Games. Mods. Development. My life tells itself!

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DrShikura - - 7 comments @ Ndu Ver 2014


Good karma+1 vote
DrShikura - - 7 comments @ Procedural and Random generation - Why do Indie devs love it so much

This was an enlightening read. I was wondering; Could you, per chance, do one on cinematography and camera locations in games? I'm interested in seeing the different styles there might be or what other peoples' opinions on the matter might be.

Good karma+1 vote
DrShikura - - 7 comments @ SCP-847: The Mannequin

Hey, guys. I just posted a new NEWS update on why this game has been so dead. It is awaiting authorization, and should be up by tomorrow. Thanks for the support! I'll try to get this going again just like it was before. On the top 100 page? We did it once, we can do it again!

Until then.... BED TIME!

Good karma+2 votes
DrShikura - - 7 comments @ Faceless

So, guys. Take this into perspective. You have a huge community of players expecting a great release. It's wanting to get greenlit, as well as large companies wanting it made. Nobody is stepping forward to complete the AI system, but there are ways to prevent mod death.

1) It could be simple, adding a basic Slender AI that is easy to script for some base gamemode version. The game will look pretty, with an original slender AI. Not what everybody was hoping for, but doable. If the game gets on Steam, you could easily bring it back later and revamp the AI, when the opportunity comes.

2) Make Slender player-controllable. Perhaps an extra gamemode. It won't be the best solution, as players may hack, or be a really stupid Slender. That, and it's the same difficulty level throughout. But it'll allow for skilled Slenders, and something of variety into the game.

3) There's a thing called Behavior Tree AI for your games. It's pretty complicated to script, but I'm almost certain there's plugins for it eventually. I know Unity has plugins, and source probably does as well. This could be a very simple way to add semi-advanced AI to your game without too much effort.

Release what you've got! You don't have a groundbreaking AI system for Slendy, but you have something to play. It's worth doing, if the mod is just gonna die otherwise. Don't let the thousands of fans be disappointed. D:

I admit, I'm no AI scripter, so if I could help, I'd love to.

Good karma+6 votes
DrShikura - - 7 comments @ SCP-847: The Mannequin

I like to think so. It isn't released yet, and is still very much so in development.

Good karma+2 votes
DrShikura - - 7 comments @ SCP-847: The Mannequin

I am trying to spruce up the gameplay mechanics a bit and get them ready for public eyes before I show any of it. So it will be soon.

Good karma+3 votes
DrShikura - - 7 comments @ SCP-847: The Mannequin

How's about you be patient. The page is still under development. I am sorry for the inconvenience, but there's only so much gameplay developed so far.

Good karma+3 votes