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Comment History
welshborris - - 11 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

Ok Guys im going to livestream this mod for a bit on,..feel free to stop by :)

Good karma+2 votes
welshborris - - 11 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

Evening all, first things first I love playing this mod...which brings me onto the the main reason I'm posting this comment. I stream on twitch and was wondering if the modding team would mind me advertising it in here when I go live and show off this mod??

Good karma+4 votes
welshborris - - 11 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

Wish I'd just bought a hard copy straight away now....had the first three hard copies as it was but thought I'd try steam version...which turned out to be more trouble than it was worth...

Good karma+1 vote
welshborris - - 11 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

Evening one and promised in a previous comment regarding a theory on steam and campaign problems...I received a hard copy of soulstorm and have installed the mod again and my theory was proved correct ( for me anyway)..playing campaign and have not had a single crash and I've taken out ork and space marine stronghold..just thought I'd let you all know...

Good karma+2 votes
welshborris - - 11 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

Hey all have to say thanks for the update and getting it to us so quick..
I know what I'm about may be in the wrong place so if it needs moving please let me know...
I installed the patch and moved movies folder but it still didn't work on the I have a steam version of the game and I have a sneaky suspicion it may have something to do with that so have ordered a normal copy of the game and hopefully all going well that should prove my theory about it being the steam version....either way ill let you all know what happens and I hope it may help others out if they are having same problem....

Good karma+1 vote
welshborris - - 11 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

Hmmm...odd..I tried that and still didn't work....shall try again shortly and see what happens.....don't suppose the fact I have a steam version makes any difference????

Good karma+1 vote
welshborris - - 11 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

I apologise if this is the wrong place but I posted in the forum that I managed to get campaign to stop crashing on stronghold.....sadly have to report it has since stopped working so I shall leave it up to the mod team to figure out as I obviously have no clue.....:P

Good karma+1 vote
welshborris - - 11 comments @ War Realism Mod

Ta muchly chakal im downloading as we speak :)

Good karma+1 vote
welshborris - - 11 comments @ War Realism Mod

apologise for double post. but are we just waiting on admin to get our hands on this now??

Good karma+1 vote
welshborris - - 11 comments @ War Realism Mod

glad to hear chakal..I await the upload so I get it downloaded and add the new units into singleplayer.

Good karma+1 vote
welshborris - - 11 comments @ War Realism Mod

Will this version be for the latest patch or still not compatible as of yet??

Good karma+1 vote