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RSS Reviews

Salamanders mod REFORGED: Unto the Anvil of War!

Mod review

Honestly, this is a really excellent mod! I like Salamanders as a chapter, the mod adds in several really nice special touches for them and they look really awesome!

Great work, Fuggles!


Chaos Daemons Mod (Soulstorm)

Mod review

Downloaded it yesterday, and it's definitely a huge improvement over version 0.96! The army has some seriously neat variety to it, and the abilities available are very nice.

That said, there are a few bugs (Assassinate, which it being worked on (Best of luck on that!), the Sacrifice ability, the ability to team color more of the army) which do detract from it, but what is here is a very full work, and definitely worth a DL!

Good luck on UA 1.73, dudes! Hope it's a major hit!