Hi, I'm Wehyu. Previously, I used to call myself Sasuke the Emo Uchija but now I only call myself Wehyu or Sasu. I am an Artist and before I was a Translator for Amnesia TDD. Nowadays I make Fan Arts, I make Stories, and much more. I am from Argentina (PBA) Non-Binary, Bi/Pan, | He/Him | | They/Them | | It/It's | (I am also Transgender but that will be in due time)

RSS Reviews

Doom II

Game review

el mejor sitio para ponele mods al doom


Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Game review

es un buen juego pero ya tiene 11 aƱos


Amnesia Project "Old, Forgotten and Beginner's Mods"

Mod review

this project was well executed, reuploading lost mods is something that should be well known, many of them would have been lost and not playable again. I had some personalized stories that were unknown to the English community,

for example.
atrapados en la mente and
entre las sombras,

I was also the person who saved the personalized story of skashi, Heart Bondage and

I hope I can help you with this review that was originally short, but it was a pleasure to be in this community thanks to this page that helped me reupload what I had in my game files.


Quake Wrapper

Game review

perfeto half life 1 pero como quake 1


Brutal Half-Life

Mod review

es perfeto totalmente perfeto



Mod review

es genial perfeto para dorgados