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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 38)
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL v.2.6.2

Ohhh... I fell so dumb now. .-. Thank you mate as always :P

Good karma+1 vote
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL v.2.6.2

Never mind... Do I have to install Direct X? It just popped that up and Idk if I need it or not.

Good karma+1 vote
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL v.2.6.2

Immu... I got a minor question. Is it a .exe file that I am supposed to be downloading or not? Lol I was just making sure that I am downloading the right thing before I install it.

Good karma+1 vote
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL 4.7.X [Code Lyoko Game]

Hi IMMU don't you have a Doctor Who Game coming out or is it already out. Just curious.

Good karma+1 vote
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL 4.7.X [Code Lyoko Game]

Is there any way to fix the lag? I have removed like 1/2 of my cpus content. X_X

Good karma+1 vote
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL 4.7.X [Code Lyoko Game]

I know thanks anyways. I uninstall it because in my head it makes my computer less laggy. not saying that IFSCL cause a lot of lag just that I have a bunch of programs and it causes the computer to kind of back up. Sorry if you do not get what I mean...

Good karma+1 vote
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL 4.7.X [Code Lyoko Game]

Thanks but I don't really get what it is. :\ Like there are a bunch of moving dots.

Good karma+1 vote
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL 4.7.X [Code Lyoko Game]

Ok I feel so stupid. I unistalled IFSCL 2.2.6 and I installed 2.2.9. Well I went to type in IMMUs room code and it did not work. XD I didn't read that it was for 2.2.6. Lol

Good karma+1 vote
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL 4.7.X [Code Lyoko Game]

I cought on to that...but thanks...

Good karma+1 vote
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL 4.7.X [Code Lyoko Game]

Immu, I have found a small error. It might just be me but I went to the page to install it and it said " Connection failed: Host '' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' " I do not have any idea what that means. Can anyone please tell me like if its just like a problem on my end or something...

Good karma+1 vote
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL 4.7.X [Code Lyoko Game]

Just by the way for all you people bothering him about Carthage, William, IMMUs room thingy, Just leave him alone. It will take as much time as it takes. The more you bug and aggravate him the longer it will take. Remember its his choice when her wont's to release those.

Good karma+3 votes
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL 4.7.X [Code Lyoko Game]

No trouble at all. Thanks for telling me. You rock so far this is the best version to come. Great job!

Good karma+2 votes
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL 4.7.X [Code Lyoko Game]

Dose anyone know how I can get the instructions to 2.1.5? I am on the DNA mission. I just need to know where to find the PDF or what ever. Or if someone can explain it. Please tell me.

Good karma+2 votes
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL 4.7.X [Code Lyoko Game]

I am sorry for my irrelevancy,
But have i missed any updates scene the version that came out in I think it was August.

Good karma0 votes
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL 4.7.X [Code Lyoko Game]

I found the overclocking to be easy are you gonna make it harder?

Good karma+1 vote
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL 4.7.X [Code Lyoko Game]

OMG awesome i cant wait.

Good karma+2 votes
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL 4.7.X [Code Lyoko Game]

I FINALLY DEFEATED A HASTY DEPARTURE!!!!!XD...Are their more hard missions on the V2.0.5 immu?

Good karma+2 votes
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL 4.7.X [Code Lyoko Game]

I thought me and you went over this i cant help or i would i serusly would because i have so mutch free time but i really cant do the stuff with out and in depth explenation about how to do it but usualy i can

Good karma+2 votes
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL 4.7.X [Code Lyoko Game]

yah i agree and i aplode immu for it being this fast :D

Good karma+2 votes
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL 4.7.X [Code Lyoko Game]

I hate when one says end of 2012 cant ppl just say end of 1220 because its less... O_O yah

Good karma+2 votes
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL 4.7.X [Code Lyoko Game]

thancks alout man that explained alot more then what i could figure out.

Good karma+1 vote
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL 4.7.X [Code Lyoko Game]

what do the new picturs for i dont understand if anyone can explae them that would be greatly helpful to me

Good karma+2 votes
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL 4.7.X [Code Lyoko Game]

Its not a bug im sure it just a GRAT NEW FEACHER AS MANY!!!!!

Good karma+1 vote
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL 4.7.X [Code Lyoko Game]

What do mean?

Good karma+1 vote
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL 4.7.X [Code Lyoko Game]

Whares St.Vinent?

Good karma+1 vote
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL 4.7.X [Code Lyoko Game]

Ah same timezone cool. Whare is trinidad?

Good karma+1 vote
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL 4.7.X [Code Lyoko Game]

I know right i just have to wait for 4:00 AM in Maryland. Ill be dead asleep by then.Maryland USA of course. By the way I am DYING AS WELL GameCentral. I have realy bad anxiety so I will be up all night long waiting. But ill get the interface soon. So im trying my best to be pacint. As should everyone else.

Good karma+1 vote
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL 4.7.X [Code Lyoko Game]

Im SOOOOOOOOOOOOO Board Waiting Though!!!!!!!!
:( :( :(

Good karma+1 vote
jessej97 - - 38 comments @ IFSCL 4.7.X [Code Lyoko Game]

Immu Said "And the IFSCL will be out at 10:00 the 14 of April(FRENCH HOUR).. ( It's really frustrating for me too, so thanks to be patient, don't get on nerves)Everybody will get the version in the same time (it's about being equal, I won't change my mind on that)"
That being said he is sleeping now. Thair fore its done he just needs the spanish translation revisal sent to him

Good karma+1 vote