"Yeah. Don't forget to dry-clean the baby." Playing games? Pah! Playing games is overrated! I just pop the disk in my mouth and use my imagination

RSS Reviews


Game review

I have been playing 3079 for about a week and I haven't finished it yet (Mainly because I keep dying, not to say it's a bad game!)

I am enjoying the game very much, I have played multiplayer and it's very fun playing through the game with a friend or two. I like how all the weapons and equipment are randomized, it makes looting your kills a whole lot more fun to try and find a trade up for what you currently have. Having level generation makes every new game seem genuinely new and unexplored. The constant war between the different races makes travelling challenging, which is good! I don't want to be bored while I walk around to different places. But if there comes a time when the distance is to far or there is one of those pesky demons around, there is always a fighter available to hijack.

Gameplay aside, I know I am going to get a lot of hate for this but I am not particularly a fan of the current art, and I say current because it can still be improved upon in future versions. The NPC's and players are made out of rounded rectangles which is a bit of an eye sore and unfortunately the textures are overly bright and garish too. I haven't read dev blogs on this or twitter feeds so I don't know if the developer is simply using these models and textures as placeholders or if he poured his heart and soul into making them (If it's the latter I am very sorry, but I say what I see). I am sorry to say this, but I really don't think there is much style to this game which is a shame because a graphical content can go a long way in making the character feel immersed in a game environment.

Overall, this is definitely worth trying. If you are like me and you took a look at the graphics of the game and didn't particularly like them, don't let it put you off!
The gameplay far surpasses the graphical side of the game and you'll find yourself playing this for quite a while.

Bring a friend!


Pineapple Smash Crew

Game review

Amazing game, reminds me of the SNES game "Smash TV"!

It's a real shame the game doesn't have multiplayer as it is PERFECTLY suited for it, but with one developer this is understandable. For what the game lacks in multiplayer goodness it certainly makes up for in fast paced, retro, shmup action.
The music to this game is amazing, I will never get bored of starting a new ship and listening to the masterpiece of a soundtrack.

The grenades are all very unique and have a nice feature allowing you to detonate/activate them whenever. It's very hard to choose between massive firepower from traditional grenade explosions or saving up a bunch of health grenades.

What I find great about PSC is how you can either quickly blast through a level quickly, picking up the mothership coords on the way or (For those perfectionists out there like me) you can clear each room one by one. The latter will quickly rank up your mercs, and obviously lengthen the amount of time you spend playing the game.

I was sad to see there wasn't end game modes like survival or and endless level mode. Hopefully this can be added in through an update or DLC (I know i'll be buying it)

PSC is definitely worth a purchase.


Hard Reset

Game review

It's fantastic to see quality like this without looking at AAA mainstream titles.
It's fun to quickly load up this game and kill some time/enemies.

It does tend to get a bit boring though, that's probably just me not generally liking fast paced shooters like this.

I do think Hard Reset is worth a purchase though, you will get your money's worth!


Tropical Stormfront

Game review

The simple mechanics of this are refreshing from most RTS games which are often convoluted and generally take a while to learn.
The game remains minimal but without diluting the tactical aspect of it, which is great!

After downloading the game yesterday and going straight into multiplayer it was easy to pick up what units were effective against what and how crucial it was to keep capturing bases.

The game also reminds me a lot of 'Advance Wars' which I loved to bits.