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Comment History
DREasy - - 28 comments @ Hexenstag

Yeah, the ruler designer's not compatible with the mod. Sorry :(

Good karma+2 votes
DREasy - - 28 comments @ Warhammer: The Dawi Kiss (for Geheimnisnacht)

More like comatose. Sorry about that, chief.

Good karma+1 vote
DREasy - - 28 comments @ Victoria Universalis v0.41

Solid progress in this version. Thanks for all the hard work!

Good karma+1 vote
DREasy - - 28 comments @ Faerun - Forgotten Realms v.0.3.0

Glad to see this released. Well done!

Good karma+3 votes
DREasy - - 28 comments @ dawiKiss demo 010818

It should. Some minor graphical issues have come up but nobody has reported crashes or failure to start.

Good karma+1 vote
DREasy - - 28 comments @ dawiKiss demo 010818

Kinda. We've given the duel system a hard look and decided that it's better to junk the Geheimnisnacht scripts and go back to Vanilla's resolution method. That's not a great solution and there will be some weirdness as a result, but it should remove some of the negative play experiences.

Good karma+1 vote
DREasy - - 28 comments @ Warhammer: The Dawi Kiss (for Geheimnisnacht)

This is definitely the right place.
We've been working on Bretonnia and the whole Grail quest is getting redone. I've done a partial (if exploitable) fix for the cultist thing which will be in the next demo even if the new Grail sequence doesn't make it.
I think you're being too polite with the buildings: it is a bug! Using character culture as the potential condition is too aggressive in most cases and we're going to redo the buildings to fix this, address balance concerns, and add some more in-universe logic to the mod.
Outremer, secretive Councillors, and Settra's wife will have to be looked into.
Thanks for your feedback, it really helps!

Good karma+3 votes
DREasy - - 28 comments @ Warhammer: The Dawi Kiss (for Geheimnisnacht)

OK. That sounds like its working as expected. (The portrait decision had issues so it was disabled.)

Good karma+1 vote
DREasy - - 28 comments @ Warhammer: The Dawi Kiss (for Geheimnisnacht)

You shouldn't be able to cast spells - the way that feature works in the base mod is very expensive - but I'm surprised that you can't craft items.
If you give me some more information about your save I'll see about fixing the crafting problem in the next demo version (due at the end of the month).

Good karma+1 vote
DREasy - - 28 comments @ Warhammer: The Dawi Kiss (for Geheimnisnacht)

Glad you got help somewhere, but if it's something we should explain in the readme do let me know what your problem was!

Good karma+1 vote
DREasy - - 28 comments @ dawiKiss demo 010818

Some people like it. Don't worry though, the current implementation doesn't use much in the way of system resources, so removing Cult of Ulric wouldn't speed up the mod :)

Good karma+3 votes
DREasy - - 28 comments @ Warhammer: The Dawi Kiss (for Geheimnisnacht)

An updated demo was due today, but there were a few more problems than expected. Should have it to you guys for the weekend.

Good karma+1 vote
DREasy - - 28 comments @ Warhammer: The Dawi Kiss (for Geheimnisnacht)

Dwarfs and Humans being in the same religious group won't get intermarriage because there are events to annul such unions. However, it is a fair bit of work to implement due to the way that religions and religious groups get used when scripting decisions and events. We're looking for lazier solutions. :)

Good karma+1 vote
DREasy - - 28 comments @ Warhammer: The Dawi Kiss (for Geheimnisnacht)

Another demo is kinda premature because I was watching the World Cup fairly avidly rather than working on the mod. :P But as the developer version now has some important fixes that people would want to play with, I'll tidy it up and put out an updated demo by the end of the month. (Problems with complex systems like dueling won't be resolved, but Chaos Undivided nomads will be able to hire ships, Arabyan Patricians will have heirs, etc.)

It's way too soon to give a timeline for a full version but I'll be sure to keep you guys posted.

Good karma+1 vote
DREasy - - 28 comments @ Warhammer: The Dawi Kiss (for Geheimnisnacht)

OK. Geheimnisnacht had ship mercenaries for Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh, and Tzeentch, but not Chaos Undivided. I've set all of those fleets to be available to their original god OR undivided now. (Haven't tested it but I can't see any reason why this won't work. On the off-chance that it fails I'll implement an alternative in the next demo.)

Good karma+1 vote
DREasy - - 28 comments @ Warhammer: The Dawi Kiss (for Geheimnisnacht)

I've looked into the marriage issue. As I understand it, the behaviour is part of the way that Nomads are hard-coded to operate in vanilla, so I can't fix it entirely. However, it is possible to break inappropriate marriages after the fact, the same way that Geheimnisnacht voids (say) a union between a human and a dwarf. That partial fix will be in the next demo.

