I'm a geek, a nerd, whatever you want to brand my kind; I gladly embrace the culture. I'm a gamer to my very core. I'm a writer and graphic artist. I'm a web designer. I'm many things.

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You know what pisses me off?

Jekotia Blog

Stuck up graphics whores that compare mods with shitty gameplay to amazing mods with shitty graphics. I run across them a lot on ModDB. The recent thing to set me off is a comment regarding EmpiresMod and Minerva. I can't recall where I saw this, but someone I instantly came to hate was saying how EmpiresMod is shit, go look at some SCREENSHOTS (aka I'm a graphics whore that loves eyecandy) of Minerva. I sincerely hope these type of people rot in Gamer Hell. Graphics != good gameplay, now kindly shut the fuck up before I make you.