Blog: I blog my weeb stuffs here, maybe. For MODDB, right now I'm looking up stuffs about WOLF RPG Editor.

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raysena - - 13 comments @ WOLF RPG Editor

You mean one from a ****** antivirus that even detect Intel's software as malware?

And the other is just generic term for "probably something you don't want", which in this you-dont-own-anything era, mean anything not officially endorsed by microshit?

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raysena - - 13 comments @ WOLF RPG Editor

I think so, at least I got mine from moddb. Never checked Windderune's website before, but if it got endorsed here probably fine.

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raysena - - 13 comments @ WOLF RPG Editor

Nowadays, every .zip and .exe files downloaded from internet is treated as harmful by your browser or windows. It should be safe unless you DL from suspicious source.

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raysena - - 13 comments @ WOLF RPG Editor

Actually I want to turn it into Tactical RPG like Luminous Arc or Summon Night, but yeah until I can understand more about how to implement the battle system and/or re-purposing the basic system, the best I could go for is probably Chrono Trigger style (mostly) graphical change.

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raysena - - 13 comments @ WOLF RPG Editor

ChatGPT just recently allow share conversation option. Here's my conversation with ChatGPT:

Try looking at the later (bottom) part of the conversations. It already started quite being helpful in understanding the default battle basic system event script.

My temporary conclusion for now is, ChatGPT can be helpful to understand event scripting. But you first have to somewhat train it in the event scripting basic syntax. It shouldn't take too much, just tell it about "Show Message", "Comment", "Set Variable", as well as context about the three databases (udb, cdb, and sdb). Or you can use my above shared conversation link lol, you can continue conversation from shared link apparently.

Also I recommend use Command String instead of Event Code, because the former give more information context for ChatGPT to comprehend. You can then ask ChatGPT to summarize event script, or even rewrite it in a more human-readable pseudo-code.

Edit: Also is Omni-Window also used to display long-form text? I have only been using it to display item-selection style window.

Edit 2:
>There is not really any English tutorials for the WRPGE, except for ones that have been created by users who have recently discovered it.
Where can I find these ones?

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raysena - - 13 comments @ WOLF RPG Editor

Teaching ChatGPT Command String and Event Code scripting of WOLF RPG Editor

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raysena - - 13 comments @ WOLF RPG Editor

LOL, I manage to get ChatGPT to answer question about the game common event scripting by pasting "Command String" (not Event Code). It must have recognized C-like syntax of the scripts.

For context, it's question about omni-window. It's confusing since I can't seem to find documentation of it (at least not in English). We don't really have English advanced tutorial of the engine do we?

I recommend everyone else to try this too. Hopefully we can one day manage some sort of documentation or list of useful tutorial in English.

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raysena - - 13 comments @ WOLF RPG Editor

Now I can cleanly set battler event graphic for both player and enemy from common events.

Next should be moving those battlers, at least the player's, around with in-battle menu. I have to learn the battle internals. sigh

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raysena - - 13 comments @ WOLF RPG Editor

Ok I'm stuck (not a bug this time). I want to set Player Battler Events Graphic. Say I have Map Event 11:Player1, 12:Player2, and so on...

I want to set say, Graphic 1 to Map Event 11:Player1, Graphic 2 to Map Event 12:Player2 and so on...

It's easy if you know which ID number (say 11) of the Map Event you want to assign particular Graphic (say Graphic 1).

But suppose I want the ID number to be arbitrary, and instead I want to set to any Map Event with Name PlayerX, to have Graphic X.

Problem is, I can't find any way to extract string of Map Event's names. Anyone knows how to do this? Or maybe alternative solution to my problem (assigning Graphic X on "X-marked" Map Event)?

EDIT: OK, instead of using Event Name as mark, I use Event SelfVar9 instead. It needed more work than I thought, but it works now.
Now my (Battler) Map Event will dynamically change to party member graphic if its SelfVar9 has value {1, ..., 6}
with 1 : Party Slot1 Graphic, 2 : Party Slot2 Graphic, ...

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raysena - - 13 comments @ WOLF RPG Editor

OK, I think I found a real bug this time

Common Event : Event Command : Event Control : Set Graphic to X

The value field can't seem to access CSelf variables.

EDIT: Just noticed, that it's indeed the expected behavior. Didn't saw that there's "Value [No CommonSelf]" description above the value field.
It can do in version 3 though. Really hope someone would translate the new version quickly. Well as long as the old features in 2.24Z none are locked behind paywall. At least none that's practically essential.

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raysena - - 13 comments @ WOLF RPG Editor

The furthest I did in 2 days of learning the basic system:

Modifying battle process, to remove the default battler graphic, and transferring to battle map that's tied to enemy group #, then return to normal map after battle ends.

The battle map events (battler events) could change its own graphic depending on who are in the party. Party members graphic need to be setup in SystemDB : 8 Character Graphics though.

Next is actually moving those battler map events around with in-battle menu. Then finally binding these battler events to the flow of the battle (probably need to modify the whole battle flow as well sigh).

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raysena - - 13 comments @ WOLF RPG Editor

There's a very serious bug in English 2.24Z version, where you can't change Variable Database Data Field Values.

at least for the ones I tested, type Hero Status : All of its fields beyond the default ones at field 59~ somehow are set to default values at creation.

e.g say you create new field 60 with default 10 for Hero status. Then field 60 for all already created (slotted/data counted) Hero will be fixed to 10. Removing then reactivating the field again won't change this fixed value, even using different default values like 11, won't change field 60 value from 10. However if you increase data count, the new Hero field 60 will be set to the new default 11, but again it won't be able to be changed (at least from DB editor).

EDIT1: Ah but it seems fixed in the new wolf editor 3 version at least. I just hope someone would translate that one too.

EDIT2: NVM, it seems starting from new game fix this. Don't continue from save file

EDIT3: OH right I'm dumb. Of course hero variables will get saved in save files.

EDIT4: Just for fun I'm trying to set up Tactical RPG battle system, trying to see how far I could go in setting up the system. But is it only me, but does scripting common events in Wolf Editor feels a lot more like coding assembly?

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raysena - - 13 comments @ 1257AD version 1.13

uhh.. do this version fix where you can't retire from an army if you marry that army's lord? for fun I played as female, and then join an Italian army. long story short i married the lord of that army, but now the option when talking to commander is always that of native vanilla. hence Im now forever bound to husband. I'm not sure if that's good or bad thing...

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