I am a part time developer, I can model, texture and animate, and code python. I like making tools for others to use or disect :D

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Geometry nodes in game - Efficiently !!

blueprintrandom1 Blog

This is generated in realtime from a curve using blender modifiers,
its physics shapes are being updated in realtime in UPBGE - the sphere is a bullet rigid body.

upbge_vr branch updated to blender 3.0 prototyping branch

blueprintrandom1 Blog

upbge_vr branch updated to blender 3.0 prototyping branch
build in video description

upbge 0.3.0 - early alpha

blueprintrandom1 Blog 1 comment

upbge_0.3.0 early alpha download (win64)
Blender Metal
Known limitations / Current Gotchas

  1. To blend animations you must use

    object = bpy.data.objects[‘ObjectName’]

  2. Armatures skinning is slow
    try using very low poly actors or bone parenting chunks (think GI joe joints)

  3. Random crashes for me when exiting the embedded player
    use standalone*

  4. Object.worldTransform * Vector()


    object.worldTransform @ Vector()

  5. Using parented objects .worldPosition, .worldOrientation, .worldTransfrom all silently fail

    you can use

    child = parent.chidren['ChildName']
    local = parent.worldOrientation.inverted() @ (child.worldPosition - parent.worldPosition) 
    child['local'] = local #store local value


blueprintrandom1 Blog

Hello all,
I use a game engine - blender game engine
it was pulled out of the new blender


the engine was removed from blender in the 2.8 project but there is a large community of people that love it,

a friend did his best restoring it, but it still needs work
we are prepared to pay the right person to work on it,
right now key issues are.

1. Animations can be played but not blended

2. BPY is required for standalone mode as now you can affect the running scene with it and it's required to do many things.

3. armatures added to the scene don't play animations

if anyone wants to help for free that would be great,
but if anyone is a pro who thinks they can fix this we would also like to pay them if they require.