Good karma+2 votes
DREasy - - 28 comments @ Warhammer: The Dawi Kiss (for Geheimnisnacht)

That is a question for the Geheimnisnacht devs. I think it's just meant to be hard! :o

(There are some workarounds and I'll look into them. If nothing else, recruiting Norscan sailors makes in-world sense.)

Good karma+1 vote
DREasy - - 28 comments @ Warhammer: The Dawi Kiss (for Geheimnisnacht)

The fix is pretty simple and I've just added it to the developer version. If you're keen to play Arabyan Merchants before the next demo comes out, take the file at and drop it into ~\mod\dawiKiss\common\laws\. (You'll need to create the laws folder.)

Good karma+1 vote
DREasy - - 28 comments @ Warhammer: The Dawi Kiss (for Geheimnisnacht)

Some work to boost Araby has already been done and the Tomb Kings are getting nerfed.

Properly restraining the Orcs is a bigger problem. One way to slow them that's being considered is moving the Dwarf religions into the Old World group (along with Grail, Sigmarite, Myrmidian, etc.) so that men and dwarfs will join the same defensive coalitions against threatening realms. That feels like the right behaviour but it hasn't been tested.

Good karma+1 vote
DREasy - - 28 comments @ Warhammer: The Dawi Kiss (for Geheimnisnacht)

Yes, but Akendorf probably won't get a special. The Border Princes was left as a loose and wild place in its WHFRP supplement "Renegade Crowns" - the book has no gazetteer for settlements and instead gives instructions for randomly generating the lay of the land with a pair of 10-sided dice! CK2 can do something similar, though writing those scripts isn't high on the agenda.

Good karma+1 vote
DREasy - - 28 comments @ Warhammer: The Dawi Kiss (for Geheimnisnacht)

Thanks, that does seem strange. Regarding the speed of the game, there's still improvement to make on our end but you could try standard techniques for getting CK2 to run faster, such as those listed at

Good karma+3 votes
DREasy - - 28 comments @ Warhammer: The Dawi Kiss (for Geheimnisnacht)

No need for an apology - it's a valid question! It looks like you solved things on your own, but the next version will have install instructions in the readme.

Good karma+1 vote
DREasy - - 28 comments @ Warhammer: The Dawi Kiss (for Geheimnisnacht)

That's working as intended.

Good karma+1 vote
DREasy - - 28 comments @ Warhammer: The Dawi Kiss (for Geheimnisnacht)

I'm sorry but that doesn't bring me any closer to understanding your problem. (From the information provided so far, it could be anything from a major problem with your CK2 install to the mere fact that some vanilla events aren't in the mod). Let me try breaking this down into a series of yes or no questions.

1. Are you getting ANY event pop-ups at all?
2. If you are not getting event pop-ups while playing this mod, do you get event pop-ups when:
a) playing Geheimnisnacht without Dawi Kiss?
b) playing other mods?
c) playing vanilla?
3. If you are getting some event pop-ups, are you seeing them when:
a) you make decisions?
b) your character is educating a child?
c) you have chosen a focus (e.g. Theology, Seduction, etc.)?

Good karma+1 vote
DREasy - - 28 comments @ Warhammer: The Dawi Kiss (for Geheimnisnacht)

OK. I haven't seen something like that happen, but looking at the (complicated!) Geheimnisnacht duel scripts I can see how it might occur. Can't promise a fix soon but it's something we'll look into. Thanks for reporting the problem!

Good karma+3 votes
DREasy - - 28 comments @ Warhammer: The Dawi Kiss (for Geheimnisnacht)

There are several issues with duels in Geheimnisnacht 1.2. The only one that's been addressed so far is setting duel stats. (In 1.2, characters aren't evaluated so everyone gets the same duel stats.) You should find that strong duelists die to one-handed craven weaklings far less frequently.

Good karma+1 vote
DREasy - - 28 comments @ Warhammer: The Dawi Kiss (for Geheimnisnacht)

I'm not sure what's happening in your games. What do you mean by "no random events"?

Good karma+1 vote
DREasy - - 28 comments @ Warhammer: The Dawi Kiss (for Geheimnisnacht)

It's probably best to install the hotfixes into the main mod (Geheimnisnacht, not Dawi Kiss). You shouldn't get any compatibility problems unless someone has come out with a very ambitious hotfix recently. You will get the benefits of the hotfixes if they address files that aren't modified by Dawi Kis, and if those files have been modified by us - well, hopefully, we did at least as well as the hotfixers.

As for content, the Elven Kingdoms are unlikely to come back because it's hard to get the lore to match up with the dynamism required for interesting gameplay. At present, it seems like an off-map entity would be a better way to represent them. (There are also some technical considerations that influence that decision.)

Lustria hasn't been so thoroughly considered. It might come back but it's not something that we're talking about right now.

Good karma+3 votes