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RSS Reviews

Call of Warhammer: Beginning of The End Times

Mod review

My favorite total war mod, the game that total warhammer should have been.


Awakening of the Rebellion 2.8

Mod review

A great mod with great depth on gameplay(something the vanilla really lacks) , managing resources and making or breaking desicions on what to do next.

It has a good addition of balanced units but there is great imbalance between imperial and rebel navies , I played both on hard and it was really bad for the rebels because their strength that is their fighters and bombers are not cheap and not really effective anymore against capital ships.
Defending with the rebels is terrible , Ion cannon doesn't stop ships from moving or firing which it should(Empire strikes back , escape from Hoth, scene with the millenium falcon ) it only gets their shields down , as I said rebel fighters are sub par from what they used to be and are expensive and most of the rebel capital ships will lose against even the Venators on any given sunday let alone a star destroyer and for you to field your best ships its gonna take a lot of limbs and not losing you Calamari planet.
The tactics with the rebels should be to lose a lot of planets to Dark suns and the Imperials , bunker down on heavily fortified ones with ion cannons and pray. Make sure the enemy loses ships don't auto resolve , concetrate on a single venator if you are going to lose , it will be hard for them to pay it back.

The Imperials and the Black sun(of bitches , damn corruption) are financialy better and are easy to defend with you can even move your station around with the Imperials.Once you neutralize their fighters their capital ships are shite and go down fast.Against the Black suns you need to be carefull, always kill corruption , its dangerous , for gods sake you see what it did to Greece , right?
Someone said you can't build 100 Star Destroyers and steamroll everything , but the A.I. can?I am on week 174 with rebels and I have killed 200 venators 300 ISDs 1000 munificents and dumbed down corellian destroyers and probably a billion fighter squadrons because they have infinite respawns , executor , lacrehulks , venators , star bases all these have infinite spawn but I don't.
Its becoming a torture.I doubt the devs beat it on hard and rule number one on game dev is , don't release something you can't beat.

The A.I. is better that the vanilla but is a fraking cheat, it really tries to kick your behind on hard and thats great but I is a goods tactician even with the rebels I cut my losses kept piling theirs and turned it around in the end , thats what I did until I discovered that the A.I. is getting free ships. Losses really matter and moneys really matter in this mod.

Rebel bombers need more numbers in the squad , they are expensive , give them more numbers , the Tie bombers have more per squad its ridiculus how they cost nothing and that they don't die when I use them but the Y wings go down like nobodys buisness from capital ship fire , FIX THAT , I am begining to think that you Steiner guys are pro Imperial , I'll send my rebel commandos to fix that , oh Rebel Commandos a bit op and they should not be able to do raids with many of them , its really easy to conquer a planet with them.
And an important issue with most mods , documentation , seriously if you can't communicate what your mod does before I download it and go through hell to play it properly you will avert people from playing it , and you want that , right? People playing it.

Good job guys I enjoyed it, stop modding , make your own game , be ambitious.
But fair play the A.I. its annoying and for the love of cheese document your mods.Anyway a lots of ups and lots of downs great economy broken a.i. , no documentation , you and your a.i. may not be fair but I am , thats why I give you a 5 , played it on for a week on hard it simply is not fun anymore , the enemy should not have the recources to send millions of warships my way or use magic tricks to spawn ships out of thin air.