closed, again silence flowed through the cell, and Moloch was about to open his eyes when he was suddenly gripped by the shoulders in powerful hands and lifted from the ground, then to his utter surprise he was bitten hard in the throat, slowly he felt life slipping away as his body began to lose all feeling his mind drifting into the darkness of death, but that was not to be his end, suddenly life came rushing back, not as before but more powerful, almost to much for his body to handle, pure power flowed though him a strength he had never know before coursed though his veins.

And then he fell to the floor and fell into a deep sleep.


When Moloch awoke he was no longer in the cell beneath Farminor's house, in fact he was no longer in the lands of the "Setis", "We are far from there" said Etrigan who was putting more wood on a fire, "Where?" replied Moloch, "This I can not say, but we are far, perhaps in another country, perhaps further than any we know of", Both cursed by Láthspéll, I to wander waiting for him to ask for a debt to paid, you as Vampyre, the first of your kind, though I doubt the last.

For many years the two wandered the new lands, sometimes coming into contact with the primative tribes that lived there, the Terani and the Subai, but for the most part alone, until one night while sitting in a tavern trying not to draw attention to themselves they overheard a man speaking of a war in a far off nation, a war between barbarians and a people called the "Setis"


"I must go back" said Moloch, "why do you seek death?, war or not your name will not be forgotten" Etrigan replied, "It is what he wants, that is my destiny", Moloch said, Etrigan did not question further, "it is not mine, so here we part".

Moloch set off that night, he did not say farewell to his friend, for although Etrigan had saved his life he had no thanks for the new one he had been given.

It took almost three years for Moloch to reach the shores of his old home and much had changed, the land along the coast which had once been rich and fertile was now dyeing, the towns and villages burned, the people gone. He set off towards To~She and all along the way he saw only death and destruction, a few times roaming bands of barbarians crossed his path and Moloch watched and waited until darkness when his strength flowed to kill them and to feed.


To~She was under siege, thousands of barbarians encircled the city and the coast was swarming with their ships, it looked as though they had been there for some years and the invading force had become more of a settlement outside the walls, Moloch waited until just before dawn and passed through the invaders unnoticed as if a ghost.

He made his way to the great crucible house where the council had always met to discuss the affairs of the nation, few guards were posted and none noticed the lone figure as he walked up the steps and slipped inside, there he made his way to the balconies above the council chamber where sometimes the public had been allowed to watch the council as they spoke or presided of criminal cases, once there he made himself comfortable and closed his eyes to sleep.


It was late afternoon when sounds from below awoke him, the councillors including Farminor entered and with them followed a small procession of soldiers, bodyguards had never previously been allowed into the chamber but in these times it was to be expected, Moloch waited as the council began the order of the day, listening to reports of the food and water stores and of how soldiers had repelled the usual attacks on the walls in the previous night.

Moloch waited until the councils was about to leave. He leaped over the balcony and landed in the centre of the circular chamber, the ground almost cracking under his boots as they crashed herd down on the floor, for a few moments no one moved, then quickly the guards began to rush towards him, some exclaiming "assassin!" as they drew their swords, Moloch drew his own sword, a long curved blade which he wielded with great ease and efficiency and soon a dozen guards lay dead at his feet.


Moloch walked strait towards Farminor and with one quick movement beheaded the councillor, the other still shocked at the speed of events believed their own deaths to be moments away but Moloch did not move towards them. "I will need councillors, wise rulers, men who know this land, for that reason and that that reason alone you shall all, live, beyond this day", a strange smile crossed his lips as he said live, but this was not noticed by the councillors who had only heard that they would not die at the hands of this strange creature.

He spoke for many hours and told them of his plans for their nation how he would rule and make them greater than they had ever been before, the councillors listened to his ravings while all the time wondering how he proposed to do all these things while a barbarian horde of thirty thousand warriors lay siege to the city, then when he had finished speaking one asked what they'd all had in mind.

The strange smile again crossed Molochs lips as he stood and walked towards the councillors, but this time they did notice, not only his smile but the length of his teeth as he said, "I'll show you".

Origins of the Vampyre's.

A mighty nation once stood far to the east where a people known as the "Setis" lived, their land was rich in minerals and crops and the "Setis" culture based on trading with peoples across the sea, they were a peaceful nation though not weak, past attempted invasions had taught them their lands were prized and their ships a target for those who would bring war, but for many years war had not come calling.

Moloch, by any standards was young for a seat on the 'Grey council' which ruled over the people, at thirty four some believed him to full of ambition for a role which such intense thought and consideration, but a hunting accident had taken the life of his farther and Moloch being high born was next in line for the position.

Of the nine councillors all were equal save one, the 'Esure', he was highest of all the council positions and cast the deciding vote where a tie was reached, he also had command of all the "Setis" armies, it was a position of great power and one all the other coveted.


