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Comment History
ImmutableOctet - - 26 comments @ ImmutableOctet

The models on this page are from years ago. I'm more interested in programming rather than modeling, so I more or less lost interest in making models like that.

These models aren't used in any specific project, however, I have released them. You can find download links here:

Good karma+2 votes
ImmutableOctet - - 26 comments @ Genesis Redux Project

The controls menu is for quick changes to your controls, so you won't find it there. You should be able to find it in the "Mouse-Keyboard-Config.xml" file, which is in your "Configuration" folder. I had it insanely high because of a few things I was testing, so the mouse speed is 1000. But there's also "mouse_sensitivity", if you're interested in messing with the settings. I honestly didn't look too much into the input system for the original engine, so there's not a whole lot I can tell you about that.

Good karma+2 votes
ImmutableOctet - - 26 comments @ Genesis Redux Project

There's a board on the forum for suggestions, so next time, go there. Anyway, the lobby idea was something I was considering, but at the same time, the project currently can already have lobbies. There's no specific feature, you just need to create a map that acts as a lobby. And I may look into adding features for this kind of thing later down the road. Right now I'm looking into porting the engine to Blitz Max. (And by looking into porting it, I mean; A bit of the port is already done)

Good karma+2 votes
ImmutableOctet - - 26 comments @ Genesis Redux Project

The current date is set to TBD(To be decided), but I'm hoping to have the engine out by the end of the year. The project as a game however, has no planned dates as of now. This is due to this generally being a one man job.

I have a few people who have contacted me, but their roles don't need to be filled as of yet.

Good karma+2 votes
ImmutableOctet - - 26 comments @ Genesis Redux Project

- Functions were added for more convenient editing* (I really need to stop doing this late at night.)

Good karma+2 votes
ImmutableOctet - - 26 comments @ Genesis Redux Project

List of added/modified features and objects since the version 0.7.8:

- Fixed the radii of objects

- Object syncing when reconnecting(So let's say you collect some rings, but then you have to reconnect, this makes it so the rings are not there when you reconnect)

- Configurable render distance, and fog

- Partly broken gravity changing monitors

- Smoother online movement(This will help with slower connections and computers)

- Shields no longer disappear, and then reappear on another player online

- Functions were added for more continent editing

- Object physics were added as a test(This is only working offline)

- Music changing objects have been added(For some odd reason, they lag when you go near them)

Good karma+2 votes
ImmutableOctet - - 26 comments @ Genesis Redux Project

So just as a quick update, here's a list of added/modified features and objects since the version 0.7.3:

- Spikes are currently working

- Player 3's animation is now sending and receiving(FINALLY, let's just hope it doesn't get screwed up again)

- The dedicated server is now in working order

- There is now client hosting, so you can now host without a dedicated program

- When taking a hit, you now flash for 3.5 seconds

- The bubbles' speed, and the platforms' speed is now changed to be faster with V-sync enabled

- Speedshoe monitors were added

- The rolling physics have been improved

- Added text chat (It still needs work to be done on it. It currently only posts messages in "slots", so it's not exactly the way I'd want it to be.)

- Shields are now visible online

- The electric shield now attracts rings correctly

- Objects now only update online when any player is near it

- Added model swapping option for slower computers(I blame the rings)

- Added homing attack option(This isn't 100% in working order)

- Players now have names above their heads

Good karma+2 votes
ImmutableOctet - - 26 comments @ Multiplayer coding... Successful!

So just as a quick update, here's a list of added/modified features and objects since the version 0.7.3:

- Spikes are currently working

- Player 3's animation is now sending and receiving(FINALLY, let's just hope it doesn't get screwed up again)

- The dedicated server is now in working order

- There is now client hosting, so you can now host without a dedicated program

- When taking a hit, you now flash for 3.5 seconds

- The bubbles' speed, and the platforms' speed is now changed to be faster with V-sync enabled

- Speedshoe monitors were added

- The rolling physics have been improved

- Added text chat (It still needs work to be done on it. It currently only posts messages in "slots", so it's not exactly the way I'd want it to be.)

- Shields are now visible online

- The electric shield now attracts rings correctly

- Objects now only update online when any player is near it

- Added model swapping option for slower computers(I blame the rings)

- Added homing attack option(This isn't 100% in working order)

- Players now have names above their heads

Good karma+1 vote
ImmutableOctet - - 26 comments @ Genesis Redux Project

So, after a lot of raging, I got working pretty much lag free online-mode working in my engine edit. But I'm having problems with animation. Hopefully soon, I'll actually post a worthwhile update.

Good karma+2 votes
ImmutableOctet - - 26 comments @ ImmutableOctet

That was from when I was a noob, the animations on the (Mario and Sonic) model were VERY bad. I'm a much better animator now. You and your PedoBearness.

