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marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka


room right to fly ..has hologram mesh similar to lab x-18 artifact disable hologram field ..drop the artifact there and prepare for another clone experience just like when making the artifact then go look at fly and get ready to scold her senseless ..XD

Peace Out

Good karma+1 vote
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka

Greetings 454

Sorry ....No way out ... reload a hard safe from waay back ... do black doctor missions first then go do generators mission

Peace Out

Good karma+1 vote
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka


User jacobrincon3 pointed out the correct route for obtaining ammo via bartering route majority of time .... to add my subjective 2 cents ...... until up to army warehouse part of vanilla story line within this mod is completed which will have most of valuable traders (Petrenko , Sakharov , Skilflint, Aderaline, Raven/Crow) unlocked at that point besides barman & sidrovich ... things will remain between semi to full -hardcore experience spectrum.... Just have a spare side arm and main weapon (Fort-12 , HK MP5* and Sawed off shotgun) and a pair of extra satchel for deployment ... all the time ..besides the essentials

PS * 9x19 ammo is a life saver ... never knew the true value of H&K MP5 until i tried one at 20% condition within bandit camp .........

...... Now back to the zone fellow STALKER.

Peace Out

Good karma+1 vote
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka

Greetings to all ... and a very late happy new year ...

to my understanding unlike URT from kostya cache mission 1. this one is moddable (re moddable ?? idk ) from Sakharov with permanent artifact batteries ... one used to access cnpp-2 cache and choice to save custom coordinates for teleport 2 location from ... ANY WHERE IN THE MAP .... have not tested it myself but after scanning guides provided here and few of the similar play through on youtube and past conversation between november to december 2019 on this forum ...... suggest/hint this as possible final undocumented prize of charon's questline ... basically a much more robust escape device compared to kostya quest URT (always needs artifact and destroys them on teleporter use) ... now without spawn menu cheats ... that is a much more valuable rarest of device (in combo with strelok own personal teleporter that is non-moddable BTW so...) ... the true treasure of the fanatics...? ...Hope this helps anyone reading it ...


Good karma+2 votes
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka: Guides


Hah ..warning spoilers ahaead..

the text guide still says to look for christmas tree for kostya usb old village whereas the video guide by HipsterDoofus points to correct location ... which was originally hinted in PDA in untranslated russian in the very beginning (before july 2019 cumulative update patch) ...

As usual very very thorough and great work by codex_ and HipsterDoofus ... Kudos and Thumbs Up.


Good karma+4 votes
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka

Greetings sawduster1

If you use google translate on smartphone updated to latest version and scan russian text you will still get translated text with decent enough English grammar semantics,granted you will have to invest enough time to take snapshots PDA message history to make head and toe of what NPC are saying but that is an adventure in itself ...

really makes you appreciate the hair splitting and pain full task codex_ sir has undertaken and cherish the fruits of labor invested into this project by him to provide us with a pleasantly written smooth flowing English conversations .. which if you take the time to stop and read NPC stories they share in rookie village at beginning of game will make you realize just how far this project has come forward ..... well 2 days left for the Halloween explosion ...

now if you will excuse me i better bolt up my doors as our committee decided to enact a purge theme for this holiday this year !!!! ....

so Happy Halloween and Peace

Good karma+5 votes
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka

Greetings HipsterDoofus

I think the message or SMS or earlier conversation with that burned son NPC reveals that shields will be down when the hitsquad crosses over which is about ingame 10- 15 minutes ( by my estimation in real world between 1.5 - 2.5 minutes) so once it starts GTFO out of dead city and deal with last day hitsquad like hitman #47 did with female assassins in hitman absolution and then deal with others if blow out is happening then reset back to earlier save let the blowout pass then trigger the mission that activates shield down.


Good karma+2 votes
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka

Greetings Mecheneyi

My sincere apology..... After your mention of difference i went back to check ....

turns out i have acquired both and Duty version is basically As-Val in vintorez body aka PSO-3 version .

