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Comment History
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ ru_t90_crows

A CROWS is a Crew Remote Operated Weapons System

Good karma+2 votes
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ Republic at War

I don't know, but is the sphat beam meant to only take down the shields or is it also able to damage hard points?

Good karma+5 votes
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ Republic at War

have you ever read the Republic Commando book series?

Good karma0 votes
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ XtaZe's Mods

Yea nobody really knows and I think its because Hasbro added the colours for RC Targets and really their armour is only silvery grey.

Good karma+2 votes
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ XtaZe's Mods

One last thing though is that I believe Omega wore a silvery grey coloured armour, and that those colours were made up for the RC Targets short story

Good karma+1 vote
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ XtaZe's Mods

well this is the closet I have found to all their armour from before

its both Delta and Omega Squad below the pictures it has the names of each commando

Good karma+2 votes
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ XtaZe's Mods

idk then cause I just started reading the Republic Commando series again and from the books I understand that after the mission on Qiilura that they requested black armour and they got black armour after that

Good karma+1 vote
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ XtaZe's Mods

From what I understand from the books is that all of omegas squad armour black

Good karma+1 vote
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ Republic at War

um... in the past I have gone to gamecopyworld for a cd crack and they have worked

Good karma+3 votes
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ Republic at War

Yea I get it were it says not enough memory,but my virtual memory is set at 6144mb.
I just gave up and started using the autosaves

Good karma0 votes
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ Republic at War

yea I had the same problem, but I don't now
Um like it says turn down your graphics if you haven't already
I hit default and let it chose my graphics except I change the resolution to match my monitor, and only turned up the texture quality, and something else (I forgot)

Good karma+1 vote
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ Republic at War

At tech level 5 I just use Venators, and just let them come to me with my arcs and v-wings in front to engage them head on. I also leave the Venators in the formation they are in and they defend each other with the point-defense (I think its those ones) and I can defeat them.

Good karma+1 vote
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ Republic at War

Z says that if you can run CoH you can run this mod and Countdooku I basically have the same system stats (except that I have 4gb ram) and I can tun CoH med/high graphics but might be dofferent for you

Good karma+1 vote
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ Republic at War

Zero will put instructions on how to install it in the readme like does in his other mods

Good karma+2 votes
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ Republic at War

idk what you mean put i know zeros making an expansion

Good karma+1 vote
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ Republic at War

I just asked and he said yes

Good karma+1 vote
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ Republic at War

guffe yes they are i got gold for christmas.
check EB Games(If you have one) or GameStop

Good karma+1 vote
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ Republic at War

k well it work for SW EaW gold pack. where it all comes on one CD

Good karma+1 vote
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ Republic at War

Happy New Years!

Good karma+1 vote
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ Republic at War

k to stop the confusion i asked zero and he said the beta is being realesed to testers.

Good karma+1 vote
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ Republic at War

I think those are them and I'm not a staff member

Good karma+1 vote
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ Republic at War


Mace Windu
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Commander Cody
Senator Organa

Minor Heroes:
Aayla Secura
Barriss Offee
Saesee Tiin
Shaak Ti
Adi Gallia
Luminara Unduli
Stass Allie
Plo Koon
Clone Commander
Delta Squad
41st Elite Legion
501st Legion
327th Star Corps
7th Sky Corps
212th Attack Battallion


Count Dooku
Asaij Ventess
General Grievous
Jango Fett
Nute Gunray
Poggle the Lesser
Sora Bulq

Minor Heroes:
OOM-9 Command Droid
Aurra Sing

Good karma+2 votes
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ Republic at War

oh and not confuse anyone the ARC-170 is a fighter/bomber

Good karma+1 vote
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ Republic at War

the republic bombers well be the ARC-170 and NTB630 as far as i know.

Good karma+1 vote
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ Republic at War

they are making a real trailer

Good karma+1 vote
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ Republic at War

yes the arc-170 starfighter rear gun well fire

Good karma+1 vote
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ Republic at War

yes as far as i know

Good karma0 votes
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ Republic at War

It comes out in December sometime i believe

Good karma+1 vote
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ Republic at War

k, well i got the gold pack and getting it for X-mas.

Good karma+1 vote
Darman822 - - 30 comments @ Republic at War

Ya is there a difference between RaW and IA2? And the mod looks great and i can't wait to get it for EaW.

Good karma+1 vote