In process of making the first installment of "100 Days In Deadland" game. Inspired by Rachel Aukes' book that I stumbled upon in Wattpad. Since I have no experience in making games, I'm using GameMaker: Studio, due to how beginner friendly the drag and drop engine is. I'll be entering 'Devlog'(Actual game progress) and 'TrainLog' (Practice I've done on the engine and pixel art in general) Some support would really help :)

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DevLog #2: Road Bump Already!

MagicSadist Blog 1 comment


I haven't really dont anything in terms of the game development because:

We've had a little business to attend to in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. ( I live in Saudi arabia )

I was considering to take my laptop with me to understand the mechanics of the game engine, but I opted not to.

Mainly because I wanted to make a family trip of sorts, so, i left all electronics ( except my phone of course ), at home and that's pretty much it!

So yea, I'll start practicing today on the basics of the engine and maybe do some pixel art.

Come back wizards!

TrainLog #1 Introduction

MagicSadist Blog


This is 'TrainLog'.

This is where I will post all about the practice that I undergo in the process of learning what the engine has to offer and what I'll be using.

First of all.

The engine I'm using is GameMaker: Studio.

1. Because it's beginner friendly because of it's simple drag and drop method.

2. It's just what I need since I'm a complete beginner to this whole... Scene?

3. Do you really need reasons?

4. Seriously, why do you want reasons....


The Game.

It'll be a 2D side-scroller that follows the adventures of "Cash" and "Clutch" through the deadlands after an epidemic caused seemingly everyone to get infected.

Except a lucky few.

It just so happens that our heroes are one of the survivors.

Thirdly. ( if that's even a word)

The characters.

I won't go into all the boring details for this part, I'll be using to make the general shape of the characters and the FREE VERSION of PixelEdit ( the beta version which was for free ) to edit the characters into what suits the story.

Now let me go download the things I'll need :)

Psssss... You... Yes you! Some support would really help, drop by the comments and leave a word of advice etc. Thanks! :D

DevLog #1: Introduction

MagicSadist Blog


This is 'DevLog'.

This is where I will post updates about the game and progress in the long LONG journey of making a one-of-a-kind kind of game.

Cutting right to what you really wanna know about.

The Game.

So I was browsing around to find something to fill my time of doing nothing. And I came across a title "100 Days In Deadland". So, I was like "Meh, I already got nothing to do" And I loaded the story.

And by the heavens was it a magnificent story.

Day after day I would read through the story in whatever little time I had to spare. And by the end of it, I felt... Empty.

So I looked around and turns out that its actually a trilogy! ( I'll tell you about that later on)

Anyways, back to the point.

The Game.

The 'heroine' of the game "Cash" as the protagonist "Clutch" calls her as she was dressed in black in a fashion similar to Johnny Cash the day they crossed paths.

Clutch is an ex-army-vet that was nicknamed after he crashed his father's tractor into their barn.

And then disaster strikes.

It's the zombie apocalypse baby!