Artantess had been the Esure for many years and his time was almost passed, the others sat in chambers and discussed who would be next in line and a clear favourite emerged, a man known as Ferminor. Once a rival of Moloch's farther Ferminor had been a general who had for many years kept the boarders of their nation safe from marauding barbarians who inhabited the lands of the north, He was popular with the people and would make a fine 'Esure', but Moloch had desires of his own and began to make plans to seize power.

Being high born Moloch had lived a privileged life but had not wasted it being pandered and spoilt, his farther had been a great warrior himself and had his son trained in many arts of a warrior, he had also sent his son travelling to far off lands and had tutors instruct the boy in all the sciences and cultures of many nations. Moloch was no ones fool and though quick to anger he had a keen mind for planning.


Moloch called for his two greatest teachers, a grizzled old warrior from a tribe know as 'Ghostmen' who called himself 'Talos' and a young druid known as 'Etrigan', they spoke for many hours and devised a plot to assassinate Ferminor.

Ferminor was sure of his ascension to the highest seat on the council and knew that his life was about to become more complex then anything he had ever known, with this in mind he set out to the estate he kept near the coastal town of "To~She" for a period on rest, it was there that the future of the Setis nation was set on a course of violent destruction.


The lights around the house were being doused one by one as Moloch lay in wait just beyond the walls, though he did not doubt the talents of Talos as a killer he wanted to kill Farminor himself, to see death in his rivals eyes, darkness engulfed the house and Moloch climbed the low wall and melted into the shadows.

He made his way through the gardens to the wall which faced the sea, the sound of the wave lapping the beach would help him as he began to scale the wall to the balconies of the first floor, he had watched the house for a number of days and was confident he knew where Farminor's bed chamber was, he slid over the balcony rail and through an open door.

The room was empty but a small candle light further down the hall revealed a shadow of a figure Moloch thought must be Farminor, though skilled in the art of stealth, Moloch could feel his blood rushing though his body and was eager to make his kill, he made his way down the hall towards the light, as silent as a cat hunting a mouse, his dagger held across his chest ready to cut his victims throat.


Moloch stopped leaning as close to the wall as he could and peered into the gloom, there sitting in a high backed chair was Farminor, Moloch could not see his face but recognised the robe he wore, emblazoned with the crest of the high council, it was almost ten feet away but Moloch was sure he could cross the room and make his kill before his victim knew what was happening.

He took the first step and in that instant his life and the destiny of his people changed forever.

The room suddenly lit up and guards came rushing in though side doors and the far balcony, a sword at his throat before he had time to turn and flee, and then the voice of Farminor filled his head. "Stupid boy!, did you think a general of the north could be killed while sitting in a chair!", "did you not realise I've had you watched from the day you joined the council", "Take him to the dungeons".


Moloch was lead down beneath the house and thrown into a cell, it was dark and void of any light save the candles where three guards sat at the end of a long corridor, Moloch sat and thought on what Farminor would do with him. "Probably nothing" a voice spoke from another cell, Moloch sat staring wide eyed at the darkness not understanding how his thoughts had been spoken out loud, "It's an old trick" the voice spoke again, "Etrigan?" said Moloch, "They came for me the night you left for here, Talos betrayed us", "he would not" Moloch replied, "he did", said Etrigan, "Now sleep", Molochs head had just begun to spin but at Etrigan's command his eyes became suddenly heavy and soon sleep washed over him.


Moloch's eyes flew open, he was unsure how long he had been asleep but it was still dark in the dungeon, he looked over to the small window in the door and was surprised to see Etrigan's face peering in at him, "come now, wake up, there is much to do and the day guards will soon be here".

The door opened and Etrigan came in dragging the lifeless body of one of the guards with him, blood flowing from the throat of the body, "Ask yourself now, what price will you pay to be free of these walls", said Etrigan, a leering smile across his lips, "any that you would ask" Moloch replied", Etrigan laughed, "it will not be me doing the asking".


Etrigan drained blood from the throat of the dead guard into a cup that he had taken from the guards station and then poured it on the ground in a circle around the two men, he then produced a small pouch from inside his shirt and began to sprinkle it's contents, which looked to Moloch as salt, over the top of the blood circle, as he did this Etrigan gave orders "stand still and keep your eyes closed, whatever is asked answer as simply as you can, do not open your eyes!", he then struck Moloch hards across the face, Moloch was shocked and almost struck back, "do not open your eyes" Etrigan said flatly.


