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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 36)
lnenad - - 36 comments @ C&C Generals : Serbian Triumph

I can release all the models that have been done but that's pretty much everything that we've done, i mean we've placed units in the game but that's only by using the code from other units just to see how would they act...

Good karma+1 vote
lnenad - - 36 comments @ C&C Generals : Serbian Triumph

Well i was not motivated enough to finish this mod (generals is too old) and i didn't want to learn the coding, but RA3 is the latest in C&C and is worth the trouble :)

Good karma+1 vote
lnenad - - 36 comments @ C&C Generals : Serbian Triumph

Unfortunately :( i will maybe try doing a mod with the same characteristics but for a newer game, maybe RA3 :) cheers

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lnenad - - 36 comments @ C&C Generals : Serbian Triumph

Rade is too lazy :D and Tapi and I aren't too good at coding so we can't add all of the models to the game like they were supposed to...

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lnenad - - 36 comments @ C&C Generals : Serbian Triumph

We came to 80 percent but due to the fact that i'm doing this mod alone, i've decided to cease production. I'm sorry but it's just a too big project for one guy.

Good karma+1 vote
lnenad - - 36 comments @ C&C Generals : Serbian Triumph

Hoce biti ali mi vise mrsko da radim na ovom modu :D

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lnenad - - 36 comments @ C&C Generals : Serbian Triumph

Hahahahaha :D

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lnenad - - 36 comments @ C&C Generals : Serbian Triumph

Don't know, we'll probably switch to C&C3, or sth like that :)

Good karma+2 votes
lnenad - - 36 comments @ C&C Generals : Serbian Triumph

Ok, me and my friend tapi.93 are starting to bring this mod back to life. Check out the Tesla Cannon

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lnenad - - 36 comments @ C&C Generals : Serbian Triumph

I hope by the end of May

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lnenad - - 36 comments @ Mods fail to release because

Real Life kicks in and fu**s everything up :D (bloody exams)

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lnenad - - 36 comments @ C&C Generals : Serbian Triumph

Progress on this mod has been halted until my exams pass ;) but this mod is not dead nor it will ever be!

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lnenad - - 36 comments @ C&C Generals : Serbian Triumph

We're making nice progress with the mod!

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lnenad - - 36 comments @ C&C Generals : Serbian Triumph

It's not final :)

(We've got an experienced modeler on the job now, so it won't look so *smooth :) anymore)

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lnenad - - 36 comments @ C&C Generals : Serbian Triumph

Please join my forum and and let's continue the discussion there, so we dont fill up the comments

i have a ready made topic for you ;)

will you ???

Good karma+1 vote
lnenad - - 36 comments @ C&C Generals : Serbian Triumph

I know i stink :)

But we now have a new modeler that has experience :), Rade , he will make units and i will make buildings I have some pictures, check them out...

Now doesn't that look NICE ??

Good karma+1 vote
lnenad - - 36 comments @ C&C Generals : Serbian Triumph

Nisam vidio da je pitao, sorry Mladi Vladi didn't see your question, yes this mod should work with ZH but it's not what we've been planning... Zero Hour version will come out after the C&C G. version

Trebalo bi da radi ali bolje sacekaj verziju koja je pravljena da radi sa ZH-om, imace 3 srpka generala :) ali to ce biti kasniiiijeee......

Good karma+1 vote
lnenad - - 36 comments @ lnenad

Pa za avione tenkove, za sve :)

Good karma+1 vote
lnenad - - 36 comments @ lnenad

Ma moze, barem pozajmljuj glasove :)

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lnenad - - 36 comments @ C&C Generals : Serbian Triumph

Ne mozes imati vise modova, zato sto svaki za sebe menja ini fajlove, pa doce do konflikta ako instaliras vise *izbrisace jedan drugog

kiboree hoces li da pomognes oko mod-a ?

Good karma+1 vote
lnenad - - 36 comments @ C&C Generals : Serbian Triumph

I'm thinking of just using serbian voices, it's an english game ;) . I've decided to use BeliDvor as the special building, as kiboree suggested !

Good karma+1 vote
lnenad - - 36 comments @ C&C Generals : Serbian Triumph

Ne znam sta da stavim na ulogu Colonel burton-a Black Lotos-a ili Jarmen Kael-a, mislio sam da nazovem figuru Narednik Djole ;) (Ratko Mladic mozda ;) )

Good karma+1 vote
lnenad - - 36 comments @ kiboree

Zelis li da pomognes?

Ako zelis, uclani se na moj forum i reci sta znas (photoshop, modelovanje...) na Serbian Triumph kategoriji :) ???

Good karma+1 vote
lnenad - - 36 comments @ C&C Generals : Serbian Triumph

Dobro si se sjetio :) ;)

Hoces i ti da pripomognes ?

MrDanijel :) citaj privatne poruke

Good karma+1 vote
lnenad - - 36 comments @ C&C Generals : Serbian Triumph

Moze, ali moras bar nesto da znas :) , crtanje tekstura, modelovanje kodiranje, bilo sta, ajd nacemo posao za tebe :) bar da pozajmljujes glasove, kako ti se svidja mod ?

Good karma+1 vote
lnenad - - 36 comments @ C&C Generals : Serbian Triumph

Can anyone help me choose Serbia's special building (Palace, Strategy center, Propaganda C. like building?)

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lnenad - - 36 comments @ C&C Generals : Serbian Triumph

Ја не говоро по русски

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lnenad - - 36 comments @ C&C Generals : Serbian Triumph

Pozdrav radetu :)

On je malo iskusniji modeler od mene pa ocekujte puno bolji izgled jedinica !! EXTRAAA :)

On ce da pravi jedinice a ja cu da pravim zgrade.

Posjetite sajt i forum za vise informacija !

Good karma+1 vote
lnenad - - 36 comments @ Cold War Crisis

Is there a skirmish against AI, i downloaded previous versions and the game is great but i would download it again if there are skirmishes but i have a 128 KBs connection so it takes 4 hours for it download so i would use the info. ! (if there aren't any skirmishing when do you plan on adding it to the pack?)

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