I was born and raised in Northern Virginia and going to College in the Western States. Star Wars was an essential part of my child and made an account to check up on Republic at War (RaW). I will be uploading videos of it to my YouTube channel and may be doing commentary for it.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 86)
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ INVASIO BARBARORVM

For anyone trying to install this mod in 2023 or beyond, I made a guide to walk you through it :)

Good karma+2 votes
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ CIS fans

Hey fellow CIS lovers!

Just started up my YouTube channel again. I am currently playing as the CIS so I think y'all will enjoy it! I'm considering doing online commentaries as well. Feel free to comment and suggest things you would want to see.


Good karma+3 votes
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ Republic at War

Hey Everybody,

I'm back!!! I used to be really involved on this site and posting gameplay videos on YouTube. I have stated posting videos again, considering doing online commentaries. Right now I'm just doing gameplay videos. If you have ideas, suggestions, comments, etc., feel free to give them.


Good karma+1 vote
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ Republic at War

Assuming you're CIS, commando droids are essential because they can cloak. That will allow you to take the nearest Command point to land more reinforcements. Beyond that I would use the MTT (the thing that spawns battle droids) an artillery unit and tanks. Remember to keep spawning the B1's for cannon fodder.

Good karma+1 vote
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ Republic at War

Good question and I wish I had a good answer. On my map it says out of the screen but obviously its not. There were some other battle with it but the Republic would retreat before I could it in range let alone shoot the ion cannon :/

But it will probably show up in my Republic videos

Good karma+1 vote
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ CIS fans

My fellow droid lovers, I have just finished my CIS campaign and have captured the most memorable moments on film and can be seen here.



Good karma+2 votes
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ Republic at War

Hey guys finished my CIS campaign last night and you can the final battle and a video with the Malevolence here


Next up, the Republic!! After I fix my AI problems (my CIS AI doesn't work against me in GC) :(

Good karma+1 vote
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ Republic at War

Hey everyone, just posted another Gameplay video and you can watch it here

Also I'm trying to get at least one decent battle in with Malevolence in before I start showing off the Republic.

Good karma+1 vote
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ Republic at War

Just ask MTGraves, I had install issues and he helped me out and he knows his stuff or keep listening Katy either way they know more than me

Good karma+1 vote
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ Republic at War

Just finished recording another game, it was like Star Wars Clone Wars but a 1,000,000X's better. You don't want to miss this one (150 fighter squadron were used on my side and The Pride of Core, I swear it's like Forrest Gump, showed up)

Good karma+1 vote
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ Republic at War

Cad Bane, upgrade to tech 5 and Malevolence must be built at Mintooine (the planet right by Mon Calamari) with level 4 or 5 shipyard/space station. I think the Malevolence is built at tech 3.

Good karma+1 vote
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ Republic at War

New Gameplay video posted and it's a long one Youtube.com

Enjoy!! :)

Good karma+2 votes
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ Republic at War

Hey everyone, just posted another video with the Pride of the Core, but with much better shots this time (IMO). Youtube.com

Good karma+1 vote
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ Republic at War

If you are referring to my General Grievous vs. The Pride of Core video that video blocked in some countries, like Germany.

Good karma+1 vote
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ Republic at War

Hey Guys, just uploaded some more gameplay videos for RaW. If you would like to see them here they are (https://www.youtube.com/user/KrazyKnuckelz)

Good karma+1 vote
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ Republic at War

Just finished a battle between General Grievous (with a CIS fleet) and The Pride of the Core you can watch it here Youtube.com if you like.

Good karma+1 vote
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ Republic at War


Good karma+1 vote
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ Republic at War

The mod is for FoC and there is a video on how to install it on YouTube.

Good karma+1 vote
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ Republic at War

I'll be dealing with the two Pride of the Cores :P

Good karma+1 vote
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ Republic at War

Finally starting to get hang of how this game works and how to beat it. I also posted 4 gameplay videos, go here Youtube.com to see them if you want and feel free to show them to friends so they know what there missing.

P.S. droid starfighters have the lock s-foils ability, isn't supposed to be hunt for enemies considering droid starfighers don't have s-foils and the hyper velocity gun for CIS cost 50,000 credits did Z mean 5,000 credits?

Good karma+1 vote
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ Republic at War

Just finished a gratifying space battle over Ryloth, go to YouTube to see it :D

Good karma+1 vote
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ Republic at War


I've had trouble installing the mod. I followed the directions (I think) and looked at the trouble shooting guide but nothing has worked. On my profile I uploaded a picture of my result, its a Kamino map with FoC selection panel.

Good karma+1 vote
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ Republic at War

It will...in one time zone :P

Good karma+2 votes
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ Republic at War

I believe it was 3GB. Hope your internet can handle that :)

Good karma+1 vote
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ Republic at War

Went through the manual, amazing quality, now all we need is the Mod itself.

Can't wait to start posting videos of it and thanks Z for all the work you put into this mod.

Good karma+1 vote
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ Republic at War

At the "multiple Ala-Carte unit addon's" does that include Kaleesh warriors??

Good karma+1 vote
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ Republic at War

I probably won't do commentary but I'll definitely be posting video's for it too.


feel to look at the videos I did for the original EaW. The more feed back I get, the more I can improve my style to show Z's work in all it's glory.

Good karma+1 vote
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ Republic at War

They can't. Z made them agree to NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) if they leak footage all the testers get kicked out and only the staff will be allowed to test.

Good karma+1 vote
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ Republic at War

Campaign isn't too important IMO. I play EAW over and over again for Galactic Conquest, not the campaign.

Good karma+1 vote
KrazyKnuckelz - - 86 comments @ Republic at War

Just a suggestion...ignore all till its released :P

that's the best update Z can give and asking for one now just delays it.

Good karma+1 vote