I'm a phinabella fan. (well it doesnt matter) I want to be a mod developer and I dont know where to start.. hopefully you can help.

Comment History
Rebb_001 - - 6 comments @ Tidal Wars

This is so Cool!!! And I also want an Aircraft Carrier <3 <3 I like this concept you know :DDDDD The Mod is still not on its 1.0 version right? I think its far from it because of the AI. You still need to Program the AI to construct and attack with Naval Units and Structures. And May I suggest Naval Defense Structures? An Idea is like a Cannon one. 2 shots of it will take out a PT Boat of the GLA. A torpedo variant against Submarines. And Anti Aircraft like those in the Phalanx

Good karma+1 vote
Rebb_001 - - 6 comments @ Tidal Wars

haha you got me there

Good karma+1 vote
Rebb_001 - - 6 comments @ new Enforcer for General Alexander

Actually it is not getting damaged, nor getting weakened... I actually won most of the Challenges matches because of that Philadelphia Temporal Rift. When the Enforcer Tank creates a rift. It has at least 6-8 Seconds before the Rift collapses. Even when the Tank enter it. So you got to be fast on moving it. If the Rift Collapses and the Tank is still inside. Its gone, along with the Hero Ranked Pilot (it happened to me)

Good karma+1 vote
Rebb_001 - - 6 comments @ Earth Conflict v0.190 Development update

Well all I can say is good luck! XD Also, if possible. I would like to be a tester :D

Good karma+1 vote
Rebb_001 - - 6 comments @ We control the sky

hahhhahhahhah! Nice one!

Good karma+1 vote
Rebb_001 - - 6 comments @ EC v0.190 Dogfight test 06-02-2016

woah!!! First time I saw a Dogfight on CnC!! Nice!!! I like your Mod btw it looks great and its promising! I'm already downloading it but due to slow internet it might take a while.. (exactly 1 hour) GOODLUCK BRO!

Good karma+1 vote