Howdy. Star Wars and LotR mod follower and enthusiast. Amateur voice actor for Thrawn's Revenge, Yuuzhan Vong at War, and hopefully more.

RSS Reviews

The Old Republic: Ultimate War

Mod review

Great graphics even though the mod itself isn't out yet. Gameplay will surely follow suit, especially if they talk to their peers in other EaW mods. Withholding 10 because of not being released yet, but hey, it's going to happen eventually. Best of luck fellows!


Return of Shadow

Mod review

A very ambitious mod! The creator has obviously put much thought into the future of the project, and has put lots of effort in thus far. He's multiplied and overhauled every aspect of the game, from maps to factions to heroes, and best of all, he knows the lore. We can expect everything from the Lossoth to the Haradrim, Lindon to Rhun, all in this one mod. Withholding a "10" grade because it understandably has some work needed.