Coba Games is a start-up indie games development company located in Canberra, Australia. In our day jobs, we work as software developers. But our real passion was in what we spent most of our time doing outside of work…playing games. It has always been a dream for us to merge the two worlds and kick-start a games development company. So, fast forward a few years later and with a new addition of our kickass graphic designer and a bit of blood sweat and tears….we are finally here! With our first manga styled puzzle action game in the works, we are excited with what the future holds. Please support us!

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Using delegate controls in cocos2d-x

Using delegate controls in cocos2d-x

Masato Design/Concepts

In my previous article “Implementing MVC pattern for cocos2d-x projects” I had mentioned about a “Model” sending messages back to the “Controller”...

Implementing MVC framework for cocos2d-x projects

Implementing MVC framework for cocos2d-x projects

Masato Design/Concepts 3 comments

To understand this article a working knowledge of the cocos2d-x framework is required. As mentioned in my earlier post "Road to cobagames part 2", I came...