I don't look to outside sources to make me happy or fulfill me. I find spiritual strength & mental wisdom inside my being, the true answers always lie within, it's about having the courage and understanding to conquer you're fears, not only in this life but the next. Never let negativity be a part of you're life, it doesn't solve anything but be a destructive force to you're chi. When you find you're true inner peace the anger will no longer be apart of you're life, fear, hate, annoyances will simply be something you hear about, but not actually take part in. Then you will find so much beauty in the world, every were you look, the air will feel fresher, the water sweeter, the sun brighter and a feeling of true bliss and inner peace, that you are finally one with not only who you are, but what you are, from beginning to end, enjoy every moment, never waste a second, it could be you're last.

Comment History
johnathondavidmorela - - 2 comments @ The Rome: Total Realism Project

I hope you still keep up the amazing work, I find myself even with all the new total wars coming back to this title, there's something about it. Maybe cause it's older and a bit nostalgic, but also there's a much more tactical feel and size basis that even with all the awesome new gizmos just don't seem to have the same soul, so please don't let this wonderful mod die,
thank you.

Good karma+2 votes
johnathondavidmorela - - 2 comments @ ThemeZilla

Where can you download ?

Good karma+3 votes