I love creating interactive, fictional environments!

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Misery Stone - Project History

jclef Blog

To be honest, you could say that work began on Misery Stone around Halloween of 2007. My original intention was to make something very small for Halloween. So I created a small village set in Barovia, but due to a lot of real-life "static", I was unable to finish the module in time for the holiday :(

But that turned out to be a good thing:

I picked the project back up in Decemember of 2007. A new vision became clear. What would happen if the pure insanity of Alice In Wonderland were involved in one of those horrible head-on collisions with the Ravenloft setting? I had to find out.

Not too long after the preliminary work began, another milestone occurred - Enter Bouncy Rock Entertainment; A small fellowship of gamers-turned-developers with a shared vision of creating kick-ass modules for Neverwinter Nights 2.

The future of Misery Stone looks bright!