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RSS Reviews

Naval War: Arctic Circle

Game review

This game is not for everyone, but for those who have a serious interest in military equipment, tactics, and strategy (especially sea and air based), this is more than worth the £15, and unlike its competitors, it has multiplayer.

Most of the negative reviews are from people with less than 4 hours gameplay. They are gamers, not simmers, who picked the sim up for novelty, not love of military simulation.
(The ones from people with more gameplay is usually due to PC issues)

NOTE: This game requires a powerful CPU! There is a lot of simulation going on, and if your PC is weak, you will experience freezes. The system requirements listed are way too low.

What I Like
> Intuitive, easy to use interface
> Great solid simulation of ships, submarines, aircraft, missiles, and weapons
> Scenario editor and workshop integration
> Potential for modding (I'm working on one)
> Smooth realtime, not interval based like competitors
> Functional multiplayer
> Most, if not all, bugs were fixed in patches

What I Don't Like
> Limited range of units
> The map is only Northern Europe, Greenland, and Eastern Canada. Nothing south of Belgium
> In some places, realism is sacrificed for balance
> Limited default scenarios (but there are lots on Steam workshop)

What I Don't Mind, But Other People Might not Like
> Rare freezing (temporary, usually 15 seconds or so) when lots of units being simulated
> There is no savegame function (GET OVER IT PEOPLE. JUST GET OVER IT!)
> 3D graphics are simplistic (it's a £15 SIM, not a flashy £50 game!)

Conclusion: DO NOT BUY unless you love modern miltiary strategy/tactics. It's niche as niche can be, NOT for everyone, but if you're an armchair admiral, you'll love NWAC.


MechWarrior: Living Legends

Mod review

Really amazing.

Never played any game with mechs in it before but this was a great gameplay experience!


Tactical Assault Mod

Mod review

The maker of this mod certainly had a terrible understanding of the military world in 1989 when he made this, but the mod quality for what it is trying to do is definitely good, so I'll give it that.


World in Conflict

Game review

Without a doubt the best RTT game ever.

The campaign is incredible and engaging, the camera and controls are perfectly intuitive, the multiplayer is still active and excellently refined, and all in all, the game is just so *polished* that it sits in my top 5 games of all time.