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FEAR2105 - - 24 comments @ Battlefield 2 Co-Op FEAR Edition

Read the installation guide on download page and go through all steps then your problem will be solved. (and/or watch installation video) :)
For further troubleshooting read comments too.
Beware to not extract in your SYSTEM DRIVE.
Hope you have fun and enjoy the mod.

Good karma+1 vote
FEAR2105 - - 24 comments @ Battlefield 2 Co-Op FEAR Edition

Hi, are you trying to run dedicated server with destruction? dedicated server only works with limited destruction coop version and fully tested with no problems.

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FEAR2105 - - 24 comments @ Battlefield 2 Co-Op FEAR Edition

hmmmmm, as far as I played many many rounds, there is no dominance on the ALLIANCE over RESISTANCE but only SEAL is an exception and I can agree on that. That imbalance on SEAL is because of the weapons bots use which are far superior than other teams (even US itself) and I won't nerf weapons because of this. (If you want you can change Anti Tank missile of SEAL AT to US one yourself - will make a huge balancing difference)
EU US RU MEC and CHINA are already well balanced in my opinion and in my plays we even lose matches playing coop with 2-3 players on one team and bots on the other team as 24 v 24 matches on highest difficulty.
Most of the time, outcome of the match will be based on strategic points on the map and the team who keeps it under control.
Plus, each map has its own characteristic and can be favored by Defending or Attacking Side.

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FEAR2105 - - 24 comments @ Battlefield 2 Co-Op FEAR Edition

Same as BF2 without mod. Nothing changed there.

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FEAR2105 - - 24 comments @ Battlefield 2 Co-Op FEAR Edition

artillery works both singleplayer and multiplayer and will be auto cast by commander script on cooldown (but to do so, both radar and cannons must be working - not destroyed by enemies)

I should mention that in multiplayer, artillery will not have red and blue strips attached (due to limitations of multiplayer) so it can be mistaken with airstrikes or something else and unfortunately it doesn't have kill messages.

Good karma+1 vote
FEAR2105 - - 24 comments @ Battlefield 2 Co-Op FEAR Edition

Probably you extracted in your system Drive (C:\) extract in some other drive and do the steps. otherwise there is a problem with your operation system or your account which won't let changes to be made.
Size of Battlefield 2 Folder after doing same as installation guide should be around 5.6 GB if it's around 5.1, there is problem on your end.

Good karma+1 vote
FEAR2105 - - 24 comments @ Battlefield 2 Co-Op FEAR Edition

hi everyone, tutorial video uploaded on youtube, moddb and nexusmods for those who have trouble installing and running the mod.
Hope you enjoy playing ;)

Good karma+2 votes
FEAR2105 - - 24 comments @ Battlefield 2 Co-Op FEAR Edition

Because you didn't follow installation guide.
Do all the steps of installation guide in download page and you will get it working.

Good karma+1 vote
FEAR2105 - - 24 comments @ Battlefield 2 Co-Op FEAR Edition

I'm glad you found it. Hope you like it and enjoy playing it solo or together with your friends.

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FEAR2105 - - 24 comments @ Battlefield 2 Co-Op FEAR Edition

I'm very glad that you found this mod and like it.
Answering your questions:
1)yes, new maps can be added but I won't be doing it as I mentioned before. People can create addon maps freely and upload it.
2)yes, extra guns can be added too, but they should be edited correctly in order to prevent crashes from happening (not recommended if you ask me)
3)yes, after every round (doesn't matter completed or not) you should restart the game to prevent bugs like missing icons of HUD and MAP and maybe crashes to happen.
Hope you enjoy playing this mod.

Good karma+1 vote
FEAR2105 - - 24 comments @ Battlefield 2 Co-Op FEAR Edition

The Time has come.
Mod is ready to be downloaded and played on
The one on Moddb is being uploaded as I'm writing this.
Hope you all enjoy it solo or together.

Make sure to do all steps of installation guide and learn how it works and what should be done or you will crash and experience bugs.

If it seems so hard tell me to create a video instruction on how to install and play.

Good karma+1 vote
FEAR2105 - - 24 comments @ Battlefield 2 Co-Op FEAR Edition

Thanks for your kind words.

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FEAR2105 - - 24 comments @ Battlefield 2 Co-Op FEAR Edition

Hmmmmm, if you asked me a month ago I would say it's 99.99% done and can be released (I will still say same thing ofc) BUT I've changed(fixed) some of small things just about 10 minutes ago ... xD. Sooooo don't know yet but soon.

Good karma+1 vote
FEAR2105 - - 24 comments @ Battlefield 2 Co-Op FEAR Edition

1. About vanilla style what changes should be undone, I'm asking because it's 95% like vanilla (with expansions ofc) only with better aspects.
2. Artillery usage is present and will be used automatically on cooldown by both team (no player needed to be present), supply and vehicle drop are on request of squad leaders, UAV request unavailable. (commander uses satellite scan of map to find enemy positions and use artillery but won't be shown to or be used by players - other scanning tools are already present in game :D)
3.Bots have available responses for their actions.
4.No, it's because of bots pathfinding on the maps and can't be done.
5.Unfortunately not. Sniper bots have same behavior patterns as other bots but will engage at long distance if they are able (spawn wise).
6.I didn't even look into it before your message but don't think so, Medics can't be squad leader due to conflict with their revive behavior.

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FEAR2105 - - 24 comments @ Hellfire and Turret Showcase

Showcase of Bot using hellfire missile and turret on enemy

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FEAR2105 - - 24 comments @ Battlefield 2 Co-Op FEAR Edition

Finally managed to make bots use hellfire missile with turret in attack helicopters.
Watch latest short video uploaded to see it in action.

Good karma+3 votes
FEAR2105 - - 24 comments @ Battlefield 2 Co-Op FEAR Edition

Hello everyone, hope you all enjoying a nice day.
Some changes from last time I wrote for you:
Sniper bots can place claymore mines (not always and won't happen often but I saw one myself in the game placing mine in an alley halfway to enemy base)
Bots can use gatling guns of Littlebird, EC-635, WZ-11 and all transport helicopters
Second bot in two man jets like F-15, Su-34 and Su-30mkk can use Maverick missile now
Better vegetation texture for almost all maps
In addition to flags, all operating transport helicopters and APCs can be used to spawn at if they have empty seat

Good karma+2 votes
FEAR2105 - - 24 comments @ Vegetation Decision #3

Based on Retextured Trees of -Fl4m3s-.

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FEAR2105 - - 24 comments @ Vegetation Decision #2

Based on Retextured Trees of -Fl4m3s-.

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FEAR2105 - - 24 comments @ Vegetation Decision #1

Based on Retextured Trees of -Fl4m3s-.

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FEAR2105 - - 24 comments @ Vegetation Decision #3

Which one you prefer? (Top one is Vanilla)
Comment Top, Middle or Bottom

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FEAR2105 - - 24 comments @ Vegetation Decision #2

Which one you prefer? (Top one is Vanilla)
Comment Top, Middle or Bottom

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FEAR2105 - - 24 comments @ Vegetation Decision #1

Which one you prefer? (Top one is Vanilla)
Comment Top, Middle or Bottom

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FEAR2105 - - 24 comments @ Battlefield 2 Co-Op FEAR Edition

Currently in final tests of both singleplayer and co-op.
Soon, maybe I upload a new video of what to expect in final version before release, or will stick to release Trailer, haven't decided yet.

Good karma+2 votes