Lazing around, trying to make a good MP map

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My random Call of Duty Statement

Highmist Blog 1 comment

We all know now Call of duty has made its leap into modern warfare. Most of you may think they could hop right back to WWII with IW making it this time >.>/ But i see it as them going into the future warefare. Lemme show the line (off, yes, but still :P)
Call of Duty
Call of Duty: United Offensive
(im sure there was a 2nd expansion, but too lazy to search)
Call of Duty 2
Call of Duty 3
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Call of Duty: World at War
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4: Future Realized
Call of Duty: Urban Terror
and so on.....
just felt like saying sumthen. be free to criticize that i dont have a picture, i dont own any stuff to do that, soo....yea

My opinion on how a RPG and FPS mod/game should be

Highmist Blog 2 comments

Im just going to give an opinion on how. You dont have to go my way, but im gonna lay down my suggestions.
A good RPG mod/game needs to have plenty of depth. Not like 5 min's of talking then your shipped out on a hour long killing spree to advance (NWN main campaign). Im talking like Its mostly a vocal game, with battles and quests to go kill here and there. Im gonna need to come back to explain this one.

Reality: Only one mod ive played so far has met my reality Grade of A. Project reality.
I love the feeling of not knowing whats around the corner, to have your weapon always in ironsights.
The Pleasnt rush of being air-dropped from a helicopter into an enemy hotzone
The tense feeling of knowing your getting supressed by the enemy
Wide-open Maps, 32-on-32 maps with key points needed to accack, so combat is semi-focused
The "oh god" feeling of knowing your death is near, and fast approaching.
The questionalbefeeling of a motor in the distance. Is it friend or foe?
Its something im looking for. I dont really mind if its Modern or WWII. I know it isnt the best explination, but ill try and edit it as much as i can.
Regular: Total Conversions are all im mostly looking for here. I know some dint really accept it like that (L4D) But people make the most of it by just adding loads of content that'll make the game all the worthwhile (Monster Factory L4D mod). Then theres totally moddable games (HL series, Crysis) Being taken to WHole entire new levels (Mortewood Plaza for HL2, Revolutionary Zombie Game for Crysis) And please for the LOVE of god make a commitment to release and dont just post it and knock it because it was too big (RZG is kinda leaning like that, and like 30-35% of HL2 Mods)