Good karma+3 votes
ImmutableOctet - - 26 comments @ Current Project status

Well, .b3d mainly, but I can use other file types, like .3DS, or .X.

Good karma+1 vote
ImmutableOctet - - 26 comments @ Current Project status

Hm... Maybe, but I don't really know you too well, and that's not really an open spot. I said I needed BETA testers, but I didn't say that was open to just anyone who asks, I don't need BETA testers as much as needing people for Music, and programming. Hm... I'll consider letting you BETA test, but no promises.

Good karma+1 vote
ImmutableOctet - - 26 comments @ Genesis Redux Project

Project stage list:

Project Lightspeed Levels:

Level 1: GreenHill Zone
Level 2: MixedPath Zone
Level 3: DeepForest Zone
Level 4: FrostedMountain Zone
Level 5: FloodedSanctuary Zone
Level 6: StarLightCasino Zone
Level 7: MarbleCave Zone
Level 8: MK-Speed Zone
Level 9: EggFortress Zone
Level 10: Final Zone/Final Boss
Bonus Zone01: GreenGarden Zone

Special Stages:

Special Stage01
Special Stage02
Special Stage03
Special Stage04
Special Stage05
Special Stage06
Special Stage07

Note: I may change stage names, or the line up during the creation of the project. And, the bonus stage is for if you get through all of the special stages.

Good karma+2 votes
ImmutableOctet - - 26 comments @ Some Updates

And why do you think I said, "What do you think? Should I still mainly post stuff on YouTube or not?", I think it was obvious, I was going to show some progress soon.

Good karma+1 vote
ImmutableOctet - - 26 comments @ Some Updates

I was going to do that, but then I was thinking of posting another video a few days later, with some new progress. =P

Good karma+1 vote
ImmutableOctet - - 26 comments @ Genesis Redux Project

Here's the credits, for the project so far. Credits:

Stage by: Sonickidnextgen of Sonickid Inc,

Character model by: Blitzsonic Team

Monitor model by: Blitzsonic Team,

Chao model by: SEGA/Sonic Team,

Ring models by: Sonickidnextgen,

1UP model by: Sonickidnextgen,

Pole model by: Sonickidnextgen,

Music by: SEGA/Sonic Team,

Textures by: Sonickidnextgen, Blitzsonic Team, And SEGA,

Shield by: Sonickidnextgen,

Springs by: Blitzsonic Team,

Badnik model by: SEGA, and Sonickidnextgen,

Sounds by: SEGA,

Bumper model by: Blitzsonic Team,

Coding by: Blitzsonic Team, And edited by Sonickidnextgen,

Interface by: Sonickidnextgen,

Sonic and related content owned by: SEGA,

Project Lightspeed, AKA, The Nextgenesis engine owned by: Sonickid Incorporated,

Blitzsonic related content mainly owned by: Blitzsonic Team.

Special thanks to:

SonicFreak94, for BETA testing,

MetalSonicMK72, for a bit of help,

Linksonic5, for helping a bit with the coding,

2XY3, for a bit of help with getting started,

Twilightzoney, for helping with getting started,

SpineTheHedgehog2, for helping me with a few things, coding related.


Sonickidnextgen of Sonickid Inc,

BETA Testers/Other:




This engine/game is not to be sold.

Please do not take credit/Ownership, of this Engine/Game.

If this is used, or any content from the project is used in any videos, websites, or anything, give credit for the main project, and/or, what you used.

Good karma+2 votes
ImmutableOctet - - 26 comments @ Dayeti2

Looks pretty good.

Good karma+1 vote
ImmutableOctet - - 26 comments @ Sonic The Hedgehog : Genesis of the Azure Wind

is there anything i can do to help

Good karma+1 vote
ImmutableOctet - - 26 comments @ Sonic Physics v3

finally a mod i wish was already done

Good karma+1 vote
ImmutableOctet - - 26 comments @ Sonic:Source

awesome mod keep it up

Good karma+1 vote
ImmutableOctet - - 26 comments @ metalsonicmk72 3d model edit screenshots

his running needs work

Good karma+1 vote
ImmutableOctet - - 26 comments @ metalsonicmk72 3d model edit screenshots

the start of the idle animations

Good karma+1 vote
ImmutableOctet - - 26 comments @ metalsonicmk72 3d model edit screenshots

the start of the idle animations

Good karma+1 vote
ImmutableOctet - - 26 comments @ metalsonicmk72 3d model edit screenshots

its giving you a thumbs up lol it is a part of the animations not seen unless you do this

Good karma+1 vote
ImmutableOctet - - 26 comments @ Boost!

nice work

Good karma+1 vote
ImmutableOctet - - 26 comments @ Character Size 2

did you 3d model thease models

Good karma+1 vote