The one you asked was done by getting ripped off by mobile trader 'Grey' after getting order delivered from Agropom (all items bought .. a 100k affair) and then giving him 50k advance payment for the sniper only to be left at mercy of freedom repairman as grey could not haggle with screw .. long story short go talk to screw after grey says his goodbyes via SMS then screw will reduce price only if you goto garbage retrieve his swag from where you found nimble swag and then along with swag give him 100k to get the item .. now if you hav done ATP already (met grey there) then the alternative would be what hipsterdoofus has mentioned below ... BTW all this mission is untranslated ATM i just used google translate from my smartphone to make head and toes since this is my 2nd playthorugh

Hope this helps ....


Good karma+2 votes
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka

Greetings Mechenyi

open either pdf text guide or pdf video text guide and search 'Ivantsov' ... hope that helps


Good karma+1 vote
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka

Greetings asarnauskas

WARNING: spoiler ahead

open PDF text guide -> search "sarcophagus" in text guide -> look at first picture under the heading "sarcophagus" -> find the object in game... hope that helps


Good karma+1 vote
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka


I know this is the Halloween month but seeing no activity in comment section and overall silence on mod next update is more scarier then any jump scare or few of those horror scenes with excellent ambient sound effects followed by only silent movie presentation to put the fear of sanity and respect for paranormal in any rational human... hope everyone is safe and enjoying the content provided here ... i know i am ... happy Halloween


Good karma+3 votes
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka

Greetings HipsterDoofus

Need your help with a ....spoilerish ... problem

just recently did give cnpp-2 controller brain parts to lukash with hefty amount for a ...bonus. in return he says there is a stealth(masked) exo present at sarchophagus roof . i have searched high and low the room and i cannot locate the damn gift

EDIT: Nevermind ... its under lukash -> reward(wish granter) on the video guide ....


Good karma+2 votes
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka

Greetings Mechenyi

if you are talking about the last paragraph in text guide concluding the charon's cache search . that paragraph can have multiple meanings

1) its a play of words in English language implying that the final warehouse loot is not the only reward and collect all of cache's to complete your (reward) collection .... which seems unfulfilling ...

so the other things to do is

2) take a snapshot of whole NS2016 map and draw a line through all locations where you get the cache hints for charon quest and it will point to a secret ( a more likely implication)

but even i forgot to keep track of the positions and which line

best fit straight line ???!!!.....
connect the dot line and solve the figure puzzle sort of something ?!!!

well if last statement is anything but an encouragement "there is only one step left, do it yourself"

PS if you manage to find the answer do share it...


Good karma+1 vote
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka

Greetings codex_

I have sent you a PM.


Good karma+2 votes
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka

Greetings HipsterDoofus

Thanks for the instantaneous response . Back to the zone then *proceeds to clean bandit base with almost improved accuracy HKMP5 from Lanky while humming ["Its my Life" Russian version (+++)] * .

PS : (+++) [ A shout out to this YTber for the song reference wrt to this mod XD : ]


Good karma+2 votes
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka


Guys .. fellow STALKERS... Arnie just died .... i went to get borov's cache after rescuing rat and boom a message from barman appears .... what now ?!!!

Should i reload a an earlier save or does this mod have infinite arena mod within it?


Good karma+1 vote
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka


Yes... just finished collecting all upgrades ... the Bloodsucker and PseudoGiant requirements are correctly stated. Thank you for confirming .


Good karma+3 votes
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka


Yes.... Finally ... this time i have found a typo in message . Lanky assistant asks for 2 controller hands along with 30 PDA to program controller detection but only takes 1 controller hand to perform the programming .... please correct the message to 1 controller hand.


Good karma+3 votes
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka


Well i have finally found a persistent visual glitch , not game breaking but ,

Petruha and Nimble quest markers on mini map do not disappear once you finish up their quests [vanilla + NS2016 mod specific ones] so whenever i return to rookie village their mission star or circle remains.


