Ok, so I hate making these things sense I never know what to say on them. But I'll give it a shot.<br /><br />My name is Ryan, and I am a student at the University of Great Falls. I have one brother named Ray (and he dose have an acount on here) and I am majoring in Secondary Education to become a teacher for high school. I live on Vashon Island, right next door to Seattle.<br /><br />I have the most wonderful girlfriend in the whole world, so no I am not looking for anyone else right now.<br /><br />I do a lot of different games, but mostly Adventure or FPS is what I do more often. I also play RTS games if I have the time for them.<br /><br />*News*<br />I haven't been able to PLAY any of my games for the past few months due to the fire wall at the collage *le sigh* I hope they get it fixed soon...<br /><br />-Ryan


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