We are the Dual Soul. We are Yin and Yang. He is a terrible, fearsome Dark with a flickering Light of hope buried inside. She is a incandesent Light of kindness hiding a Dark inner urge. We complete each other. We are together again, and we are finally at peace.

RSS Reviews

Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Mod review

Does it work? Yes. Is it playable? Certainly. Is it a cool idea? Absolutely. But is this something I actually want to play? No. Not in the slightest. This isn't an expansion of Dawn of War, it's a bastardization. There are dozens of units that are either made up, poorly made, or a combination of the two. I can't actually focus on the battle with how absolutely numbing the design choices in this mod are. There are many units that appear to be some sort of anime waifu ported in for fanservice and/or rushed to the point of being completely unrecognizable. If you actually give half a damn about immersion and lore in your 40k games, give this a wide berth.