Good karma+1 vote
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka

It used to be a problem but was fixed when pickup radius was updated a while back.

Good karma+1 vote
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Doom Slayer Chronicles


played the mod when it was released ... here is my subjective 2 cents ... after a long long time

Positive observations:

1) separate weapon mods & monster mutator mods compatibility .. check .. very very thumbs up
2) Quake 3 Arena & team Arena Nostalgia ... check ... this definitely highlights GZDoom source port capabilities ... thumbs up
3) Doom slayer oriented .. memory archives .. dimension .. check ... hmmm the arenas matched the story archives ... thumbs up
4) Possible Hinted relation of Chutulu Lords and Hell Demon Overlords .. check ... deserves more expansion upon ... very thumbs up on provided content
5) Revisit to majority of levels unlocked ... check .. uhhh fits the quake 3 arena style game play ... thumbs up
6) Permanent Power up runes/quirks provided by this mod ... good ... thumbs up

Expectations after playing it for 1st time:

7) Each sub stage arena could have had end wave boss with lore wise text to expand upon doom slayer contempt by the hell army generals and in command

8) my memory is hazy but for vanilla doom only there could have bben temp power runes provided until higher tier permanent rune power is unlocked ...

9) Should also have had the human evil incarnates centric story plot .. yes lang lebe der fahrer ... in ewiger verdammung

10) Overall with the work provided .. it is an achievement in it self ... so job well done ... but it is still lacking the full feel of quake 3 arena or the present GZD's quake champion edition only it being Doom Slayer or Self-insert protagonist vs Hell's army minus human evil incarnates

My Score : score are for critics ... i am here to just share my opinion and appreciation of the mod ...


Good karma+1 vote
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka

what did you expect .... the man lost his sasha... a moment of silence.. for the fallen...

now reset the progress before you start to babysit him back to his base and do it right this time (for you own sanity's sake ... XD) ...

PS there should be an extra mini quest to establish the contact between the 2 Kulinar brothers just to put a closure to that one dialogue in garbage ....

Good karma+1 vote
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka

cue the music and l33t glasses *money money money money* ...
... gangsta 4 lif3 ...


Peace Out

Good karma+2 votes
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka


thanks for the correction .... can you also tell what are the xml tags for bolding , italicizing and underlining the text in comments ?!


Good karma+1 vote
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka

this post has been removed by its user

Good karma+1 vote
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka

for vanilla mission reaching to the reactor & getting to control room the first time ... the blowout timer will trigger & remain for that vanilla mission only... once you get past that and through dialogue with 0-conscious hologram into CNPP-2 map then its sandbox mode or mod only content all the way ... just be mindful
that from that point until lightning mission the hologram projector room will remain close or inaccessible...

Good karma+1 vote
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka

always a treat to wait for and see new and improved updates just like refreshing of traders inventory and anomaly zone within game for acquiring new items and artifacts ... :) ... XD ....

Good karma+3 votes
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka


all right fellow STALKERS we have had discussion on whether black doctor mission is necessary for generators mission to work properly or not so here is another quick question ...

will the game break if i access wild territory early (via cave route mod missions) and yantar and save assisant in wild territory before doing the lab-x18 story mission?

I just want opinion on whether has any one tried this before?


Good karma+1 vote
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka


A quick question ...

The Frequent respawning option .. what is it scope and range in game .... i mean...

a) does it affect the respawn of factions (allies & enemies) human NPCs only ?
b) does it affect mutant respawn only ?
c) does it affect the respawn of artefacts ?
d) all of the above

also what is the in game time of respawn without and with the option enabled?


Good karma+1 vote
marked.number.47 - - 76 comments @ Narodnaya Solyanka


Just started my 2nd playthrough and have made an observation that needs little addressing ... if possible...

Codex_ and HipsterDoofus ... please in future iteration of guides update (text & video) ... make a section covering the possible transitions (vanilla and NS2016 mod only) and how they are obtainable in game.


Good karma+1 vote