Don't let my Dutchness fool you, I speak almost perfect English. Right, well, basic info.. Approximately 6' tall, Caucasian, long ash blonde hair, grey-blue eyes, goatee. Metalhead. My musical preference goes out mostly to black and death metal, but also includes some electronic and ambient, and touches some things in between as well. Nevertheless, the more metal, the better. Bands include: -The Project Hate MCMXCIX -Arcturus -Naglfar -Nile -Satyricon -Aborym -Moonspell etc. I'm a casual gamer, definitely not hardcore. As such, I can't really get into RPG's. They bore me too quickly. I enjoy RTS', as well as a good FPS/TPS and even some adventures (MYST<3). Am I forgetting anything? Probably.

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