Just someone who has old games that he doesn't want to let go of.

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Dead Mod Dreams

MTGraves Blog

So I have very little to say, but due to my work schedule, going back to school, and lack of help to complete my mod... I have to say that it is dead.... I haven't worked on anything for about a month now and the few people I had helping me are busy them selves so. I'm calling it, as of May 19th 2013, my Expanded Universe Mod is pronounced dead.

I would release some of the content but I've given most of it to a few modding groups that I've worked with. Maybe you'll see some of it.

Anyways I did how ever want to share this poster that we were going to use for the mod. Check it out, I'll post it in my pics.

Thanks for reading.

Mod Update 3/2/2013

MTGraves Blog

So I know its been a while since I last posted anything. I have a problem of forgeting to get online add post things.

So since I'm at work a don't have much to add. But I thought I'd let you know that we added some new factions to better even out the eras. This way each story line will have 3 factions. NOTE this is for Galactic Conquest Mode only!!!!

The Great Hyperspace War & Mandalorian War Factions:
The Galactic Republic (Republic Beginings)
The Sith Empire (First Empire)
Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders

The Jedi Civil War & Great Galactic War Factions:
The Old Republic
Sith Empire
Mandalorian Empire

Clone Wars & Rebellion Factions:
Galactic Republic (Clones)
Separatists (CIS)
The Hutt Cartel

The Galactic Civil War Factions:
Rebel Alliance
Galactic Empire
Zann Consortium

The Thrawn Crisis Factions:
New Republic
Imperial Remnant
Empire of the Hand

The Second Galactic Civil War Factions:
Galactic Alliance
Fel Empire
Black Sun Pirates (We had to put them some where right?)

Now for the Skirmish Factions:
Old Republic
Sith Empire
Mandalorian Empire
Galactic Republic
Hutt Cartel
Galactic Empire
Zann Consortium
Black Sun Pirates
New Republic
Imperial Remnant
Empire of the Hand
Galactic Alliance
Fel Empire

Were putting together some pics and a video so we can make a mod page on this site. So I hope we can get that up soon.

Mod Update

MTGraves Blog

So I'm happy to announce that we have added a few people to our team to help us with creating new models, textures, and animations. We moving forward in hyperdrive and I personally hope to have something to show you in the next few weeks.

So lets re-cap.

New units, props, animations, sounds, voices, maps, factions, GC modes, and some new in-game content that I excited to show, once we worked out all the bugs.

So to give you something to tide you over. Heres some info.

Playable factions have been increased due to our abundance of units. They are:

The Old Republic
Sith Empire
Mandalorian Empire
Galactic Republic
Separatists (CIS)
Rebel Alliance
Galactic Empire
Zan Consortium
New Republic
Imperial Remnant
Galactic Alliance
Fel Empire

The Old Republic & the Sith Empire's tech levels will take you through KoToR till the new MMO

The Mandalorian Empire's tech levels will take you through the Mandalorian War to the New Mandalorian Empire.

The Galactic Republic (Clones) & the CIS tech levels will take you through the Clone Wars.

The 3 vinilla factions Rebel, Empire, & Underworld will just include expanded universe add-ons. Which will include from Dark Times, Galactic Civil War, Shadows of the Empire, and Rogue Squadron.

The New Republic tech levels will take you through the Rise of the New Republic to the Crimson Empire.

Imperial Remnant tech levels will include Imperial Remnant as well as the the begining of the Empire of the Hand. I didn't want to infringe upon Thrawns Revenge.

And the Galactic Alliance & Fel Empire is just the Legacy Era. We not adding the Vong War or any Vong units because I again don't want to infringe upon the Vong War based mod that is currently being developed.

On a side note, our Clones and CIS factions will not contain everything from that era. Some of the thing you can find in the RaW mod will not be included in our mod, again as to not infringe upon z3r0x's mod. However, we are working together with Geroenimo who is working on a Old Republic Mod set during the KoToR era, so you will see a few things in both mods.

So yeah!!! I'm excited...