Etrigan began to speak, a slow murmur at first getting quicker as time passed, "Anál nathrach, orth’ bháis’s bethad, do chél dénmha" over and over the chant went until Moloch felt as though his mind was melting, and then suddenly it stopped, and silence washed though the tiny cell, "I am Láthspéll the Souleater, What is your will and what will you give?" a voice, not Etrigan's asked, no more than a whisper but clear as the birds in the morning, "Freedom form these walls and this land, our offering, the soul of this dead one before you and anything you ask of us".

There was silence for what felt like an age and then the voice spoke again, "Moloch, of you I will ask for servitude, One day you will rule over a great nation, a nation born of darkness and death, I shall give you this nation, I shall give you the means to rule this nation, but the people must worship me".

"Etrigan, I shall ask of you the life of a child, when I do you shall give me this child without question".

Moloch's mind spun with questions but a burning feeling on his cheek kept his mouth closed, again silence flowed through the cell, and Moloch was about to open his eyes when he was suddenly gripped by the shoulders in powerful hands and lifted from the ground, then to his utter surprise he was bitten hard in the throat, slowly he felt life slipping away as his body began to lose all feeling his mind drifting into the darkness of death, but that was not to be his end, suddenly life came rushing back, not as before but more powerful, almost to much for his body to handle, pure power flowed though him a strength he had never know before coursed though his veins.

And then he fell to the floor and fell into a deep sleep.


When Moloch awoke he was no longer in the cell beneath Farminor's house, in fact he was no longer in the lands of the "Setis", "We are far from there" said Etrigan who was putting more wood on a fire, "Where?" replied Moloch, "This I can not say, but we are far, perhaps in another country, perhaps further than any we know of", Both cursed by Láthspéll, I to wander waiting for him to ask for a debt to paid, you as Vampyre, the first of your kind, though I doubt the last.

For many years the two wandered the new lands, sometimes coming into contact with the primative tribes that lived there, the Terani and the Subai, but for the most part alone, until one night while sitting in a tavern trying not to draw attention to themselves they overheard a man speaking of a war in a far off nation, a war between barbarians and a people called the "Setis"


"I must go back" said Moloch, "why do you seek death?, war or not your name will not be forgotten" Etrigan replied, "It is what he wants, that is my destiny", Moloch said, Etrigan did not question further, "it is not mine, so here we part".

Moloch set off that night, he did not say farewell to his friend, for although Etrigan had saved his life he had no thanks for the new one he had been given.

It took almost three years for Moloch to reach the shores of his old home and much had changed, the land along the coast which had once been rich and fertile was now dyeing, the towns and villages burned, the people gone. He set off towards To~She and all along the way he saw only death and destruction, a few times roaming bands of barbarians crossed his path and Moloch watched and waited until darkness when his strength flowed to kill them and to feed.


To~She was under siege, thousands of barbarians encircled the city and the coast was swarming with their ships, it looked as though they had been there for some years and the invading force had become more of a settlement outside the walls, Moloch waited until just before dawn and passed through the invaders unnoticed as if a ghost.

He made his way to the great crucible house where the council had always met to discuss the affairs of the nation, few guards were posted and none noticed the lone figure as he walked up the steps and slipped inside, there he made his way to the balconies above the council chamber where sometimes the public had been allowed to watch the council as they spoke or presided of criminal cases, once there he made himself comfortable and closed his eyes to sleep.


It was late afternoon when sounds from below awoke him, the councillors including Farminor entered and with them followed a small procession of soldiers, bodyguards had never previously been allowed into the chamber but in these times it was to be expected, Moloch waited as the council began the order of the day, listening to reports of the food and water stores and of how soldiers had repelled the usual attacks on the walls in the previous night.

Moloch waited until the councils was about to leave. He leaped over the balcony and landed in the centre of the circular chamber, the ground almost cracking under his boots as they crashed herd down on the floor, for a few moments no one moved, then quickly the guards began to rush towards him, some exclaiming "assassin!" as they drew their swords, Moloch drew his own sword, a long curved blade which he wielded with great ease and efficiency and soon a dozen guards lay dead at his feet.


Moloch walked strait towards Farminor and with one quick movement beheaded the councillor, the other still shocked at the speed of events believed their own deaths to be moments away but Moloch did not move towards them. "I will need councillors, wise rulers, men who know this land, for that reason and that that reason alone you shall all, live, beyond this day", a strange smile crossed his lips as he said live, but this was not noticed by the councillors who had only heard that they would not die at the hands of this strange creature.

He spoke for many hours and told them of his plans for their nation how he would rule and make them greater than they had ever been before, the councillors listened to his ravings while all the time wondering how he proposed to do all these things while a barbarian horde of thirty thousand warriors lay siege to the city, then when he had finished speaking one asked what they'd all had in mind.

The strange smile again crossed Molochs lips as he stood and walked towards the councillors, but this time they did notice, not only his smile but the length of his teeth as he said, "I'll show you".

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